Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Meditation and Discussion

The Temple of Coruscant had been a welcomed sight after his trip to Kashyyyk which had been entirely unpleasant. He had met, and fought, a delusional assassin and nearly gotten eaten by one of the large shadowland denizens. In truth, Verrin could use the rest as the experience had been incredibly draining, and it showed him just how far some people could go off the deep end. That assassin's mind... was fractured, and despite being trained to become a Healer; Verrin wasn't sure he could ever help heal such a mind, and more importantly... would he try? The question had been plaguing his thoughts for sometime.

Self-reflection, meditation, and centering himself could help him discover the answer. The rest of the people he passed by in the halls were little more then blurred out figures as he was deep inside his own mind running over the events over and over again. He had no intention of going to his master, either of them, to discuss what he saw because Verrin didn't want to talk about it with the chains of formality in place. It wasn't that he did not trust either of their opinions, it was more akin to that he had trouble connecting with them on a personal level. It wasn't surprising as he wasn't sure he had ever been able to truly connect with someone. This would be something he would find the answer to himself like normal.

Pressing the activation key to his favorite meditation chamber, he stepped through the door to come upon a sight he did not expect. Another Jedi, one he was sure he had never seen before as she was someone he would remember. Her platinum blond hair and pale skin gave her an almost... elegant appearance, and it reminded him of Alexandra, yet where Alexandra seemed, almost, mother-like, this woman seemed almost regal.

"I am sorry, I didn't know someone was using this room," Verrin said both intrigued that someone was in there as it was in the back of the Temple, so not many used it, and at the odds of someone being in their while his own mind was under such duress.

Ilanthria meditated quietly in the small room. She had been giving guidance to many for most of the morning, and was happy to find some time to reflect on the current state of the Force. Many people had stared in awe at her as she passed them on her way to the room. To each, she appeared different, slightly altered in their minds. But no matter what form she looked to be, in each she was glowing, and absolutely beautiful. As she delved into the Force, she sensed the presence of another in the room with her. Their mind felt...troubled.

"I am sorry. I didn't know someone was using this room."

Ilanthria opened her eyes to see a man standing before her. She smiled warmly. "It is quite alright. Your name is Verrin, correct? I believe I have seen you training with your master in the courtyard a few times." She beckoned him to sit next to her. "Come. We shall meditate together."
Verrin Ris'To
Verrin sat down next to her keeping a foot of space between them as he bent his legs and sat down in his own meditative stance. He was still caught a little flat-footed by the other Jedi, but she seemed kind and had a warm smile. She was beautiful, maybe the closest to perfection he had ever seen anyone be. If he was the jealous type, and a woman, he would say her face was almost mockingly beautiful in its perfection.

He had a deep love for things of beauty, both obvious and hidden, and so he took a few moments to look at her commiting her face to memory, "You know me, but I am afraid I don't know who you are," Verrin said fishing for her name and for her to introduce herself as he was curious on her name. Would it fit and reflect the person he was seeing? Or would it be something odd that he cannot pronounce. Verrin was a little curious as to what race she was as she didn't look human, and he knew she was not a K'paur.

Verrin would start his own medidation soon, but he felt he should know a little more about the beautiful Jedi that shared the room with him as it would help get his mind off what happened for a bit as he learned about someone new.

Ilanthria could sense Verrin's fascination behind his words. Most reacted this way. Diathims were coveted on some planets. She smiled, showing perfect white teeth. "I am Ilanthria," She said. "I am a Diathim. I was born on Iego, and have been studying Jedi history and teachings for many years." She met his eyes. She could tell that this was what he had wanted to know.

Verrin Ris'To
Diathim. He had heard of them, as many had, beautiful 'angels' that were among the most beautiful beings in the galaxy. So did that mean all of her kind looked like her? If so, he would have to see Lego sometime, was the world as beautiful as the race? Even if it was nearly as beautiful it was be something to see and remember.

"It is nice to meet you [member="Ilanthria"]," Verrin said taking in some more last minute details from the corner of his eyes as he tested out her name. It fit her. It was an exotic and beautiful name. She had answered all the questions he had been thinking, so she must have been asked that a lot, and it didn't surprise him. He doubted she could go anywhere without people asking about her or for her.

Turning his head back to face the front of him, he closed his eyes, "How long have you been a Jedi?" He asked unable to deny his natural curiosity.
Twenty years? That was longer then he had been in the order. He had only been in the order for eleven and had been a member since he was seven. Ilanthria did not look very old, so maybe her kind was like his and had an extremely long lifespan? He wanted to ask her more, but he felt that he was disturbing her meditation.

Verrin didn't want to interrupt her own training with his mindless questions, so he closed his eyes and tried to center himself. He reached out with the force, letting his mind swim through the force. He could feel Ilanthria next to him, a burning light next to him that he felt an almost subconscious need to gravitate towards.

Ilanthria closed her eyes once more, smiling as she continued her meditation. She could feel Verrin next to her. His aura felt troubled. He must have come here to meditate on it. Perhaps she could help. "What is troubling you?" She asked him, her voice soft.

