Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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On My Own, or so I Thought

For years I had wondered, and searched. Ever since I was a kid, I wondered who my dad was. Sure I had seen holos of him, and seen his armor. I had heard stories of who he once was. Fighting in battle with my Uncle, but now, He was gone. He had left because he chose actions to become a Dar'manda. He was an outcast. But even then, I wanted to find him. Ask him what happened then, and what happened in the time that had taken place. I searched for his real name. His name was Aldaen Fett. A direct descendant of Jango, and Boba Fett. His line could be traced back to the two Mandalorians. I searched for anything. And a week ago I finally got a ping.

Concord Dawn. A planet within Mandalorian Territory. I left Alex at my place on Mandalore, and went to Concord as fast as I could. Taking my ship with me, I followed to the general area of where the ping was. It was here that I searched for three days. Finding nothing fruitful. It was when I was sitting in a bar that I heard someone call out Aldaen. I turned to look around in my green armor. Seeing a rather old, yet still kicking man. His face was strong and formed rather well. He had a slanted nose as though he had broken a few times too many. His eyes though. Piercing blue eyes that I had been told I had from my now dead mother.

I knew it was him. Even from the old Holos, the man hadn't changed much at all. But instead of going by Fett, he was going by my mothers name. Mair.

It was from here that the man moved to the bar. Shaking a few hands before sitting a few seats away from me. Finally he took notice to me turned around facing the bar with nothing to drink. He scooted one over and placed his hand down on the counter. Trying to grab my attention, even though he already had it. Dressed in spacers leather, and smuggler like vibe, he smiled.

"Hey there stranger, can I get you something?"

I decided to let it drop on him.

"Yes. Looking for a Kid. Though now he would be an Adult. His name is Jorn Mair..."

I turned to look at him. And his face went stone cold. His hand came up and bashed me in the face as he spoke. He was faster than I had taken him for. Well, that's a pureblood Mandalorian for ya.

"Don't utter that name."
"Why not old man?"
"That name means a lot. Don't ruin what is left of him."
"What is left of him?"
"He's dead you bastard. Now get out of here before I kick your ass."

I looked at him. Just stared at him for a moment while everyone looked at us.


I got up from the stool and started to walk out. Stopping as I grabbed my helmet. It was already unclasped. and I slowly pulled it off. Showing loose brown hair. A stubble of a beard, Piercing blue eyes, and a jawline that looked like somebody else's in the room. My head bowed. My face down towards my chest as I spoke one word that I knew would change my life, and his.

"... Father."

15 Minutes later
We sat in the man's house. My helmet was off, but I was still clad in the armor. He looked at me and shook his head. Looking me over. My entire body. I was even taller than him. Not all by Genes. I mean sure, I stood at six foot ten, but my father was only at six foot one. The other nine inches I had were "made" by me taking shots and serums to increase my body as I grew. So in my armor I stood just over seven foot. Lets just say, I had to duck in more than usual to enter his door.

He sat me down, and I heard loud creaking from the wood chair I was in. I stood right back up, and he understood why. It was then when he finally spoke.

"I know you have questions. And I know that you might be angry at me. But I will answer them all. No reason to hide it from you if you could have found me. I just have one question. How long did it take for you to find me?"

I was silent. I stood there looming over him as he too stood. I looked at him, and my emotions calmed. Just being able to see him made me feel better about this.

"I started when I left Mandalore on my own. I was 14."

His head dropped fast and hard. His hand coming up and covering his face. I could tell he was trying not to blame himself. Or at least stop himself from crying. Even the strongest of men can crack. My father was no exception.

"I'll start from the beginning...."

4 Hours Later
My father had spoke to me for four hours straight. He spoke to me how my mother and he fell in love. Finding each other of all places, Her wedding with another man. She was going to be forced to marry some guy from Courscant because of her father. And while she would have a pristine life, she wanted true love. She had been a Jedi Padawan at the Jedi Temple, but left. She was out on one of her solo mission and met my father. The two bonded, and on her wedding day, he came and took her. They ran away and joined the Mandalorians.

