Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nar Shaddaa


Disney's Princess
Nar Shaddaa
Techno Union Space

It had been three weeks since the Dominion that had brought them together. Their success against the Final Order had lead them here. Right into the heart of Hutt space. Recently retaken by the Techno Union Faction. A political group of entrepreneurs and fiscal cowboys. Where money was thicker than blood.

The target's name was Vahn Tetron. A General in the Final Order intelligence agency. A man who recently faked his own death and disappeared into Techno Union space. Taking a small fortune with him. The brief was pretty standard. An enemy General runs away from the army when he sees his own imminent defeat. Stealing as much money as he can in the process. Trying to save himself. Classic really. Seen it a thousand times. And now it was up to Roberts to hunt him down and finish the job.

Alas. Roberts was no hacker. Nar Shaddaa was much to dense of a population to manhunt any other way. She needed somebody who could find a needle in a haystack. She needed [member="Ebony Blackheart"]

Clad in her armor and painted pitch black, Karen stood alone upon the rooftops of the Twin Dragon Casino District. Where the air was nothing but grey smoke and acidic rain. Where the streets smelled like sewers and the people stank even worse. This was a poor place. A crime filled place. A place where men went to disappear. And some, never returned.

She checked her helm's chrono. Almost midnight. Almost time for the manhunt to begin.
"You pick, i've got to say, the absolute worst nights for these kinds of things" It was a voice she had come to know, smooth like silk, arrogantly cute and oddly happy, it was Ebony. THe gorgeous raven haired girl sat cross legged on the roof of a building with a name with so many vowels she couldn't even bother to say it aloud without fear of being an idiot. So she picked that one, just because if people couldn't bother pronouncing the name of a building that was empty, why search it?

Ebony was looking into her wrist mounted super computer, a reed between her teeth and a sheen to her suit as the rain dripped down it. She of course felt nothing through the nanobot enriched latex she wore, making it a somewhat living piece of material. Her arsenal strapped to her body as she looked down on [member="Karen Roberts"] , she was bloody good at what she did this woman that asked for her, but... Ebony didn't like the whole grizzled war veteran thing she had going. erked her the wrong way. That and even in all black the woman stood out like a saw thumb. So ebony decided she'd get an actual idea of the job. "I took the liberty of linking our personal communication devices after our last meeting, so i thought i might as well make use of it now... meaning everything you say i can hear, and everything i want to say to you, you can hear" Her trademark girlish giggle rang over for a moment, "Plan?"


Disney's Princess
"Shin Takeda."

The black armored woman turned to face [member="Ebony Blackheart"] . Giving only one name. The most important name. To find the General they first add find this man.

"A programmer for the Red Dragon Casino and a member of the Black Adder Mafia. The one man who can get us what we need. Access to the Casino's mainframe. The exact computer which is laundering out our fair General's private wealth. We follow the money trail. We find the General."

Roberts tapped her helm. Reminding herself to never use electronic communication again. Ever.

"This district is Black Adder territory. They run the business and shake down the residences. There is no police. No sentry droids and no overwatch drones. Just the manpower of the Black Adders and their sick fantasies of control."

She turned her faceplate back to the streets below. Watching as the night crowd came and went from a very popular restaurant. Funny. Even in the dead of night and with the poison of the rain all around? This district never sleeps.

"...And... That's about as far as I had gotten so far. Mm. I'm still working on the rest."

Karen shrugged and looked back at Ebony. Smiling comically behind her red visor and black helm. Even as a Jedi Master and over twenty years of Sith Wars under her belt; Roberts was no super genius. She was... Well. She was kinda making this up as she went along. For better or for worse.
"You older lot amuse me" Ebony giggled coyly as she stood up, a moment later, she was behind the veteran woman. a slight startle as the black suited girl came out, the suit of course doing her every favour in the looks department as she stood with one hip cocked slightly to the side. "How much did you make up just then? And how much do i need to think up?" Ebony enquired, the usual coy smile as always was on her lips.

"Wait, scratch that, i've got an idea" Ebony giggled merrily, her arm moving up, the display on her wrist lighting up and showing the holographic screen she typed on. With a few seconds of silence passing, the girl dropped the screen and looked at the building, and from the side of the casino, about a hundred floors up, a loud explosion rang out and a plume of smoke rose up. "First one to the mainframe wins" Ebony giggled and with that she was gone from the roof.

