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Ready For Judge Moonstone | Capital of the Moon of Selun


Further expand upon the Settings and Lore of the Moon of Selun
Image Sources and Credits
Image Source:[HERE] - David Alverez
[HERE] - Subin Rajendran
[HERE] - Philippe Langlois
[HERE] - ovalfidel
[HERE] - Diliana Stoycheva
[HERE] - Ilmari Kumpunen
[HERE] - Angie Avila R
[HERE] - Fion Lim
[HERE] - Wojtek Fus
Canonical & Primary Source Links, and Permissions

City Name:Moonstone
Location:The Moon of Selun
Affiliation:Ruling Council of Selun
Up to 1 Million Individuals
Demographics:Human - 60%
Twi'lek - 15%
Pydyrian - 2%
Squib - 3%
Hutt - 5%
Other - 15%
City Wealth:High
City Stability:High
Additional Political, Economic, and Societal Information
City Wealth Analysis
Both the Moon of Selun and the Capital City of Moonstone have begun the long journey of recovery and it has already begun to show that while the road is long, its benefits are immense. The City was designed and decorated in a manner similar to the cities on the Moon of Pydyr - with a sizeable population of Pydyrians having been welcomed to the City to assist in its construction. Buildings are covered in Alabaster and decorated with white-gold, silver, and gemstones to show off the wealth of the Capital. Much of this wealth comes from the nearby Mining City of Silverhold which has also benefited from the increase presence of the Selunite Watch dispatched from the Capital. The renewed efforts to reestablish and repair the ancient trading networks that the Moon of Selun sat at the center of has also seen new wealth once more trickling into the coffers of the Capital.
City Stability Analysis
It is said that an individual need not fear to walk the streets of Moonstone alone at night, and it is true. The Selunite Watch has taken great strides and effort in ensuring that anyone is able to enjoy the sights and sounds of the Capital without fear of criminal reprisals or assaults upon their person. Crime, or any kind, is swiftly dealt with, and the robe-clad Magisters are always spotted, day or night, walking the streets to dispense the Justice of the Ruling Council. Even the more rural wards and regions surrounding the Capital are regularly patrolled for any signs of criminal activity or threats to the Capital and its citizens.
Freedom and Oppression Analysis
Moonstone is the Seat of Power for the Ruling Council, and still they do their best to remains hands-off in regards to the day to day lives of the citizens of the city. The only known presence of the Council that is often seen are the robe-clad Magisters, escorted by members of the Selunite Watch, that hand down rulings on Laws and oversee the adjudication of conflicts between citizens. Crime has largely been stamped out in the Capital City, with the Selunite Watch maintaining a staunch vigil to ensure the safety of the citizenry and the maintaining of Order.
Gleaming in the brilliant sunlight, a City of Marble and Alabaster shimmers upon the shore of the Soundless Bay at the foot of the Spine of the World mountains. Its facade is constructed in a similar manner as those buildings upon Pydyr, with gems of all manner, moonstone, and white gold inlaid within the walls to show the splendor that is the great Capital City of Moonstone. It is a beacon of Law and Order, one of the last bastions of hope from which the Triumvirate of Selun reaches out in its bid to bring order to the chaotic power vacuum left behind in the wake of the Bryn'adul scourge. Vast canals and waterways channel the mountain rivers and springs to the bay of the moon's only ocean, and at night, the city shimmers and shines with a thousand brilliant colors. The City of Moonstone is a safe haven for all, and travelers need not fear walking its streets alone at night.

City Center:Twilight Sanctuary
Additional Urban and Suburban Locations:Harbor Ward
Citadel Ward
Field Ward
Additional Artificial Constructs:Castle Moonstone
Citadel of the Hand
The Barn Owl's Tavern
Moonsilver Manor


Twilight Sanctuary
Deep within the heart of the Capital City of Moonstone is a Palace that towers over the rest of the cityscape, its facade mirroring the architectural designs and appearance of the ancient Galactic Senate Building on Coruscant and the Naboo City of Theed. The Twilight Sanctuary is designed to appear as a multi-tiered mountain, with each structure along the exterior perimeter serving its own function or housing some governmental or similar organization. The central structure houses various offices, staterooms, and storehouses, while the uppermost rotunda serves as the meeting place for the Ruling Council of Selun. Beneath the structure is a series of tunnels and canals that spread out across the City of Moonstone, often utilized as a means to secret members of the Ruling Council in and out of the city or across the city as a means to keep their identities anonymous.

