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Character Mishmam (WIP)


Important info: I abandoned this character, I will not make any new threads with it, neither change something related to this character and I won't return to it anytime soon, I also don't mind him or threads about him being archived and I really want to just cross him out of this place, as this is a very poorly made character and I want to start from ground up rather than try fixing all those huge problems with the character
Name: Mishmam
Species: genetically modified gendai (there is also human and chiss genome added to the original gen'dai, so Mishmam can change his form to become fully functional biological chiss or human with improved organ efficiency, muscle/bone integrity and overall improvements, he also stops aging at biological age of 2000 for unknown to others reason and is maintaining his gen'dai regeneration ability (which, as a side effect caused by other gen. mods also lets him create/remove organs/body parts with each of these actions taking one minute) and reflexes and other gen. mods. he prefers using human form and it is his default one) (modifications: nerves being able to connect to his "Force mind" and channel force energy through, painkiller that halves the incoming pain without affecting tactile sensitivity which allows more sustained injuries before entering comatose healing state, neural network being placed all over the body (allows to regenerate destroyed brain cells, but a brain injury will render him unconscious and having no brain left slows natural regeneration to the point that it takes 5 standard year to restore the brain), genetic alteration mechanism that allows the host to do medium alterations to their body, "mindscrew": an inhibitor chip in the brain that deals emotional damage to the host making it constantly suffer, there is also an enhancement that disables chemical addictions and makes Mishmam more resistant to every damage type, as a side effect causing more recreational drugs consumed to get the same effect)
Age: around 900 standard years
SEX: male
Height: varies (gendai don't have a fixed shape, especially Mishmam with his genetic modifications)
Weight: 150 KG
Eyes: naturally green, but you will probably see him having crimson Sith eyes
Hair: none

Skin: gen'dai are like walking blobs of flesh, there is no skin

Force sensitivity: 20000 midichlorians in the body + modified nerve system

Appearance: he is still a gen'dai, he is a flesh blob with a head

Biography: at the beginning of the clone wars a genetic material was found by the kaminoans, it is unknown how, they created a full body via cloning usage (hyper accelerated growth included) at the biological age of 2000 standard years the gen'dai body stopped growing and awoke from the comatose state, he questioned where was he and what happened, taking a humanoid form and after knowing what happened he screamed, Force crushing the room around him, stating it was wrong to give him back his body and that he was doomed by his original creators to suffer and fight for them, he was traumatized by his long gone past and was essentially an eternal Force ghost, trapped in his body, with only one wish - die and end his suffering, he was enlisted in clone army, but when his body was vaporised, his mind stayed, but he was given another clone body, which anchored him back into the war, and so he spent the clone wars, with the rise of the Empire he was moved into the imperial navy, he joined it voluntarily and he was given a new suit that was based on vader's, it was made of beskar and armorweave (pic. above) he served on the second death star, and was killed unlike his suit (it's beskar) but the remenant of his body survived and he was forced to live and suffer again, but while he was dead his mind developed a new Force power - Force grasp: he can "grab" an object or a place (area) and channel there his Force energy, skipping all barriers between him and the area (example: he Force grabbed the area and channelled Force lightning through his body and "teleported" it to the area), it also makes it easier for him to use the Force in the area, even allowing him to create or destroy matter there, making it a "danger zone" for his enemies, but it takes a great deal focus to maintain such link and keeping it for over 5 minutes will render Mishmam unconscious due to pain shock, his suit is 2 meters tall and has 2 modes: "military mode" is silent quick and powerful suit, "civilian mode" is bulky, heavy breathing, and slow suit, switching modes is accessible via neural interface, that can recognise the suit's owner, though Mishmam uses "civilian mode" when he is out of combat and does not need stealth. Mishmam awakened in a fully functional body, in his ship, alone knowing that something changed, within him? Or the entire galaxy? There is only one way to find out...
P. S. when Mishmam rejoined the empire he became a candidate for becoming a moff, though it is unknown if he will get that rank and, for now he will be assigned a fleet, which will consist of ships Mishmam would request, which is:
5 venator - class star destroyers that carry not only imperial, but also overall improved and modernised old republic equipment (including: AT-TE's with their main cannon closed by hull) and their TIE LN starfighters a replaced with improved TIE D starfighters (TIE defenders) (a normal TIE defender is overall superior to TIE LN, but has inferior hull, the improved model is superior to it's predecessor and TIE LN in every way and also has a camera system, which solves the visibility problem, other TIE starfighters carried by this fleet also have the camera system, which solves the visibility problem TIE ships have) and all the starfighters in his fleet are equipped with shields and class-2 hyperdrives, 1 imperial interdictor - class star destroyer, 10 imperial raider I - class corvettes, 5 imperial raider II - class corvettes

Ship: a heavily modified TIE reaper named Harvester two, it has a cloaking device like in scimitar, making a ship invisible to sensors and a naked eye, a kyber crystal power system that circulates the energy through the synthetic kyber crystal to generate power (that is later stored), enabling an overload that can deliver massive energy to shields, engines, weapons and any other powered system, a class 1 hyperdrive, a part of the ship's storage area is repurpose for living in and maintaining a bacta tank, the ship is made of beskar, it is housed in Harvester one. It is rumoured that Mishmam made both Harvester ships using Force grasp, but this rumour has not bee confirmed.

Kills: 0

Bounties: 0

Strengths/weaknesses: he is a very good combatant, no matter is it with blasters, lightsabers or anything else, but if you will push him from offense to defence before he will be able to switch his fighting style to defensive, you will be able to overpower and beat him. He can get carried away when doing complex battle techniques involving Force usage, creating potential openings, however he wont lose all control even if he is carried away in a fight, be careful when trying to exploit his fighting passion. If something is important to him he may become tunnel visioned about it. He can modify his body to remove weaknesses, so you will have to keep up with the change. He is EXTREMELY powerful with the Force and cannot be cut off from it, be careful. He is deeply traumatized by his past, causing him to become irrationally sadistic and causing barely controllable bloodlust, though hard to enrage, if he DOES get angered, it will be a blind rage that throws him completely off balance, making him almost entirely forget about defence.

Equipment: beskar cross-guard lightsaber with a ghostfire crystal in it. his suit has the following modifications A wrist blaster in right wrist that powers itself like Harvester (kyber crystal power system) and has multiple fire modes (stun, single-shot, rapid fire etc.) the power put in one shot can be changed, but with more fire rate max. power per shot decreases, a wrist flamethrower in his left wrist and a copy of Vader's lightsaber, adapted for Mishmam's hand size (standard).

Note: the character, his personal fleet and his equipment may change over time (currently the fleet is WIP for balance reasons)
Mishmam's theme music:
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