Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Of all creatures that breath...



Wind moved through her black hair like a lovers fingers as it swept the dark strands from her pale face. Whispers on her lips gave life to the incantation that would heighten her senses and help her search through the dense jungle world.

Dathomir? No, but not as unlike as one may think. Her back pressed against a tree trunk as she sat aloft in its branches. Did the height expose her position? Obviously. Yet, the better view was worth the temporary danger. Her gloved hands made not a sound as she turned to the horizon and scanned. There was a structure or large rock through the branches. She couldn't quite make it out but if her intelligence was correct, the treasure would be there. She quickly climbed down and got her bearings before starting her walk toward the site. This would be a day to remember.


She was alone. It was better that way. Alone she could do what she must and be concerned for only what she chose. It was not that way when traveling with others. She had focus while alone and when she was focused she was most effective. Years of traveling through foliage far more deadly than this place boasted was paying off as she deftly traversed the jungle. Her Rancor would have been a great boon but the attention it would have drawn to an Initiate alone was too great.

She had miles yet to go when she smelled something. Most would not have noticed but the scent of durasteel and servo oils was not natural in the least. Her senses hightened to the degree of an animal's and her quick mind were her only warning before the sounds of cracking branches reached her. There was little she could do for the moment, so she took cover behind a dark wood tree large enough to house her and simply waited to see what was coming. Her had dropped to a blaster pistol the Mandalorians had left when they last brought things to Dathomir. They believed they were protectors but when you waited on others and came when they called, you are a servant not a superior. However, they were too simple to see that and it was probably better that way.

A group of hunter-killer droids stepped from the dense under growth followed by a man in black. His armor was loght and little more than a padded jumpsuit with plasteel chest and shoulder guards. His black boots with plasteel shin gaurds were too clean to have been long in the jungle. Which meant he had come here recently or had a lair close by. She ducked back behind the tree after her breif look and holstered the blaster. She could defeat a man but not four against one. Slowly she slipped under a fern the size of a speeder and began to circle out away from the hunting party. With the blessing of the goddess she would not become the prey.


Silent and cautious she slipped through the undergrowth and began to circle away from the man. The droid's sensors had not picked her up and the man had not seen her, it was a blessing certainly. She passed behind another large tree and lost sight of them but with the distance between them and she now she felt sure she could continue on her former course.

The jungle had gone silent withthe presence of the man and his machines but slowly it began to return to normal. The jungle knew one of its own and she passed through as such. The air slowly became more dense as steam from the wet soil began to rise. Her own sweat mixed with the damp hot air and caused hair to cling to her face as if glued. She moved over a fallen tree, its in sides nearly completely harvested by ants and their kin. Slowly she slipped to the ground and paused. It was quiet again and it did not take her long to guess why.

A blaster bolt burst toward her and punctured the side of the tree where her head had just been. She had dropped to the wet ground. Detritus and mud quickly smeared her face hands and chest as she pressed to the forest floor. She could not see the shooter nor had she sensed the approach. She assumed droids but there were many with the skill to go unnoticed in the thick of the jungles. She pushed her way back toward the hollow tree and crawled inside for cover. Insects began biting her exposed flesh in defense of their territory and were quickly and quietly wiped from existence as she moved along the trunk looking for away to slip through and catch her attacker from the flank. If she was not careful she would soon be dead.

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