Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alcam Telrin

You just can't find any gentlemen anymore.

Credit goes to me,made on

Name: Orfine

Region: Outer
System: Kalakus
Suns: G2V type Star, "Tira".
Orbital Position: Habital zone
Moons: Orbus Twelve,Orbus Thirteen,and Schmargar
System Features: Mostly just asteroids,and a star called "Tira"
Coordinates: Y:20 X:17
Rotational Period: 30 hours
Orbital Period: 348

Class: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Atmosphere type I
Climate: Earth-Like
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: Grassland

Native Species: N/A
Immigrated Species: Humans,Hutts,etc,basically everyone.
Primary Languages: Galactic Standard
Government: Federation
Population: 8.6 billion
Demonym: Orfinite
Major Imports: Weapons,Ships,Armor
Major Exports: Food,Iron,Gold

Affiliation: Federation of Free Planets

Major Locations:
Talon City: The Capital of the Planet,and the Federation of Free Planets as a whole,it contains the Chancellor's tower and the Senate building.

The Outer City: A city filled with the farmers food,where Farmers go to sell their fruits and vegetables. It is a large place of commerce.

The Fields: A gigantic area dedicated to farms and farming,this is where the majority of farms go.

Shi'qua Mountains: A beautiful view of Talon City,it stands at the end of the city. Inside one of the old mines is a military base.

Culture: Mostly farmers on the planet,along with Political figures. The government is a democratic one,meaning there is also a Senate building.
Technology: The planet is standard in terms of technology,although it doesn't have too many factories,meaning it has to buy weapons off-planet.
History: The planet was born,with animals everywhere. With this,the planet prospered. As the cycle of nature took it's course,the trees evolving and growing at fast rates. Giant fields were created,that the animals would frolic in. Plants filled the area,with fruits growing on the top of these trees. Because of this,the animals had to evolve to fly. This is the cause of many flying animals on the planet,with very few species not actually flying yet. After these many years,a group of miners went out,in search of mines. As they landed,they headed straight for the Mountains,which they named the Shi'qua mountains. They'd then begun mining. When they struck gold,they agreed to keep it a secret. One miner,however,contacted his friend and told him to come over so they'd be rich. This friend contacted his friends,who contacted their friends,and the gold rush began. Suddenly,ships from all over the galaxy had landed to get this gold,the mines becoming filled. After a year of mining,the gold ran clear. They searched all over,and found nothing. And so,they abandoned the planet,and it returned to it's natural course. The animals continued doing their thing. A company set down,deciding to colonize the planet. They built many cities,but the hostile animals ran them out of town. On this planet,the Federation of Free Planets was born.

Notable PCs: Alcam Telrin
Intent: To serve as the Federation of Free Planet's capital.
Okay, a few points here:
  • Moons - Please expand on what these moons are like.
  • Major locations - Please expand with more detail on the locations.
  • Culture - Please expand.
  • History - This is good, but does not focus much on the actual planet. How was the FFP founded?
[member="Alcam Telrin"]

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