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Approved Tech "Mist" Atomizing Pistol (Resubmission)

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In Umbris Potestas Est

Intent: To develop another reward for Subach-Innes' salvage tour, one to be given for a mission later down the line. (Yeah, I'm working ahead, but hey, it saves me the trouble of having to conjure up rewards later down the line. And yes, I know that this one was denied last time because Subach went bankrupt, but hey, things are different! :D)
Development Thread: Not unless one is needed.
Manufacturer: Defiance Consolidated Multipurpose Manufacturing
Model: Plasma Pistol
Affiliation: Independent
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-produced
Material: Neodymium(magnets), Tibanna Gas(ammunition), chromed durasteel(frame)
Description: The Mist is a new plasma pistol design developed by Subach-Innes to serve as a sidearm for officers in the line of duty. Sleek and chromed, the weapon was adequately plated with chromium to allow for its protection from environmental hazards.

Utilizing a more interesting mechanism than your standard plasma pistol, the magnetic coils hold tibanna gas in place while it is brought to a plasma state, a cruder system when compared to more refined plasma weapons. If the trigger is merely pulled and released, the weapon will fire a pellet of plasma energy with about the speed and shape of a blaster round, albeit capable of igniting things and causing burns due its intense heat. However, if the trigger is held, more gas will be converted into plasma, causing the weapon to release a much larger burst of plasma energy capable of lighting a person on fire on a grazing hit or, on more direct contact, vaporizing all or part of their body.

As a result of this, though, the weapon has one primary flaw. While a charged shot has ten times the power of a standard plasma shot, it also uses up ammunition ten times as fast and wears the weapon down ten times as quickly. A Mist is capable of firing approximately 1000 rounds, or 100 fully charged shots(10 reloads), before requiring major refurbishment of the weapon. As such, the charge function of the gun should be utilized exceptionally sparingly.

Reasonably-sized, concealable, and lightweight, the Mist has seen private purchases by higher-ranked on-battlefield officers of several galactic powers. As well, several of these pistols have found their way onto the black market, prototypes captured by former Deathwatch pirates during their raid on a Subach-Innes freighter. The weapon can also find itself in the hands of "special" customers or Subach employees.
Classification: Plasma Pistol
Size: Handheld
Status: Limited - Available to active-duty military personnel and "special" buyers
Length: 20cm
Weight: 0.75kg
Ammunition Type: Tibanna gas cartridge
Ammunition Capacity: 100 regular shots per cartridge, 10 fully charged shots per cartridge
Effective Range: 25m
Original Section(s):

Manufacturer: Emeritus Industries

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