Harbor Ward
Countless vessels, Starships, Sailing Ships, and the unique Vessels of Selun can all be found coming and going from the harbor, its many ports and piers, and its Starports. Pilots, Sailors, Merchants, and the odd Smuggler can be found plying their trade in the Harbor; and with the recent developments and renewed efforts to reestablish old trade routes, the heavier traffic has also resulted in the Selunite Watch establishing a specialized Harbor Division whose sole responsibility is the safety and execution of the law within the Harbor. Many of the well known Cantinas and Entertainment Venues of the Capital are all located in the Harbor, either easily accessible in the open or tucked away in some dark corner to keep unwanted prying eyes away.

Citadel Ward
The Center of the Capital, it stands beneath the watchful presence of Castle Moonstone, encompassing much of the government of the city. The Citadel Ward hosts the Twilight Sanctuary, Barn Owl Tavern, and even keeps the Citadel of the Hand tucked away in its more secluded corners. Anything of importance that happens in the city often stems from this Ward as it also houses a number of government structures, fortifications, and outposts both of the Selunite Watch and Selunite Guard. Beneath the avenues, parks, and residential structures is a series of tunnels that range far and wide throughout the City of Moonstone, as a means to assist in keeping the identities of the Ruling Council secret and to allow their rapid movement throughout the city as needed.

Field Ward
Located just outside the White-Gold walls of Moonstone is a vast fertile flood plain, bordered by the foothills of the World Spine Mountains to the East and the still, tranquil waters of the Soundless Bay to the West; is a region known as the Field Ward. This area is sparsely populated compared to the vast number of individuals that call Moonstone home, while at the same time providing much of the Foodstuffs that feed the populace of the Capital and the neighboring City of Silverhold. The region hosts Small Family Farms, Large Corporate Plantations, and everything in between from Communities that work together to share the load, to Barons that keep Serfs and Droids to tend to their lands. The Field Ward also hosts a small number of Fortified Towers and Houses that are utilized as outposts for the Selunite Watch to maintain order in the region.

Castle Moonstone
Situated on the mountain cliffs above the Capital City of Moonstone, the massive fortress was constructed towards the end of the Pius Dea Era to serve as a bastion for the city below during a time when the population was fewer than its current size. Castle Moonstone as it was christened, is built on three separate rocky outcroppings, with bridges spanning over the dangerous rivers and waterfalls that pour down the side of the mountain. Though the Moon of Selun has since updated its defensive measures with a focus on orbital stations and defensive platforms, their status as aging and archaic has seen Castle Moonstone being utilized once more for its originally intended purpose; with the Selunite Guard having claimed it as their primary base of operations.

Citadel of the Hand
Built long after Castle Moonstone; its construction dates to some point in the millennia prior to the Battle of Yavin. The architecture of the Citadel shares similar aesthetics and resemblance to known Jedi Temples and Sith Temples. Older sections reveal its origins as an outpost to the Unorthodox Jedi Sect known as the Ordu Aspectu; while the newer sections were additions made by the Sorcerers of Tund during their limited claim to the Citadel. Recently, it has become the home of The Grey Hand, a specialized military organization and Force Society that assists in tracking, hunting, and destroying the remnants of the Bryn'adul that still cling various locations throughout the region.

The Barn Owl's Tavern
All Great Cities have Cantinas and the Capital is no different; The best known of which is the Barn Owl's Tavern located at the edge of the Citadel Ward and Harbor Ward. The Tavern is often lively, and sees the highest volume of traffic towards the end of the day as the dock-workers come off shift for the night. It is not uncommon to see many different species in the Tavern, having arrived from far-flung systems or the deep reaches of Wild Space to ply their wares or find a trade worth while. An oddity of the Tavern is its inclusivity, even going as far as serving droids - a rarity when one considers that most Cantinas refuse to serve their kind.

