Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Military Mission Board

These are vague plots that are intended for smaller groups to undertake. If you wish to undertake a mission, gather other characters you want with you, and once done, make a post below to indicate the mission's been taken. After that you can either contact me and I will set up a DM post, or you may do things your own way. Just let us know when you finish up one way or the other so we can add it to the faction's lore.


The Trandoshan Menace

Thread Type: Faction

Thread Theme: Action, PVE

Location: Kapuar Village,

Recommended Number of Writers: 3-8

Description: The Imperium has recently reached out to the Ragoons of Ragoon VI in hopes of bringing their world into the fold. The representatives of the primitive Ragoon people were receptive at first, and plans to integrate the gaia world into the Imperium were being drawn up. Negotiations failed however when the chief diplomat of the Ragoons, Cip'thrud Rimbark, was abducted in his village of Rumtok. The last transmission from Rumtok warned of an army of lizard men that carved a bloody path through the village, enslaving those that submitted, and slaughtering those that resisted in the name of their 'Scorekeeper'. With the people of Ragoon VI in jeopardy, the Imperium plans to dispatch a small strike team to ascertain what has happened, and if so, free the captured Ragoons.

Training Day

Thread Type: Faction

Thread Theme: Friendly PVP, character development

Location: Coruscant's orbit, Sons of Ession Fleet

Recommended Number of Writers: 3-8

Description: After liberating Coruscant, a large amount of recruits have signed on with the Imperium. These recruits need to be showed how it's done - the Imperium will be hosting war games aboard one of its battlecruisers' virtual reality training decks. Combat will be nonlethal, and participants will be split into two teams to play capture the flag, or an objective of the writers' choice.

Hell's Hospital

Thread Type: Faction Thread

Thread Theme: Medical care, assisting doctors in a high stress situation, PVE

Location: Dosuun

Recommended Number of Writers: 2-5

Description: A band of Essonian mercenaries has reached out to the Imperium in search of aid. They have taken on a job on the outer rim world of Dosunn, the task being the eradication of a Dark Jedi enclave on the planet. The attack resulted in a prolonged siege between the Essonians and the armies of the Dark Jedi. Though their strength remains to carry the fight to victory, many of their doctors and medics were killed in a surprise assault by the Dark Jedi. The Imperium initially offered military aid; the Essonians denied it outright, claiming that to do so would dishonor their contract, and thus dishonor them. In a compromise, the Imperium has sent a team of medics escorted by two squads of elite soldiers, in exchange for the mercenary band's allegiance. Hundreds are wounded, many on the verge of death. Soldiers must defend the medical tents set up behind the battle lines, and medical characters must work to preserve the lives of as many as they can before the mercenary band's numbers are reduced to inoperability.

The Refugees's Plight

Thread Type: Faction Thread

Thread Theme: Mystery, PVE

Location: Coruscant Underworld, Refugee Quarter

Recommended Number of Writers: 2-5

Description: Thousands of refugees have come to Coruscant in hopes of restarting their lives after the announcement of the Imperium. This has resulted in many of the camps growing overcrowded. Plans have been set to transition the refugees into proper civilian life, but these plans have been halted by a string of organized terror attacks throughout the camps. The people are terrified, and the possibility of a full scale riot breaking out just beneath Coruscant's surface is a very real responsibility. The Imperium has sent a small team to investigate these crimes to find the men behind them, and discover their reasoning for undertaking such vile actions.

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