Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Night Stalker


Name: Night Stalker
Designation: Non-sentient
Homeworld: Enigma Prime
Language: High pitched clicks and cherps
Average height of adults: 5 meters long, 20 meter wing span.
Skin color: Dark Brown - Black (Though the wing membrane will have a reddish hue when light shines through them)
Hair color: N/A
Breathes: Type 1
Strengths: Flight, Apex Predator (No natural enemies was it has reached a certain size), Echo Location
Weaknesses: Nocturnal, Sensitive to sound, Sensitive to Extreme Cold
Distinctions: Night Stalkers can be generally defined by their huge protruding ears, long sharp teeth, insect like legs, and bat like wings.
Average Lifespan: 10-15 local years
Races: N/A
Estimated Population: 1-2 million. Only found on Enigma Prime.
Diet: Carnivorous, anything smaller than it is, and of a fleshy type nature
Communication: High pitched clicks and cherps
Culture: N/A
Technology level: N/A
General behavior: Semi Social. A single Night Stalker will have a large range that it patrols. However, with the volatile nature of Enigma Prime, and the constant need to move away from volcanically affected areas have left the species very tolerant when one or more other Night Stalkers enter its territory. Thus although generally you will only see a single one in a given area. It is not uncommon for areas closer to seismically active areas to contain several as the interlopers move through trying to scratch out a new territory for themselves.

As hunters, they are extremely aggressive. Using the cover off night to hide their massive bodies, they rely on echo location to hone in on their targets. So beware the clicks and cherps at night! Although nocturnal, lights do not affect them as much as one might think. Though a spotlight right into its face in an otherwise blackened night, will temporarily stun the creature. But even that will only work for so long till it gets used to the new light source.

Night Stalkers tend to sleep during the day, and usually can be found roosting along the many massive cliff sides that dominate the planets landscape. Using the sheer height and drop offs as protection while they rest.

Unlike many winged animals, they do not have a set breeding ground. Being reptilian in nature, they give birth to clutches of 3-5 eggs which hatch within 30-35 local days. Within 90 days, the hatchlings have grown large enough to leave the nest. At which point the parents no longer care for them. In fact, if the little Night Stalkers don't beat a hasty retreat, they might find themselves on the menu.

Also because they are reptiles, they can be found more along the equatorial regions of the planet where it is warmer. Their black coloring also helps them to absorb the heat from the stars and thus help them stay active even during colder periods. A particularly cold snap will push them into an almost hibernation like state until they are able to warm up again. In this state, their bodies slow almost to a stop so as to use very low amounts of resources to stay alive.

History: N/A
Notable Player-Characters: N/A
Intent: To create an apex predator which will be one of the many challenges to face the expeditionary forces sent to mine end explore the world.
I assume when you say their five meters. you mean five meters long? (Which, btw, is about sixteen feet long with a 65 feet wingspan...)

Echolocation would be a strentgh, vunrable to sound or osmething like that would be the weakness.

"and the constant need to move away from volcanically affected areas have left the species very tolerant when one or more other Night Stalkers enter its territory. " Do you mean very intolerant?

If they're reptillian, how much does cold effect them? Most reptiles will go into a coma-like state if the temperatures drop to much, as they're cold-blooded. But this thing has mamallian, instectoid,a nd reptillian features, so... I have no idea what it is. XD

Tag me when edits/clarfications are made.

Yes. 5 m long. I edited that to be more specific.

Also changed the echo location to sensitive to sound per your recommendation.

No I really did mean very tolerant. Because the creatures know they all will have to move territories at one point or another. So as long as trespassers don't stay too long. The home Night Stalker, won't care too much that others are there. That's also why I put the bit that said they are semi social.

And lol. They are reptilian. Still, I see your valid point. I went ahead and beefed up the paragraph going into further detail on the cold and how it affects them. How does that look? Anything else you think it might need?

Thanks for the quick response btw! :)

Looks good. If you want to speak the echolocation, i'd like to to add it in strentghs and (optional) put something in the description about it. Right now the submission dosen't say anything about echolocaiton. :p

And it helps when you follow the species section. XD

....Oh wow. Derp. Sorry about that. And no I am definitely adding a small paragraph on the echolocation as that is quite an important aspect. I thought I had. haha

Edit: Actually I did mention the echo location. Paragraph 2 in the general behavior. :) I did add echlocation to strengths though and added sensitive to cold for weaknesses.
Oops, missed that. My bad. :p

This looks good, Approved pending secondary.

Edit: Oooh... we get to hunt giant locust bat lizards? :D

Edit 2: Pulling this out of pending approval since the planet was denied. Will re-approve this when your dev thread is finished.
Going to archive this until the planet's dev thread if complete. Contact a codex judge or admin to get it pulled out of the archives when you're ready.


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