Moonsilver Manor
Poised at the very boundary of the Field Ward, watching over the Soundless Bay, and marking the last vestige of civilization before one ventures into the Shimmering Highlands beyond. Moonsilver Manor is a fortress, only recently repaired and reconstructed from the ruins that it had previously been. It serves as an additional point of defense for the Capital City of Moonstone, while also exerting its power into the Shimmering Highlands as well as serving as a stopping point for Selunite Watch patrols and forces traveling to the City of Silverhold. The Manor consists of multiple layered defenses, walls, towers and turrets, as well as a central keep; and is also the current home of Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn .

Level of SecurityHigh
Additional Security Information
The City stands as the Capital of the Moon of Selun, hosting a number of Governmental Bodies as well as travelers of all kinds has ensured that the Ruling Council paid close attention to and began an effort to overhaul and update the diminished Security Capabilities of the Capital City. At the heart of the City is the Twilight Sanctuary, beneath which hidden within the vast tunnels is a Planetary Shield Generator and additional Power Generators to ensure that it is capable of continuous operation once active. The City is also defended by a series of Heavy Turbolaser Towers and Anti-Aircraft Towers along its perimeter to provide additional defensive capabilities in the event of an attack.

Constructed during the Pius Dea Era, Castle Moonstone has recently become prevalent again with the Selunite Guard having taken the Castle as their primary base of operations. Its defenses, have also been rapidly updated to provide an overlapping layer of protective capabilities for the Capital; Turbolaser Cannons, Ion Cannons, and Anti-Air Defenses providing overlapping fields of fire. The City itself is protected by the Selunite Watch, the local law enforcement organization that oversees the day to day issues and keeps criminal elements at by. In the event of an attack, both the Selunite Guard and the Grey Hand would assist in defending the Capital.

The Settlement that would eventually become known as Moonstone was established towards the end of the Great Manifest Period at the turn of the Indecta Era circa 17,018 Years Before the Battle of Yavin. During that time it was considered nothing more than a backwater trading post at the far end of The Slice before falling into a Region of Wild Space. The lack of natural resources on the Moon, or rather their abundance on more easily accessible Planets and Systems would have otherwise cause the region to be largely forgotten were it not for the events of the Pius Dea Era.

With the Pius Dea Crusades raging across the Galaxy once the fanatical religious organization gained control of the Old Republic, refugees fleeing from the conflict quickly found their way towards the furthest reaches of the Galaxy. The influx of refugees and new settlers saw the original settlement rapidly grow in both size and scope, and the ever present threat of Pius Dea saw the establishment of a Fortress that would later become known as Castle Moonstone. The establishment of a Defense Force and Localized Government in turn saw the previously unknown settlement become a vast Metropolis - its name taken from the Moonstone Gems that were often found in the Foothills at the base of the Mountains that the original settlement had been located upon.

Throughout the years there has been a number of organizations and individuals that have had their hands; and by the opening of the Ductavis Era the population of Moonstone began to once more shrink as people returned to their homeworlds or sought newer pastures in the Galaxy. It wasnt until the Clone Wars Era that Moonstone had become prominent once more, sitting as the Capital of a vast Trade Network in the Outer Rim Territories which also reached out into nearby Wild Space. During the conflicts of the Clone Wars, the population of Moonstone once again spiked and the city became host to both criminal enterprises and law abiding citizens.

However, this vast Trade Network would ultimately be the cause in a rapid decline of the population, so much so that it nearly wiped both Moonstone and the Moon of Selun from the Galaxy. During the height of the Gulag Plague the City of Moonstone was devastated, and its population had dropped to under ten-thousand individuals; with many buildings boarded up and the dead outnumbering the living, those unlucky few to not have been killed by the virus struggled to survive. The City had barely recovered until it was struck by the Netherworld Purge which saw half of its population vanish overnight - that coupled with the Bryn'adul had resulted in a vastly diminished populace.

Within the last ten years the struggle to recover has been great, and it has only been recently that the Capital of Moonstone has seen itself reach a Million Individuals; even still, many areas of the Capital feel empty or sparse given its wide avenues and towering structures.

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