Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Empire of the Lost

A coalition of former Imperials and displaced refugees based in the Lianna system rallying behind the idea of establishing an empire to secure peace and order for their people, noted for their realpolitik attitude and flexible internal affairs.

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OOC Faction Philosophy

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Aculia Voland

Protecting her children from the shadows.

The faction """owner""" of the Empire of the Lost encourages a collaborative, open-minded approach to the governing of the faction, and has no problems taking input or ideas from others. He really is here more as a coordinator for ideas and to make sure everything fits in with the lore in a (somewhat) cohesive manner for immersion purposes. He may propose ideas and actions, but he does not want to have to yank people into them, he wants them to join them willingly! Ideally, at a future point in time, he would like to make this a semi-democratic system where people can vote on ideas and factions, and where he can take in feedback in how to make it more fun for everyone.

He may appoint helpers to assist him with doing this, and encourages them to think of their roles like he thinks of his, being a coordinator rather than an "owner" so to speak, as the faction is "owned" by its members!

Rules (For the Discord/Faction Forum)

1. Follow all applicable SWRP Chaos rules.
2. No discussion of IRL politics or other controversial issues, this is a place to escape from those.
3. Be cooperative and collaborative with your fellow Empire members and other faction people who might visit. This is far from a sweaty website.
4. Bring up any concerns to the faction staff.
5. Act like a (somewhat) normal human being.

Creative Freedom Vs Immersion

The faction "owner" of the Empire takes a middle of the ground approach when it comes to creative freedom vs immersion. He will genuinely try to work in any ideas that you might have, however, some might not work with the overall philosophy and/or governance of the Empire to keep it immersive for other writers. Accordingly, some ideas may be rejected if they cannot be worked in properly in a realistic way. This is not meant to kill your muse or creative bubble, but rather encourage it to be more creative to work in guidelines and build together something special with other writers.


The faction "owner" requests that anyone joining the Empire have a reasonable amount of activity in the faction, barring unforeseen personal issues. He will try to encourage monthly activity in at least one thread for members of the faction to play around with, either DMed by him, someone else, or a more loose/open-ended thread. It is totally okay to feel like you no longer have enough time to dedicate to the faction, just let the faction "owner" know, you can always rejoin later. Just don't want the Discord/Faction filled with inactive characters.

Will It Go Major?

The faction "owner" has in the past run factions on different websites, and even been an administrator of them. He is not inherently opposed to this, but will request that if this is done several enthusiastic members help him with these duties as he feels that to properly run such a thing requires more than one person, even if he is willing to take on the overall coordination role. He does not have the time nor the inclination to be a dictator. It also depends on the players of the faction and what they would like to do, if a majority vote to go major, the "owner" will go about starting that process.
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