Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Great Houses of Alderaan

To provide a place for writers to expand the lore of Alderaan and the Galactic Alliance

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Nobles Houses of Alderaan

  • House Alde
  • House of Antilles
  • House Baliss
  • House Cortess
  • House Devoe - Duke Kyle Devoe
  • House Frayus
  • House Girard
  • House Killesa
  • House of Organa - Queen Faith
  • House Panteer
  • House Qel-Nosh
  • House Rist
  • House Serrus
  • House Syrush
  • House Teraan
  • House Teral
  • House of Thul
  • House Ulgo

Note you can build your own house name and it can be added to the list. This list reflects mostly the houses known in canon.
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