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Mother Hecate

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Mother Hecate
Loyalties: Leader of the Daughters of Allya (the All Mother)

Role: Mentor and 'Mother'

Development Threads:

Species: Human

Force-Sensitive: Incredibly Powerful Force Witch

Appearance: Mother Hecate is by far one of the oldest witches in the known Galaxy and her age shows. Preserved primarily through the inherent powers of the force, she seems to be held together by only a few threads. Her skin is black and sags an abnormal amount, she is only about 4 feet tall and walks hunches over with the aid of a cane or fellow witches. She is also blind and her eyes glow a bright golden color, imbued with the power of the force.

Personality: Mother Hecate is incredibly wise. She speaks very infrequently, even in the most important meetings and she is kind, gentle, and thoughtful. She communicates mostly non-verbally, through expressions and movements that her most faithful interpret well. She likes to let the younger generations make decisions for themselves.

During times of the most extreme emergency, Mother Hecate becomes an explosive force of power. Never conceding to evil as the tenets of their beliefs command, she allows the force to act through her instead of embracing anger or vengeful.

Weapon of Choice: The Force (through 'Magick')

Wealth: Mother Hecate has no material wealth to speak of.

Combat Function: Mother Hecate is a support unit and primarily does not directly intervene in conflict unless the hub of her family is threatened, preferring to defer to her younger leaders. She meditates on the force if the need for battle arises and raises the morale of her people through this meditation.

Skills: Mother Hecate is a master of Force Magic (specifically Allyan Magic) which calls for extreme measures of concentration in addition to various incantations that work the Force.

Notable Possessions: A withered tree branch that she uses as a cane.

Other Notes: Mother Hecate will be the NPC IC leader of the Daughters of Allya which is a new minor faction I am working on.
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