Venris Helion
Forming my own path
"And they've been able to keep their heads low enough that whenever any Jedi or bounty hunters bother to pass through they usually don't bother looking for long." The Ithorian bartender quietly said while filling Venris' glass.
The human downed the shot and set the glass down for a refill. "Any descriptions about these riders?"
"Mainly humans, lead by a Twi'lek," The Ithorian glanced around. "Green skin, female....and carrying a lightsaber."
"Now that definitely stands out," Venris Helion noted, downing his second shot. "A twi'lek slaver...but a Twi'Lek slaver...who was a jedi?"
"Don't know for sure if she was a jedi, all I hear is that she wields one of those bright blue blades." The bartender leaned back after setting down a small holo-player that showed images of this mystery Twi'lek in action. "They were last spotted out east, hitting a few of the settlements every few nights and retreating out into the jundland wastes to the north. They could be operating anywhere out of the Dune Sea...that's all I have."
"Then the wastes are where I begin," Venris decided, setting some credits onto the counter. "Keep the rest, and if anybody asks: I was holding a thermal detonator."
Venris exited the cantina and stepped into the busy streets of Mos Eisley, pulling his hood up to protect against the powerful wind gusts and the clouds of sand blowing through the darkened star port. Given what sort of planet this ball of sand was, it was nearly impossible for Venris to not find work here whenever his travels took him through.
And lo and behold: somebody, mainly a lot of moisture farms, had pooled their credits together to put a bounty on a new swoop gang that had been passing through the region as of late. They were a slaver gang, well funded and organized, and only now had he been informed that their supposed leader was waving around a lightsaber where ever she went and cut down the few armed farmers she encountered with a ferocity that rivalled a sith and an elegance that reminded him of many fellow padawans in his day.
Regardless of who she was or where she came from, she had taken several hundred frontier settlers already....mainly younger humans, male or female. Venris did not like slavers on the best of days, but to see one using as elegant and well crafted a tool as a lightsaber for this could be understood why he had agreed to take this job on for free: for the sheer thrill of this particular hunt.
He would have to be cautious however...apparently more than a few others had taken this contract before and had wound up either mysteriously dying or vanishing in the desert wastes engulfing Tantooine. This usually wouldn't be suspicious, but it was all within the same general area and usually with injuries reminiscent of a saber cut. This prey would not be content to sit and wait for him, in fact they might even have somebody to alert them of any newcomers who had accepted the contract on their heads, given the rate of mortality associated with the assignment.
That might at least make finding the gang easier, but first Venris would have to acquire a working speeder to begin his search.
The human downed the shot and set the glass down for a refill. "Any descriptions about these riders?"
"Mainly humans, lead by a Twi'lek," The Ithorian glanced around. "Green skin, female....and carrying a lightsaber."
"Now that definitely stands out," Venris Helion noted, downing his second shot. "A twi'lek slaver...but a Twi'Lek slaver...who was a jedi?"
"Don't know for sure if she was a jedi, all I hear is that she wields one of those bright blue blades." The bartender leaned back after setting down a small holo-player that showed images of this mystery Twi'lek in action. "They were last spotted out east, hitting a few of the settlements every few nights and retreating out into the jundland wastes to the north. They could be operating anywhere out of the Dune Sea...that's all I have."
"Then the wastes are where I begin," Venris decided, setting some credits onto the counter. "Keep the rest, and if anybody asks: I was holding a thermal detonator."
Venris exited the cantina and stepped into the busy streets of Mos Eisley, pulling his hood up to protect against the powerful wind gusts and the clouds of sand blowing through the darkened star port. Given what sort of planet this ball of sand was, it was nearly impossible for Venris to not find work here whenever his travels took him through.
And lo and behold: somebody, mainly a lot of moisture farms, had pooled their credits together to put a bounty on a new swoop gang that had been passing through the region as of late. They were a slaver gang, well funded and organized, and only now had he been informed that their supposed leader was waving around a lightsaber where ever she went and cut down the few armed farmers she encountered with a ferocity that rivalled a sith and an elegance that reminded him of many fellow padawans in his day.
Regardless of who she was or where she came from, she had taken several hundred frontier settlers already....mainly younger humans, male or female. Venris did not like slavers on the best of days, but to see one using as elegant and well crafted a tool as a lightsaber for this could be understood why he had agreed to take this job on for free: for the sheer thrill of this particular hunt.
He would have to be cautious however...apparently more than a few others had taken this contract before and had wound up either mysteriously dying or vanishing in the desert wastes engulfing Tantooine. This usually wouldn't be suspicious, but it was all within the same general area and usually with injuries reminiscent of a saber cut. This prey would not be content to sit and wait for him, in fact they might even have somebody to alert them of any newcomers who had accepted the contract on their heads, given the rate of mortality associated with the assignment.
That might at least make finding the gang easier, but first Venris would have to acquire a working speeder to begin his search.