"Think she likes me" Ebony giggled to herself.


Disney's Princess
"I think I'm going to kill her."

Roberts sighed audibly as she watched the catwoman disappear like a blur. Kids these days. Always in a hurry. Didn't [member="Ebony Blackheart"] know the Mainframe was a biometrically sealed system? Good luck hacking that without their keyman. Ugh. Karen nodded to herself and walked a few paces over to the side of the building. It was time to center herself. To focus on her mission. The soldierly Master closed her eyes and let herself delve deep into the aquifers of the Force. Among the crowd below was a mess of emotions. Onlookers to the blast who showed fear, anxiety, rage, and disbelief at the explosion above. Gawkers and gaspers in a district already overrun with violence and fire. But wait. There was one soul who felt none of these feelings. Someone down there in the black tar streets was feeling... Pride. Happiness. Elation. Someone down there had a grudge against the bad guys.

Karen opened her eyes and beheld her new fascination. A young man in brown robes was looking up with a smile and a wink at the blown out casino. Eager to watch the Adders fall. Happy to have witnessed their wounding.

"Mm. Yes. ...I think I've found someone I can use."

She smiled and placed one foot on the edge of the roof. Oh yes indeed. Her investigation into the Twin Dragon District was just beginning.


"Ha ha! Boom yeah! Take that you E'chu'ta morons. I hope you suck it. Oh yeah."

Tav Perrin smiled up at the burning building above. Clad in his smuggler browns, he couldn't help but wink and flick off the bright bold casino above. Filled with joy at the burning spectacle in the sky. He had his own history with this district and it's awful gangs and slum lords. A history of debt, thievery, and violence. Tav was glad at the Black Adders misfortune tonight. Glad to watch their happy little casino pop and splinter. Even if it didn't get him off the hook for tonight's job or reduce his hefty debt with the clan? He could still smile and wave at their every inconvenience. Ha. Eat that Adders. I hope it felt good.

The twenty three year old male cast his eyes back to the dirty streets and frowned. Pulled up his hood as debris started to fall and a crowd started to gather. Remembering why he was here in the first place. Midnight was no time or place for a courier like him to loiter about. He needed to get moving again. Still had plenty of deliverers to make. Still had bills to pay and palms to grease. Life was still poor for a outsider and a courier between the districts. Yeah. Fun time was over. Perrin still had a day job to keep.

"Okay. Let's see. Two letters for Grizbin and one for Branka. Then drop the money off at Tanab's bar. Okay. Shouldn't take very long. I can do this."

The brown cloak ducked into an alley and began wandering up the pathways. Doing his best to recall where all of these business owners made their quiet dead drop and pick up spots. He had a list to cover and a schedule to keep. That was, until he heard a loud whisper over his shoulder.

~ Psst.

Tav looked up just in time to see an empty side door and the darker gloves reach for him.

Then it all went black.
Ebony was rash, that was fact and anyone that knew her well, knew that above all else, impulse was her both weakest and strongest asset. Sometimes it paid off, other times it did not do her such favours. So now, here stood the gorgeous raven haired girl, on the 99th floor of the casino, looking at the group of wealthiest and most corrupt men and women this side of the galaxy. The men were mostly greasy old fools of different species, while the women were mostly young and attractive escorts or older wealthier and much much seedier women. Ebony knew at least she was at the right place when she counted ninety three different blasters aimed at her. "Miss Roberts" Ebony muttered. "I'll see you in the tower, it seems like i'll be keeping them company for the night" Ebony giggled nervously as she unclasped her harness and belt and let her gear drop to the floor and with the most grief she could feel, she released her wrist mounted computer and raised her hands.

These weren't average thugs, they moved fast, and before Ebony could put her plans to work, she felt strong hands wrench her hands behind her back. Rope wrapped tightly around her wrists, and was cinched between them, then several more bands of the coils were wrapped all the way up her arms to force them into a singular limb. These goons were enjoying themselves it seemed as her chest was soon circled with the brown hemp. With a light struggle she was turned to face what seemed like the patriarch of the clan. A grizzled old man with greying hair.

"Isn't rope a bit old school?" She asked, but her queries were shut off as a thick ball of something was jammed into her mouth and a cloth was tied over top.

"Take her to the vault, see why she's here" The man's voice was deep and commanding and as soon as he finished, she was whisked away to another room.

"She's gonna be so damn smug when she finds me" Ebony sighed to herself as she was dragged off.


