Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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No Miryoku

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Act One - Jingi Naki

Matsu continued to work, her force energies working as she remained at the desk for her research. Pouring over the notes she had been working on for modifying crystals and creating effects within them as she tinkered more and more. The crystals on her wall rack with crystals and metal supplies had her going over some of them while she slowly worked on shaping the metal to nearly match the amulet she had on the wall. Her focus intently there before she was touching it and slowly molding the metal into something better that could be held on a chain for the neck. "Let us see what we can do now." She was looking at the shield amulets and the first step wpuld be to study it and cannibalize the method as best she could.... Destroying the amulets in the process but she would and should be able to make it how she needed to.

Image Source:
Intent: To Create a special item for lightsiders
Development Thread:

Solari Found:
Shield Amulet Found:
Shield Amulet Found:
Amulet researched and reconstructed:
Manufacturer: Sasori
Model: Shield Amulet
Affiliation: Private Market
Modularity: No
Production: Minor

Solari Crystal
Force Imbued Hybrid Plexisteel
Force Hardened Hybrid Plexisteel
Created with research into ancient Shield amulets, the darkside artifacts being destroyed in the process of experimentation but yielding testable results as Matsu went to work. The crystals she harvested from Rhen Var with Grandmaster Iella for her sabers and research into them. Those proved what she needed to use to augment and improve the amulet as she forged a small plate of plexisteel that she poured force energy into. Forging and slowly augmenting it with art of the small to produce a barrier as the solari crystal's properties of feeling the lightside to detect the person wielding it.

The amulet will not function for anyone not of the lighside and works almost on a sub conscious level that allows it to project a small barrier of energy to protect from a blow.... For around thirty seconds. It isn't like a personal shield generator, it doesn't have a power source it has a wielder and uses the force energy of those it is attached to. The energy it draws is moderate able to be reduced with training and understanding by stronger force users but without the special training it can tire out most people. The second major thing is how it works with no on switch. The amulet slowly bonds and attunes to the user.

With that bond it is able to read their thoughts and react when they fear for their lives creating a barrier to resist energy and kinetic impact but then it will dissipate after thirty second with a small pop of energy that can push back small things. Afterwards though it needs to recharge and rebuild energy both with itself and the one using it. The hybrid plexisteel hardened with the force like force armor or a blade increasing its weight and resistance to blasters which can protect it from shattering as well as provide minor resistance against a lightsaber striking it.

As with lightside artifacts a powerful enough darkside attack can remove the properties and leave it a decorative amulet. Some additional testing of it allowed for one to disable it prematurely but at a greater cost of energy then if they let it run its cycle and pop. The treatment of it and further testing might be able to improve this but for now Matsu was just glad that she was able to work and create something able to be used by the jedi.

Energy Resistant Shield
Lightside Restricted

Consumes Force Energy
Requires Special Training
Does not Function on worlds without the force

