Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Soliael wandered empty streets and dusty roads.

Tattooine had never been a choice destination. Its sandy dunes, hot suns, and seemingly intrepid people weren't really great tourist draws, but its Krayt Dragons were. Soliael had once come to this world seeking to hunt down one of his fathers old Storage rooms. A massive treasure filled cave that he had left dotted all around the galaxy. Finding it had been rather difficult, though inside he had found a rather amusing treasure, and not one that Moridin had left.

He chuckled to himself at the memory, then turned down another street.

It was night time here.

Both of Tatooines twin suns had long ago set and most had gone to sleep. There were a few stragglers in the streets, though most of it was empty, they all avoided him regardless. He gave off a scent of death and foreboding, an aura of pain and hurt. It suited him well, he wasn't exactly looking for conversation.

With a frown Soliael turned down a small alleyway, stepping into it with a confident stride.
She was forever wandering from planet to planet. She had no plan for her life, no motives to really speak of, she simply existed and for the seemingly young woman that was perfectly fine with her. Anara had achieved her goals or so she assumed. Why else had she willingly wiped her own mind of her past?

Life was about living, not about some of the petty struggles she watched lesser beings throwing themselves into. However, their struggles amused her to no end and so her wandering seemed to take her where those struggles were strongest.

That was the only reason she was now upon Tattoine for the struggles of those trapped upon the sandy planet was spell binding.

Though the days upon the planet were hot, its nights were chilling and so she was dressed appropriately as she ducked down an alley on her way back to the spaceport.

Anara had taken no more than a few steps into the dark alley when an oppressive presence slammed against her own, halting her steps. A thousand voices shrieked all at once within her mind, causing her aura to fluctuate violently, her eyes glowing for a breath as she winced against the sudden pain. Something about the approaching individual disturbed those within in her, but with practiced ease she shut them out.

Eyes of hellfire studied the approaching figure, her arms folding beneath her chest as she tilted her head to the side curiously. There was a sense of familiarity about the oncoming being and it only served to make her move forward once more, curiosity driving her.

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
[member="Anara Valnor"]
Soliael didn't recognize Anara, how could he? She was shrouded in clothes and darkess. What he did recognize was the agonizing call of thousands of souls. His eyebrows raised slightly as he felt it, though It didn't deter him any. His steps grew more solid, the air around him seemed to shift and change, growing from malignant malice to aggressive bites that seemed to sting the skin.

Whatever he was walking towards, it held some degree of power.

His eyes shifted, the glowing orange being obscured by thick black flecks. His walk became stiffer, and his fists clenched. He readied himself to kill, to eviscerate whatever was before him. Since he had expunged the Vir from his veins Soliael found the force more freely, more powerfully. He held so much of it, in the blink of an eye he could destroy this city.

It was necessary, it was calming.

This was what he was now, power incarnate.

The woman before him came closer, the light of Tatooines moons began to shine into the alleyway.
The power rolling toward her was not entirely unexpected, but the violent sting that prickled her exposed skin was unwelcome. Amber darkened and a low rumbling began to emit from her chest, her eyes narrowing in slight aggravation. The souls within her shrieked louder and her eyes began to glimmer softly as she did not halt in her approach.

Her own power began to slip from her in waves, her eyes darkening further as she calmed her growling. She stepped into the dim light of the alley, the hood upon her head slipping down as she tilted her head back. Was this being looking for a fight? She had not been intending to upend the still of the night, but she would gladly oblige the man approaching.

No one challenged her in such a fashion.
Force user.


That much was apparent. Soliael shifted his feet, the force surrounding him and pouring into him in an instant. Bright Orange eyes lit up within the darkness, an echo of Moridins, and echo of his families legacy. Perhaps it would spark a memory within Anara, or perhaps it would simply go unnoticed. Soliael still did not recognize her, not from the chat that they had so long ago.

“Who are you?” He called out to her, ready to kill at a moments notice.
A flicker of recognition passed over her as the man's eyes lit up. Was he someone from her past? There was only one way to find out.

With a roll of her shoulders her cloak slipped open, revealing her petite form bedecked in leathers and tight cloth. Her attire left little to the imagination, but her purpose in revealing herself was to show the man she had no desire to fight him, unless he really wished it at least. The souls within her screamed and the color bled from her gaze. Amber was slowly overtaken by black and she smiled, her body buzzing with anticipation.

"Something that goes bump in the night...The same as you," she replied, her voice caressing his ear as though she stood with her lips pressed against his skin.

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
Soliael recognized her almost instantly. For a two hundred year old Sith Lord he had an impeccable memory, and he remembered well the chat that he had had with this woman regarding his father, back when the Sith Empire had still been an entity, back when it had been a force in the galaxy.

“Anara?” He asked quietly.

