Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Military - Galactic Alliance Defence Force

Overseen by the Supreme Commander.



Current Marshals

Lead by the Supreme Commander the military of the Galactic Alliance is as varied as one would expect from a conglomerate of worlds working together for their own protection and ideals. The distinction between Army and Navy is almost none existent.

A very simple set up, the military is lead by the Supreme Commander, who in turn delegates to PC Marshals, who form the GADF's High Command, and assume major leadership responsibilities within the GADF.

Underneath them, the military ranks are open, between enlisted members, and officers, up to generals and admirals, who will be leading brigades and battle groups respectively. Battalions and Fighter Wings are attached to the differing brigades and battle groups.

The military is a very simple 'what you feel you deserve and should lead.' In the early days, the Galactic Alliance has a bit of a ragtag military with ships and weaponry from all manner of sources within her borders. It maintains a mix of Rebellion/Old Republic aesthetic.


Omega Pyre PMC
Phoenix Fleet
Merchant Fleet (Smugglers)

Twilight Company (Mobile Infantry)
Havoc Squad (Special Forces)
Alliance Drop Troopers

Starfighter Corps.
Rogue Squadron (Spec Ops)
Wraith Squadron (Black Ops)
Wild Knights Squadron (Jedi Aces)
Renegade Squadron (Smugglers)
Other Squadrons

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