Primary Source: (Please link the source of another writer's submission that you are modifying for your use; only necessary for "Chaos Canon" submissions)
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
She finished with the metal and looked up, slowly breathing in the scents of tea as the newest addition to their inventory sat in the corner of the room. Her hands bringing over to it her dishes and some water and plates. they had created for use. With the new converters they could use the exploration ship and turn food and rations or supplies they find on planets to build up and make new things. Her smile on her face while she spoke. "Jasmine tea hot." The three words of wisdom while it started making it and she looked at the steaming cup before heading back to her desk and the display of the amulet came up. Her notes showing next to it while she was starting to work on the crystals to fill in the parts of the metal while she was working on it. Another sip and she began to go to work on the foundation of the amulet with the pulse of the solari crystals working in her free hand before she took another sip.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
As she set the cup of tea down Matsu was going to work even stronger now, she was refreshed and the delicious tea was still coating her tongue and throat as she was slowly pushing herself into the crystal and metal. She let the force energies pour through into the metal and felt the essence of the lightside within her hands while she worked to augment the metal at the lowest levels. She was pushing it to release energy as it filled with force power. The solari crystal resonating as she slowly weaved it into the metal at the smallest levels to create a unified technique. The crystal would react to the force user and the metal would fill until it was ready and then.... Well she was working on it for the shield to be created while bonding and working to incorporate a mental key to it. Slowly thoughts filled her mind of how to improve the metal and the crystal inside while she was pushing the force into it more and more to harden and make it glow with an almost ethereal fire.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The thickness of the metal and the potency of the crystal that she was looking over in her minds eyes. She was working to smooth out the edges and make it work for her with the force powers in it. Slowly Matsu pulled away from it while she touched the metal and could feel the warmth of the metal against her fingers. She picked it and held it in her palm while letting the crystal hum with the force energy she could feel pouring into it from her hand. She filled it until the blue crystal glowed a soft blue. She slowly set it on her chest putting the chain around ehr neck and clasping it shile she rose up looking into the mirror. The small weight on her neck meant little when she compared it to what she was hoping it would mean in the end and Her hand came out. Fingers extending towards the wall as the slick silver hilt came to her hand. The etchings on it showing it was from the old republic and the Sunrider's line. The sound of a snap hiss came while the silvery blue blue sprang to life while she felt the two force presences within the saber at her side.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The hum of the lightsaber came to her as she was looking in the mirror, force energy shimmering while her blade came up going to the side and Matsu touched it. The build up of energy popping as it let loose a shimmering blue shield. She wasn't sure how long it would last but her blade met the shield and it was making sounds while it hummed. She pulled her saber away while the shield was shimmering and she slowly moved in it looking it over as the span of thirty seconds in her head counted down. The shield burst popping with a small explosion of energy and she felt it like her stomach dropped out from under her, that void of energy that slowly she was working to refill and pour it into while Matsu felt a sharp intake of breath before touching the shield amulet and sliding it off of her chest. Looking over the rest of the things she had there while her eyebrow raised up. "Curious." She was thinking about the time it had lasted and felt with some more thoughts.... She wasn't certain about the feeling of it taking the force could be changed but the time may be able to be improved or in some cases stunted so you didn't have a shield all the time.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu had gotten some food and another cup of her tea while she was looking over some of the notes and equipment. Filling in her research on altering the properties of the crystal's to suit the needs of what they were making. A small look on her face while she was setting the amulet aside and making more notes on what had been happening while she worked on it but also used it. She had been able to feel the draw of force energy and the sensation of the shield over her body and skin, the warmness of the solari crystal as it was reading her and that small tug of a link from the amulet that was almost reading her mind. That subconscious thought she might lose her arm had activated the shield allowing her to protect herself before it popped and sent out a small repulse of force energy. Her hands were writing in the notes as she continued to compare it to the first destroyed amulet she was looking over. Phase two of her research to try and improve it she was more then certain would break and destroy the second but that was something that would and should be done once they had the information they could to protect and handle them.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
She took a deep breath before plunging into the amulet again, looking it over and slowly as her energy was coming from the small amulet. She could see some more of the detail and was making notes of how to work the tweaks she was thinking about, the force energies she was pouring into the amulet illuminating the small etched runes that glowed red before the small crystal shattered and the amulet disintegrated. She had ruined the amulets but now they could never be used to try and corrupt again while her attention shifted to her notes with he rpupils dilating as she was recalling everything she saw. The ink slowly created an image with her notes and diagrams of the small etchings that came from it as well as more notes on what she was learning about alchemy and the sith magics, given that Rave and AYden had given her a leg up compared to many she was proud to say she had some ideas of the things she was doing and slowly drew the amulet she was working on with her notes where slowly she was working to spread the lightside within the amulet.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The two destroyed sith amulets were there as dust while she was working with the one she was making, getting to the smallest parts of it she could with her fingers and the force energy. Pushing and shaping with the lightside of the force using the solari crystal to read it and slowly channel it deeper and deeper into the metal. Bonding both of them while she sat there for several hours going over each inch of it with almost a fine tooth comb to ensure there were no imperfections within the amulet through the metal or the crystal. She slowly pulled her head up from the amulet as the chrono was beeping that it was time for her to eat and to make sure she wasn't expending to much energy. Matsu looked up from the desk finally while holding her hand out and pulling a bottle of water to herself while she poured some of it into her cup. The ceramics simple enough but the real enjoyment was the liquid on her dry throat before she leaned back letting out a long breath. She'd be needing to test the piece again but she was still working on it while the amulet sat there glowing.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The amulet was finished she was certain of, or at least it was as finished as she could make it for now. The amulet would need intense research and testing into its capabilities before she could really try and fine tune it into something stronger or something more common for her jedi. She would have to experiment on the amulet which... inflicting harm on someone else wouldn't really be helpful... They would need to attack her and that might make it harder should the amulet's shield fail or should it not preform as she had predicted. It gave Matsu a little pause but not enough to really deter her towards testing it while she was setting up the simulation to use. They had several things to work with and scenarios while she had a grin on her face holding the amulet on its chain before sliding it over her head so it glowed in the center of her chest. "Alright, lets begin." Matsu looked at her robes as she took them off and stood there in her sarashi and pants with bare feet as the chill of the observation training room came rising up her spine.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The whirring of the simulation came to her as it filled the silence in the room, quickly the cold steel walls cleared revealing the vastness of space before simtroopers were appearing of the infected she had faced while on Coruscant. THe snarling of their voices as the sabers in their hands gleamed red and sickly green moving forward slowly as her blade sprang to life. The snap hiss and silvery blue light appearing in her hand as she waded into them. THeir settings high but not dangerous levels while her feet left the ground. The shimmering of the blade slashing low bat a saber away from one of the hands while she came down between four of them with three blades slashing at her. The thought and reaction was fast but the pop as energy escaped from the amulet and enclosed around her deflected the sabers when they impacted with her shoulder holding on before she ducked lower and lower spinning and slashing into the feet of another infected. The shield dissipating in a pop that sent the simulation back a little more disrupting the energy while Matsu turned and threw the one saber into the face of another. The draw of force energy there but she was used to feeding the force into her body on a near permanent basis to move. Now she was using it to dispatch the other two that came towards her with their sabers while the sensation of the amulet went from a dull coolness to a warmth in the center of her chest and this time it wasn't space taco bell. She caught her saber and deflected a blade using flowing water to get in close and sever the simtroopers hand until she pushed him away and turned around the shield activating with her reflexes. The force moving her body before her thoughts caught up and she stood there with a shimmering blue energy field caressing her skin while looking at the one final troopers saber on her shoulder and chest before she brought her saber around and slashed him ending the simulation. Matsu felt the pop and knelt down as the blades hilt touched the floor with her body taking in breathes quickly and loudly. She could feel it and the more she did it in succession she was certain it would become painful if she wasn't careful, much like the force blaster she had built and worked on. "Alright I have some more notes to make." Matsu was moving off towards her room after awhile and adding the notes for her equipment while thinking about a few more things and over all how it would be best to implement it.

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