Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Nierce Subban
FACTION: The Resistance
RANK: Sith Knight
SPECIES: Twi'lek
AGE: 28
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: 135 lbs
EYES: Orange
SKIN: Green


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Powerful: She is strong in the Force, but she's not a physical fighter. She detests close quarters combat, which is why she doesn't even carry a lightsaber.
+ Beautiful: She is considered to be a beauty among Twi'leks. When she was young, many people tried to get her and sell her into slavery.
- "Anti-Social": Normally this word doesn't really apply the way people use it. In this case it's a duality. Nierce doesn't really like people, though she can somewhat tolerate them. She also enjoys killing people and sending them to their deaths, though she typically does this for various reasons that are meant to be good.
- Obsessive: She's not OCD. She doesn't have to do things multiple times just to know that she's done them. Her obsession is the fact that when she locks onto a target, she becomes obsessed with it, no matter what it actually is.

Nierce is a green skinned Twi'lek with dark markings and orange eyes. By all accounts she seems rather much like a normal Twi'lek. The main difference between her and them are the scars, each intricately crafted, situated beneath her left eye. These scars were clearly made in a deliberate manner, and are something that she does not divulge the meaning of to anyone unless she truly trusts them, and she has yet to truly trust anyone.

She usually wears a light dress with a pair of skin tight pants beneath. The dress is typically slit up both sides to the waist to allow for ease of movement. She also wears a black robe with a red fringe almost always. The interesting thing is that she never seems to be carrying a weapon (she never does) and that include a lightsaber. She's never made one.

Nierce was born on Ryloth. She grew up there, and intended to stay there for the entirety of her life, though her mother and father were determined to see her leave. Not because they didn't want her around, but because too many people had taken an interest in her. The wrong kind of people. Her beauty was something to behold, and various slaver groups tried time and again to nab her so that they could sell her to some obese pedophile somewhere in the galaxy.

It was because of these that her parents died. When they did, she exploded. She quite literally ripped the people apart that killed her parents. Not with her bare hands, mind you, but with the Force. Her rage was absolute. Her parents were the only people she'd ever known and cared for, and now they were deceased. She hated them. She hated the people that had done this to her. She hated everyone.

The Sith found her and took her with them. They trained her, but she hated them too. She hated everyone that took advantage of people. And she came to realize that as long as Sith and Jedi existed, there would never be peace in the galaxy. They would always war with each other because the Sith sought power and the Jedi sought to destroy them. Both sought to control the galaxy and neither was truly capable of seeing things through the way that they needed to be.

Nierce obtained the rank of Knight, being dubbed Darth Taglios. She then promptly disappeared without warning. In reality, she had slipped off to make her own plans for the galaxy. Plans that would make her enemies, but she would keep that to herself, just as she would keep her darkness to herself unless she had to expose it. Now she secretly leads the Resistance as Nierce, a name she'd given up when taken in by the Sith. They had only ever known her as Subban. She leads the Resistance in the quest to destroy the evil factions of the galaxy, but will that be the end of it? Only time will tell.

The Prometheus Latch - Purchased from Janira Fenni (who obtained it back from Caaithiel Deschart upon her demise)




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