They had me. Their only son. But it was when both of them had one of their missions, my mother was captured. And against his superiors, he went after her. He was told when leaving that no one would help him, and he would be considered Dar'Manda. He was going to fight Sith when there was no war with them. And the Mandalore, didn't want blood to come onto his hands.

He left anyways. Coming back to Mandalore for one last time to drop my mother off. He left and wasn't seen again because he made himself invisible. He went off the grid literally. Erasing all trace of him. He lived on Tatooine for years among the Sandpeople. He then came back to Concord Dawn after hearing the Wars of the Sith. And joined up under a new name. Moving up to just a Rally Master Rank. He then retired from the service, and lived on Concord dawn to avoid us so he wouldn't be spotted.

He has been living here ever since.

"I'm sorry son. I didn't want to leave you. I hated it. I wanted to be there for you, but I couldn't live a life knowing that your mom died when I could still prevent it."

I nodded my head and was about to speak when he stopped me.

"One more thing.... I had to move on. I had learned of your Mother's death about two years ago. And you were proposed KIA from your official records. I did search for you. I was a mess. And that is when another woman came into my life. She fixed me up. And we got married."
"Father, that is fine, I do-"
"I'm not done."
"Okay. Continue?"
"We had a child. A Daughter."

I... I have a Sister?

Two Weeks Later
I had all the information I needed. I needed to look for one name wherever I could. I looked for the surname.Tahlee. All the orphanages in the Galaxy for any name. I got a few. But one that was close to the date of birth. She would be about 18-20 years old. I found a total of three. After doing background checks, I saw that only two were available. And the closest, and likely one, was a woman who now went by the name of @Nyx.

I needed to find my sister. I wanted to find what was lost. And now that I had found what it was, I just needed to get it.

And that, was my Family.


Insert Hilarious Title Here
When she awoke that morning, Nyx was a wreck. Mordred had finally allowed her to take a small 'vacation' from her training, and she was spending it in the ass end of nowhere: Ord Mantell. It was a planet of wrecked ships, drunk spacers, and small cantinas. The woman was in her element as she waded among the scum of the underworld, playing sabacc, drinking, gambling, and fighting. In fact, her last fight was with a Trandoshan; and now she was regretting saying what she did about the lizard's female relatives and what they got up to when he wasn't around.

Nyx swung her feet out of her rented bed, and stumbled to the mirror in the room. With a slight pang of dismay, she realized that she had slept in her clothes. Again. She sighed as she tried to smooth down her wild hair, and somewhat succeeded, but hissed when her hand brushed against her scars.
She stopped and stared at the things. They started on one half of her face, right below her eye, and extended down below her chin. They were the result of a krayt dragon ripping half of her face off, and while it had healed, the scars were permanent.

The woman sighed deeply as she strapped her sword to her back and slipped her blasters into their holsters at her waist. She had a few days before Mordred wanted to leave the planet, and she planned on using them; mainly to destroy her body a bit more.
She exited the room, throwing a few credits at the woman who was letting her stay as she left the house without a word. She strode through the town, and ended up where she'd been spending her days: the cantina.

Nyx strode in the establishment, with only a few people giving her a second glance. They were getting used to her, she guessed. But one pair of eyes was glaring pure hatred at her; a certain Trandoshan's, who seemed like he was getting ready to come over to her.
She snorted. If the lizard wanted round two, he'd get it. She opened her mouth and took a deep breath. . .

The duros bartender sighed as he threw the woman's unconscious body out into the street. This was the third time this human had picked a fight in his place, and he was getting sick of it. He went back inside as she began groaning, rubbing her head.
"Damn." She muttered. "Thought I had him for sure, that time."

"Why am I stuck here while you go out? I have been a hermit for most of my adult life."
"So have I. You don't have armor, and I don't trust anybody. So I want you to watch the ship. If need be you can grab weapons from the armory."

Walking down the ramp with the revolver on my right thigh, a beskad upside down on the small of my back, a rifle magnetized to my upper back, and a trench knife attached on the front of my chest. I put my helmet on. Letting the Hud come to life in its calm blue glow. I walked down the ramp of the ship with heavy thuds as Aldaen yelled out at me.

"I hate it when my son turns out like my wife!"

