Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Niysha
FACTION: Sith Empire
RANK: Sith Apprentice
SPECIES: Twi'lek
AGE: Young adult. Actual age undocumented.
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'3" (1.6m)
WEIGHT: 120 lbs (54kg)
EYES: Blue
HAIR: None
SKIN: Yellow
FORCE SENSITIVE: It's amazing she hasn't been picked up already.


+ Cat burglar. Niysha's life has been checkered, to say the least. Through trial and error, and no small amount of natural talent, she's become quite the accomplished thief. She knows how to move without being heard, how to case a building to find the best entry points, and how to slice a huge number of locks. She could still be making a very decent living as a thief.

+ Bendy little bugger. With the body of a gymnast (or possibly a dancer) and the training to match, Niysha is incredibly agile. She moves with the grace of a hunting cat and walks with the perfect balance that one only learns from years of dancing for her life. She has wonderful mobility and coordination in a fight, and she's a superb shot with a blaster despite little actual training.

- Broken. Born into a life that had already been determined for her, Niysha has been told what to do for as long as she can remember. She has no ambitions, no drive, no goals, and most tragically no sense of resistance. Though she can weather tragedy and hardship, she simply has no willpower to speak of. Her resistance to mental compulsion is pathetic, and her blind acceptance of authority figures leaves her in a state of constant subservience.

- Adrenaline junkie. While she doesn't quite have a death wish, Niysha puts almost no value on her own safety. It's not entirely clear whether she's simply dangerously addicted to adrenaline, mildly suicidal, or just an incurable masochist, but she frequently puts herself into positions where she gets horribly banged up.

Niysha doesn't actually own property. Any ship she uses she either stows away on, or Kära gives her use of.

Like the majority of Twi'leks, Niysha started her life free on Ryloth. She was gifted with a dancer's physique and her parents made sure to train her as such. Their intent was to make sure she had at least one easy source of revenue later in her life, even if it was just shaking her arse in some cantina, but Niysha was too young to understand how difficult it was for a Twi'lek woman to make a living any other way. She resented her parents and was far too eager to leave them.

She didn't have a choice in the matter in either way. As was far too frequently the case, when she wasn't old enough to properly remember her life up until that point, a deadly heat storm approached her village. Her parents were forced, like so many others, to sell their daughter to one of the slaver barges to save her fragile young life. Once again, Niysha was taught to dance, to serve, to be submissive and to accept her place in life. However, much more importantly she was taught to hate.

She hated her masters, who beat her when she disobeyed or simply failed to achieve what they wanted. She hated the other slaves, who she always felt had it easier than she did and she saw as simpering weaklings who sat and took it. She hated her parents for delivering her into a miserable life. Eventually, she simply snapped, broke like a twig beneath her owners' boots and forgot how to resist. Her life was unfortunately quite average for a Twi'lek girl, filled with abuse, bouncing between whoever would pay more for her, and never raising her head or meeting the eyes of another.

Shortly after she was old enough to be visually-appealing flesh candy instead of just a simple serving girl, Niysha discovered that her body could be useful in other ways. She made her first theft when she was in a back room after her owner rented her out for a private dance. She came back with the man's credit chit, presenting it to her current master in a broken-willed attempt at garnering praise. He was so pleased about it that he started pushing her to do exactly that more often. Every time he spotted a mark and rented his Twi'lek out, she came back with results.

It occurred to her far later than might be expected that with the skills she was developing, she could simply escape. Amazingly, it took her even longer to actually go through with it. Niysha nicked the activator to her own slave chip and the keycard to her collar from her owner's bedstand without being noticed, but with great hesitation besides. She was free, and had the skills to make a wonderful living for herself.

Initially, Niysha did exactly this. She didn't achieve a name, or a handle, or leave a callsign. All of these things would have required an ego. All she had was boiling hatred, a love of danger, and a sense of resignation. Instead, she used her ill-gotten gains and bought herself a condo in one of the nicer sectors of Nar Shaddaa, free from the harassment that she could expect from the slightly less pristine lower levels, and lived the life of a successful heist thief. She could've kept it up for the rest of her life; she'd break into a rich estate, steal just enough to support herself but not enough to catch a lord's eye, then go back out again when she needed a renewal of funds.

While she wasn't known to her victims or their enforcers, the small amount of fame she'd achieved in the right circles was her undoing. She had no callsign, but the sheer amount of high-priced goods that she fenced drew a few eyes. Regularly, Niysha would be contacted by less successful thieves who wanted to collaborate in a complex heist, or she'd be hired for a very decent rate by those who needed her skills.

One evening, she recieved such a call for a complicated job. It would require her to infiltrate in a more visual manner than she normally preferred, disguising herself as one of the dancers (a feat that she could easily manage) to walk in the front door and avoid the extremely tight security. She left as much of her gear behind her as possible and got in without any effort at all...only to meet the crime lord's entire mercenary army who knew very well who she was and what her intent was. She'd been set up.

The general plan wasn't to kill Niysha, but to make her suffer. She'd be sold one more time, but this time for amusement rather than as property. For an unknowable amount of time, Niysha was passed around the criminal capos and immoral businessmen of Nar Shaddaa as their private show. She reached new levels of understand in pain and hatred, her sense of intimacy violated in ways she'd prefer not to have endured. Then, one day, she woke up in a gutter. Apparently she'd stopped being entertaining, or simply wasn't worth enough to sell around. She checked her apartment and, naturally, everything was gone.

Something strange overtook Niysha in that moment, after her life had been chopped up and handed back to her like so much roadkill. Some part of her wanted it all to be over. Maybe she felt she had failed at attempting to be a free woman, or maybe she just wanted to return to what she'd known as normal. Whatever the reason, Niysha found a small smuggler crew and sold herself back into slavery for just enough credits to buy a dangerously large collection of bombs. She set them on pressure triggers in a proper position to send every face she remembered from the last few months of her life up in flames.

Without an ounce of hesitation, the former master thief returned to her original servant's life. She was happy, in a way, to get back to "normal," and the crew of the ship was relatively kind compared to what she'd experienced as a child. For the most part, she was content.

And we can't have that, now, can we?




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