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Character Niransh Binzra

Niransh Binzra

Niransh Binzra


NAME: Niransh Binzra

FACTION: Unaffiliated
RANK: Witch Queen of Lachbroch on Batva

SPECIES: Batvadan

AGE: Believed to be over 400 years old currently.

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5 feet 2 inches (hunched like the rest of her species though so she appears shorter)

WEIGHT: 95 pounds

EYES: Does not have eyes.

HAIR: Pure white, and is tied back behind her head.

SKIN: Pale

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, though she does not know what the force actually is.

  • Mind Reading
    • Niransh can read minds of those who come before her. Though fungus brewed elixirs are brewed to enhance the accuracy and availability of her gift.
  • Mind Control
    • Niransh has gained much power over the typical members of her people that lived around her home by enthralling them through the force. They now serve her as a living demigod (a side effect of long lasting control).
  • Far-Seeing
    • She has visions of the future sometimes. Commonly she brings these visions upon herself through herbal concoctions from the various cave fungi she grows in her home, but the force allows these mixtures to have a true effect.
  • Incredible Sensory
    • Can sense the presence of all things on Falmoora, given enough concentration, through the force, and would be very aware of any travelers who somehow found Batva long before they would know of her and her people's existence.

  • Immortal: Though only in her home which pumps spore filled air constantly and has allowed her to indefinitely prolong her life. She has no idea how she would be if she walked outside of her home.
  • Visions of the future through the force.
  • Can control simple minds with the force (how she got the thralls)
  • Ruler of a city.
  • Several tribes under her rule.
  • Has many servants and thralls.
  • Mysterious reputation allows for more power over Batvadan minds.
  • Strives to advance her species’ civilization before it is too late.
  • Batvadan blindness
  • Primitive
  • Savior complex-makes her rather arrogant
  • Isolated on Batva
  • Only one who understands the ancient technology on Batva
  • Could possibly die if she leaves her home due to the chemicals, fungi, and pumped air keeping her alive far longer than her species allows.
A frale, pale, female Batvadan. She is incredibly old for her species, with many wrinkles on her face and body making her have the appearance of a pale prune. Her eyes are covered with a large crown, and she wears robes made using fibers from Akhiliikh as well as chitin from Akhiliikh.

Niransh Binzra grew up in one of the various tribes on Batva. Her childhood was rather simple, and was of the common kind for Batvadan offspring. However, as she got older, she started to have terrible dreams that seemed so real. She never said anything to the other members of her tribe in fear they may cast her out as a witch. So, time went on, and her dreams never really improved. However, her response to them did. She began to realize a correlating part with all the dreams; they were all so realistic, and they all ended up happening in real life. It was then she realized that these were images of the future appearing in her mind. One vision told her to travel to the Rochluns, the great machine that breathes life into her world, and build a great city there before outsiders come and ruin Batva. Only by improving her people’s civilization would she be able to prevent her world from falling into destruction and ruin forever.

In order to satisfy her vision, she traveled across the wilderness of Batva to the great Rochluns. When she arrived, she discovered that at least five different tribes settled the area and lived in tenuous peace so as to not destroy the massive machine they practically worshipped and settled the region for. Niransh snuck inside the machine, and began making a home for herself inside the air circulation chamber of the machine. She grew a small fungus farm for herself as she honed her powers she was discovering on a near-daily basis. First, she could read the minds of the other tribes through dreams, and possibly manipulate them to her liking. Then, she was able to control some of the weaker minds and bodies of the other tribes to have thralls to carry out her will. Then, she discovered that she could use the machine’s workings of air circulation to make herself immortal, by channeling the force and the air around her to continuously breathe life into her as well as the planet. Then, the final discovery, was that she could use the force to sense all living things on the planet. She could concentrate enough, and feel the presence of the tribes moving around her home. She even felt the presence of other things far above her and her world that seemed to fly by for extraordinarily brief moments.

As she grew her power further from discovering all she has so far, she then used those powers to influence the other tribes surrounding the Rochluns to obey her will. As time continued, the community around the Rochluns evolved from a cluster of tribal settlements to something that would resemble a city. The city was called Lachbroch by her newfound subjects. However, time would continue a bit further, and she realized that those who surrounded her home began worshiping her like a demi-god. The weaker willed ones became constant thralls always under her sway, and would build monuments and temples to commemorate the various tribes that settled there and made the community under Niransh's sublime encouragement. Now, thanks to the influence of Niransh, the Batvadan tribes that built Lachbroch are bringing about the renaissance for the Batvadans from their growing city. All Niransh hopes for is that her people can be strong enough before it is too late. She has seen visions of outsiders coming to her world. Those little flying things she felt before would come to Batva and land to bring them. That was the future of her world, and she must act to prepare for it as best as she can, for her vision did not specify how these outsiders would treat her world. If they would be friendly, Niransh has spent centuries preparing diplomacy, and what she might say would be of value for the outsiders. If they were hostile, Niransh prepared her city alone by building great walls and defenses with her legion of thralls, as well as troops from the tribes of Lachbroch.




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