Disney's Princess
Despite his kidnapping, Perrin was surprisingly cooperative. Once Roberts had explained it was her objective to infiltrate the mainframe, poor Tav had perked right up. He decided to trade his help in finding Takeda in return for having his debt washed clean electronically. Karen had been quick to agree.

"Okay. Here it is. The address you were looking for. Shin is mentioned as favoring the place. It's a Pachinko Parlor down in B block. They'll have his stuff on file. I'm sure of it."

Tav spun around in his chair to face his captor. The light was dim in the small backroom office. With much of the shadows being cast solely by the computer screens in the corner. But Perrin didn't need to see Karen's face to know something was already wrong.

"What? What is it?"

Karen removed her hand from her com after listening to [member="Ebony Blackheart"] message again,

"It's nothing. Nevermind. ...Now. You're sure this is the place."

"Positive. Your man is a creature of habit. And there aren't many places of distraction around here that aren't bars or dance clubs. This is the place."

"Fine. I'm off then. Thanks for your help. You'd better lay low for awhile. Just in case things go south."

"Wait. ...Look. Um. Just in case you can't find the info you're looking for. Takeda has a tattoo. It's not one from the Black Adders either. It's a blue gecko that runs up the side of his neck. Just under his left ear. ...Ya know. In case you actually see him."

The woman in black gave a nod of her helmet. That was all she needed to hear. Karen knew what she had to do. Without another word she turned her heels and made for the exit. However, just before she reaching the door Roberts turned around and held up a single finger,

"Actually. There is one more thing I need from you?..."

The first punch was probably the strongest one they had for her, a tooth came loose and blood followed with it as she spat it out. A giggle escaped her lips as she tested the bindings holding her to the metallic stool in what seemed to be like a very large basement.

"I've been hit harder by womp rats before" She smiled as her remark seemed to tick off her "interrogator", another strong punch found its way to her jaw. More blood spat forth.

"Look, if this is all you've got, then we might as well move on to the questions because the boredom will make me talk faster than this pain" She commented in an off-side manner. The third hit replaced the first as the hardest.

"Angry are we? Not in a talking mood? There are 11 of you and not one wants to ask a question whilst you pound little ol' me?" The giggle was back, and so was the hit.

"Listen ere' girly" A rather brooding Rhodian said. "If you don't want us to break every bone in your body, then start telling us why you're here" He said, placing his hand on her leather clad shoulder with a sinister sound in his tone, his intentions seemed... less than pure.

"I wouldn;t leave my hand there if i were you" She giggled.

"Why's that?" His hand remained.

​"Just because of a lil ol program of mine" She commented and looked away as 40000 vaults of electricity stormed through his hand, up his arm and within an instant his synaptic terminals had snapped shut and the mobster was dead. "They never listen... so who's up for another round of beat the tied up girl?" Ebony giggled.


Disney's Princess
Now that Roberts had her lead she was free to pursue other avenues of attack. Besides, the parlor wouldn't be open until tomorrow morning anyway. She had time to kill.

Karen watched the familiar scene from a nearby apartment window. Goons were mucking around the casino looking for clues and more preps to arrest. It was obvious that [member="Ebony Blackheart"] was there only lead. But that didn't stop them from beating people for information or taking more prisoners. I suppose it wouldn't be out of the question to mention that there were no police down here either. Just muscle. Two types of muscle actually. The guys who wore the red arm bands were the street pushers. The guys in suits with the red sash belts? Those were the officers. Naturally there were tattoos and cryptic handshakes. But Roberts didn't pay those any mind.

Karen turned her com back on in the hopes that Blackheart was still conscious and listening in to her communications,

"Okay. So... Busy night out here. Yep. But I've got us a solid lead on our computer man. How's everything on your end? You dead yet?"

Roberts loaded up her disruptor rifle and began the short trip up to the rooftops. Pondering the rather uncomfortable idea of actually having to infiltrate an enemy stronghold by force. Bleh. That just wasn't her style.
Ebony had slightly dropped her tough-girl act by now, the broken and reset jaw kinda took it out of her, now they had moved to less medial forms of torture as her catsuit's front had its zipper pulled down to her belly, the cleavage now visible was quite the sight to behold as the leather stuck tight to her body still. New bruises had appeared on her gut as well. They were painful.