Soliael of course had no idea that the woman had lost her memories, no idea who she was now or what she was going here on Tatooine. The two had never been friends, nor really associates. She had simply been a woman that his father had once known, and at the time that had made her valuable. Now there was nothing, only surprise in finding her here upon this world.
Almost immediately the black began to recede from her gaze, amber returning. Her eyes glowed only for a moment and then the power rolling off her calmed. She had been right, but was he friend or foe? She could not say, but suspected that their former relationship lay somewhere in the middle. She nodded once, a hand coming up to brush her vibrant bangs from her face as she studied him.

His eyes were haunting in an unsettling fashion and the souls within shrieked in fright at the sight of them.


She tilted her head to the side as she studied him, her arms folded beneath her chest.

"You know me....but I don't recall you...."
That didn't really surprise him, but form the tone of her voice he could tell something else was wrong.

She didn't sound as though she were forgetful or unapologetic, she sounded as tough she truly did not remember, but was trying to. He frowned slightly, his lips turning down into a near scowl. Had she forgotten? Had she truly not remembered that time? Granted the conversation hadn't been that startling, but he doubted Anara would forget anything to do with Moridin by choice.

By her own profession she had loved Moridin once.

“I'm Moridins son.” Perhaps the name would spark something within her.
The name struck a chord with the souls and they roared so loudly Anara's staggered back a step, a hand flying to her temple. Amber orbs burned bright and she closed her eyes in pain, her heart suddenly thundering in her chest as she fought to quell the thousands of voices shrieking inside her head. Their cries did not cease, but she was able to shut them out.

When she reopened her eyes black tendrils were snaked across her eyes, writhing as she held tight to the power coursing through her. She would not be bested by damned souls of long dead beings.

"That name means nothing to me," she murmured. It was a half truth, but he need not know that. Smirking she tapped her temple with a single finger, the amber of her eyes shimmering beneath the black tendrils.

"Blank pages sweetheart..."

So she had forgotten.

That was an interesting little development. Briefly Soliael wondered what his father would do with this. Try and force her to remember? Leave? Try and do...other things. He wondered for a moment, lips turning down into that same distasteful frown.

“Odd.” Soliael said finally. “You loved him once.”

She had told him that. It had been so long ago, but he had remembered. The words had stuck with him, mostly because he thought his father an unlovable monster, a creature that deserved neither praise nor worship. His own mother had certainly never loved Moridin, more seen him as a tool for entertainment. Anara had though.

She studied the man before her, his eyes still her main focus. No wonder they had struck her so powerfully. The fact that she was still affected even without the memories of his father was peculiar, who was this Moridin man?

"I wiped my memories," she finally replied with a shrug. Running a hand through her hair she moved a bit closer to the man, her eyes sweeping over him in an appraising fashion. "I take it you are not mine then?" She caught his gaze once more, a smirk playing across her features.

How old was he? They looked to be the same age so then that begged the question as to how old his father had been when she had 'loved' him.
“No.” Soliael said simply.

For the briefest moment he recalled images of both Sven and Anwen, the two children that Anara had genetic coupling with alongside Moridin. Sven was still alive and well on Byss, ruling the planet alongside his now wife. Anwen...Anwen was not so lucky. She had degenerated past a point of no return, her clone body and the force interacting in such a way that it forced her to shut down.

Soliael had helped her pass.

Inwardly he squirmed at that thought. It had not been a pleasant ordeal, killing his own half-sister, but he had saved her from untold hours of suffering, and for that he was glad.

“One of them is still alive, on Byss.” He decided telling her would be best. “The other passed away.”
Anara blinked, clearly surprised. She had children? It put a bad taste in her mouth to find out in such a way. Why had she not left such information in a message for herself?

She'd never know, but she didn't dislike it any less.

Unsure what else to do she simply nodded, her stomach twisting unpleasantly. So she had been a Jedi, an Empress, and a mother....What other secrets lay in her past that she had been trying to escape?

"Your father is dead."

It was not a question for without him saying it she already knew it to be true. How or why Anara could not say, but it was true regardless.

"What were we to one another?" She'd never really cared about her past, but this man was revealing more about her past than anyone previously had. The souls continued to wail in agony and fear, and her body reacted similarly at the mention of her children and Byss. Who had this Moridin been?

Who had she been?
Soliael paused for a few moments.

That was a difficult question, especially for him. He had heard Anara's own explanation for the situation some time ago, had heard her explain exactly what Moridin had been to her...but it hadn't been all that clear. She had said she loved him, and that a part of him had returned that love. Yet neither of them were stable individuals, and his father certainly was never anyone to hold near and dear.

“It...” He trailed off as he tried to explain.

How would he put this? He honestly had no idea.

“You explained it to me only once, in fact we have only ever met once.” He chuckled at that. “But you told me you loved him. You told me you cared for him and he for you. That is what you said, but more I do not know. I assume you were never married, but you loved your children, even though they were his spawn. That I know.”

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