Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Empire of the Lost

A coalition of former Imperials and displaced refugees based in the Lianna system rallying behind the idea of establishing an empire to secure peace and order for their people, noted for their realpolitik attitude and flexible internal affairs.

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Moffs in the Empire of the Lost

Will Smash Heads for Beer

An Imperial Moff overseeing production
The Moff is a political rank who oversees their chosen planetary sectors in the Empire's territory. The Moffs are responsible for enforcing the Emperor's laws, making sure to provide the Empire is flowing with recruitments for the Imperial Army, and to ensure that the citizens of their respective sector provides the resources from their planets. Many Moffs can be political figures, high ranking generals, or even Force Sensitives. Moffs are chosen for their tactical brilliance, loyalty to the Emperor, and ability to solve issues on the fly. Occassionally, all Moffs commune in Lianna where they hold meetings with the Emperor talking about the direction of the Empire.

In order to be a Moff not only that you must be a member for at least two weeks, but you must do the following below:
  • You have to be active in at least one Dom and one Faction thread making more than 1 post.​
  • You must participate in ALL Moff Council meetings.​
  • If there's a Junction or an Invasion that involves the EOTL, you MUST participate whether you're a passive observer or an active combatant.​
If you have real life things that will interfere with the above, PLEASE PM me or the admins of your inactivity. If you don't contact us and you're inactive for a month, then you're at risk of losing your Moff status.


Moffs Planets/Hexes
Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen Desevro, Chandaar, and Rhen Var
Teckla Tane Teckla Tane Minntooine, Mon Cala (Dac) and Ruisto hexes
Lyrani Kell Lyrani Kell Ossus
Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl Stygeon Prime
Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Felucia, Tion, Folende/Voss
Emperor Velran Kilran Velran Kilran New Alderaan/Cophrigin
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Application to become a Moff Template:

What is the name of your character?

Link to your character's biography:

What planets do you wish to own as a Moff?

Please provide links for the Dominion you participated in, and the Faction Thread as well here:

Will you participate in Junctions and Invasions as stipulated in the OP?

Please provide a short paragraph as to why you want to become a Moff?

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