The girl had somewhat lost her ability to speak once more. The goons believing they should loosen her up before going to the questioning. So her lower half of her face was coated and mummified in strong black tape. Stretching hard against her white and soft skin.

As the Goons left her nearly exposed chest for a lunch break, her comms came online, her ear piece still in place and Karen's voice echoed out over her ear piece and Ebony sighed a long hard sigh of absolute relief. "Hlmph mm" She mewled into her gag as she rummaged against the metal stool she was bound so immovably to. Then she realised. She was gagged, there was no way her compatriot knew what she had just said. However she would at least know she needed help.


Disney's Princess
Their was still evidence of fire in the burned out room. A wide gap in the exterior wall that looked out across the expanse. Upon the opposite rooftop there lay three bodies and the strong cords of a grappling line. The black wire traced back across the gap and into the burned out casino living space. Three more bodies arranged on the floor of that room too. Distruptor bolts in each of their chests. Purple energy still sizzling from the cut.

There was no sign of the black garbed woman who had made these marks. For she was already deeper in...


[member="Ebony Blackheart"] remained the damsel in distress muffling into her com link for only a minute longer. Then came the familiar sound of blaster bolts outside the room and the loud thump of bodies against the wall. Thump. Thump. Three dead. Yet the door to her torture chambers remained unopened.

Another moment passed in silence when the door lock suddenly clicked open. Somebody had hacked the panel and opened the switch from the far side. Yet as the door swished opened, it was not Karen Roberts on the other side. It was a blue Twi'lek woman in brown leathers and a red sash across her waist. A large muscled female with scars across her forearms. Indeed, an alien face which looked rather surprised to find Ebony still conscious at all.

"Damn girl. They sure did a number on you eh?"

The accent was foreign. It almost sounded Old Imperial. A hint as to this blue woman's past perhaps? Only Imperial Remnant spies used that accent anymore.

"Hold on now. Let me check the coast again and then I'll see about freeing you. Maybe?"

The Twi'lek ducked out side for a moment. No alarms. No more guards. Okay. The coast was clear. She trotted over to Ebony's side and gave her another look over. Holstering her blaster scatter pistol as she nodded,

"Okay. Look. Here's the deal human. I let you go and you promise not to kill me the moment you're free? Nod your broken head if you understand. ...Because if not? I've got no problem leaving you here for those goons to finish the job. Savvy? ...Good."

She cut the bonds that held Ebony to her chair. Placing a knife in her pale hands so she could cut the rest herself.

"Now. Let's try standing up then. Yes? ...Mm. There is a bathroom down the hall if you need to freshen up a bit. Mind the body on the pot though. I didn't have time to move them."

The Twi'lek retreated to the door with a shrug. Waiting for Blackheart to compose herself accordingly. It did appear they had more hostages to free too.
Ebony was at a loss for words. She looked down at herself and zipped the suit back up, sheer shock and awe was clogging her speech in her throat. Who the hell was she with? However she decided she'd let the voice fix itself up and walked out the door to the bathroom and in almost and instant, she was back out with her hair done up into a neat yet stylish pony tail, makeup again was pristine and the bruises and blemishes were faded, although not entirely gone. At least for Ebony as she could feel the hard lumps on her skin.

Her voice still hadn't returned as they ventured out into the vast labyrinth of the complex she was kept in, the suit for the most part had saved her skin from rope burns. She counted herself lucky for being a savant with machinery of any kind, hence the fancy suit.

When they reached a large atrium filled with dead bodies, Ebony finally stopped and dropped to her knees. Her voice croaking out and a deep pant setting in on her, sweat beads forming on her brow and a hand clasping at her chest as she coughed and sputtered and within a moment, a strange black object was ejected from her mouth and the girl got back to her feet.

"Don't mind the coughing up of random objects, that's for later talk maybe, but name's Ebony, mind telling me yours Miss Twi'lek? Don't have to if you don't want to, btu first thing's first. I've gotta find my gear and that's very much so important because there's a lot of special stuff there" Ebony rambled and within an instant she started walking off. Leaving the blue skinned Twi'lek to now be staring at her in shock and surprise as she shot through about 5 emotional states in a minute.

"Paging [member="Karen Roberts"] Paging a miss Karen Roberts, i'd like to inform you i live and have found a rather burly and cute Twi'lek associate, meet you later. Ta ta" Ebony said with a finger to her ear as she strut down the hall, the holes in her suit slowly mending themselves.

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