I smiled just a little at that statement. I then pulled up the hood of the cloak I had to cover myself. I stretched my fingers as they were in the crushgaunts I wore. They were perfect for me. Punching, and striking things so hard that my strength was increased five times. I was already a big guy. As they say, I could. "hit like a hammer" even without the gloves. But with them on, and I could almost literally send you across the room and make your shoe fly off.

Taking my hand out, I dropped a few credits for the toll of landing here. He looked up at my towering form and thanked me. I moved on without another word. Walking out of the halls that led outside of the spaceport, I made my way down the street. I wasn't going to search for my potential sister right away. I needed a break. I wanted time to think. So I went to the nearest bar. Walking in, I found that scrappy woman was fighting a Trandoshan. And well. She didn't do too well. Even more so, she was knocked out really hard. I wasn't against fight a woman. But beating her to a pulp? and then spitting on her as she lay on the ground like a sack of meat? I drew the line.

As the Bartender threw the woman out for "starting the fight." I walked up to the bar where the Trandoshan had been standing before. Taking his "Spot." Even more so when I ordered a beer while moving his drink off to the side with a push of my hand. Trandoshans are very territorial. SO naturally, he came up and pulled my hood down. Seeing I was wearing armor. Spoke in his native tongue.

"Speak basic. Maybe then people will understand your lies."

He looked at me cross. Then spoke.

"Move, or I will move you. I stand here."
"Don't see your name on the floor."
"You don't even know my name!"
"Don't need to woman-beater."
"So what? That supposed to mean something to me?"

I raised my fist and slammed it right into his face sending him to the floor in a two hit fight. Me hitting him, and him hitting the floor.

"Means somethin to me though."

I then took my beer and poured it over him. Might as well do something right? The men around were all ready to start a fight should any one of them want to man up. I placed a few credits on the table, then walked back out. Seeing the woman now standing, I waited a second, Then walked back inside, grabbed the Trandoshan, and hauled his ass outside. Letting him hit hard into the ground. He woke up.

"Now miss, Care to fight him again on equal terms?"

I was all about Karma. And particularly about how she was a queen. I happened to be that today for this trandoshan, and he would soon learn for a second time, that Karma can be even worse.

"Or would you like something a little extra to help you?"

[member="Nyx"] [member="Nyx"]


Insert Hilarious Title Here
Nyx spat blood out her mouth as she glared at the Trandoshan, and smiled at the one who had put him on the ground.
"Oh, I would love to go again." Her smirk grew as she cracked her knuckles, then stepped towards the Trandoshan, who looked up to glare at her.

"Don't even try it, human wh-"
The overgrown lizard didn't get to finish his insult as her foot collided with his face, his spittle flying through the air. Her foot felt like it was about to break, but it was so worth it! The next few minutes were filled with a good-old beating as Nyx unleashed her frustration about her life on the poor lizard. With her punches and kicks, and Trandoshan blood splattering onto her, the woman couldn't help but feel pleased. This was so much better than drinking her troubles away, and got her a bit of a workout.

Finally, she decided she was done with her punching bag. She considered slitting his throat, but decided it wasn't worth the bribes it would take to haul her out of jail. She finished with one last kick to his side, and blew a lock of hair out of her scarred face as she turned to the Mando.
"So," She said as she panted with effort. "I suppose I have to thank you, now. What do you want?"
He obviously had a reason for bringing the thing out here. No one did anything out of the graciousness of their hearts, after all.

[member="Kalyr Alor"]
As the woman went to fight the P-O-S. I stood back and watched as others who tried to come close were met with the sight of my visor looking at them. Seeing as how I stood just over seven foot tall. it wasn't very likely that they would come right up to me. Once she was done, she turned around to ask what I wanted out of how I had helped her. Instead, I walked over, grabbed the groaning man by the neck, and held him up.

"I see that you have learned not to mess with women."
"Gurah - yes!"

I walked him over to the door of the bar, and threw him in. He smashed through the doors and onto the floor.

"Have your goddamn spot."

I walked back over to the woman. Looking down at her, I took my hood off to reveal my green helm.

"No I do- Actually. I am looking for someone about your age. Could you help me find her?"


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