Verrin Ris'To
Verrin kept his eyes closed, trying to recall all the events what transpired but remained as tied to the force he could, "I met an assassin on Kashyyyk. He killed a Duros that had been on his way to the Republic Embassy to give us information on a new threat that was rising," he paused remembering what happened, "I didn't get to the Duros in time to save him, but I did bring the Assassin down with me where we fell into the Shadowlands beneath the trees."

He paused remembering the details of the dark place, "I could have killed him," he admitted, the Assassin could use the force, but he didn't have control over it. He was a very good swordsman, but Verrin was a duelist. If the assassin had been trained to use the force, the fight would have been much more intense, "But I didn't. Our fight eventually brought a large beast that we had to work together to defeat, but, I was wounded trying to protect him from it."

Verrin opened his eyes slowly, his blue eyes tracing the lines on the wall, "We killed the beast, and we started to fight again. The assassin was wounded heavily, and despite my own wounds, I could have killed him and taken the information from his body. He had a ship coming to evac him, and I know I wouldn't be able to subdue him in time, but I still couldn't do it. There was something... wrong with his mind. He kept yelling at the sky thinking it was an AIs fault, he may have thought it all wasn't real that it was some kind of simulation, but he had a sense of honor. He offered to help me get out of the shadowlands."

Verrin looked down at his legs, "I accepted his offer and boarded his ship. He kept his word, but I still... I still should have stopped him from leaving, but I felt that... if I had been stronger, wiser, or... anything, I could have subdued him and saved him. I didn't feel he was a bad man. Misguided... delusional... but not a bad man."

Verrin turned his head to look at [member="Ilanthria"], "but my duty was to get the information, but I couldn't do it. I wouldn't do it. I have always followed my heart on such things, but what if the cost of my actions are so much greater then my own feelings on it?"
Ilanthria opened her eyes as Verrin spoke, contemplating the issue. She looked over at him when he was finished, compassion in her gaze. "You did no wrong by sparing his life, Verrin. You did what many Jedi could not. You protected your enemy as if he were a friend. You put other lives before your own. Do not think that it was a bad thing. It was not." She smiled, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Strength does not come from merely prowess and skill. It also comes from having the will to forgive. You knew that this assassin was broken inside. The Jedi within you wanted nothing more than to heal him, and though you believed you couldn't, in a way, you did. You showed him mercy in the face of death, a kindness that so many others would have denied him. Not only that, but you allowed yourself to trust the goodness in him in order for you both to survive. Only a true Jedi would have been able to see the goodness through the turmoil beneath his skin. You may feel that you have failed. That the information was more important than anything else. But you saved a life, Verrin. Never deny the magnitude of that. You saved a life."
@Verrin Ris'To
Verrin was quiet as [member="Ilanthria"] spoke. A true Jedi for seeing the goodness within his heart? He wasn't sure it, or he, was all that great. He was sure any Jedi would have done the same, tried to save another. His heart told him that he had done the right thing that he should have spared the assassin because it was the right thing to do. He could turn his life around, but his mind told him he was being naive. What if the assassin became a Sith? How many more lives would he kill and destroy? Was his life really worth the lives of everyone he may kill?

But then again, was it right to kill someone because of what they may do? Verrin let out a slow breath. He was glad she seemed to approve of his decision and supported it more then his mind could. Maybe he would just need to trust in his heart and instincts until they were proved wrong. He could only hope the woman who flew the ship would be able to, somewhat, provide the assassin with someone to lean on and be an anchor for his humanity.

"Thank you," Verrin said turning to meet her eyes, "For saying what you did. Is there anything you would like to talk about?"
Ilanthria thought for a moment. "Are you familiar with the Mandalorian Wars?" She asked Verrin. History always fascinated her, and this particular topic was one of slight controversy among the Jedi.

Verrin Ris'To
Verrin blinked a little surprised that she wanted to talk of the Mandalorian wars. He knew enough about the topic as, like most younglings, history was part of his education, "I am, is there something about the war that interest you?"

Ilanthria smiled. "Yes. As you know, the Mandalorians were waging a galactic war. Planet after planet fell against their might. Millions of innocents were mercilessly slain. The Republic did what they could, but they could not stop what was happening. When the end was near, with victory for the Mandalorians imminent, the Jedi were the only thing that could save the galaxy. The Council believed that time and careful planning would present the most effective opposition. However, many amongst the younger generations believed that a direct and powerful onslaught was the only way to win the war. And so, two young Knights named Revan and Malak formed a small collection of followers and, against the Council's wishes, joined the Republic in battle. With their wisdom, skills, and tactics on the battlefield, fortune favored the Jedi and Republic. They crushed the Mandalorians, dwindling their numbers until they were all but extinct. The war was over. But as one war ended, another began." She looked at him. "I am curious. Do you believe it was right of the Jedi to defy the wisdom of the Council? To go against everything they were told, despite the consequences, in order to do what they believed was right?"

Verrin Ris'To
Verrin was quiet as she spoke, she seemed very... animated about the topic. It seemed she had a deep love for history, and he wished it he been her giving the instructions instead of the Duros Teacher he had that had a tendency to forget what he was talking about. Then again, how many youngling boys would even be able to pay attention if she was talking and moving in front of them? Very few, and he was also sure he would not have been one of those few as beauty always had a means of captivating his attention and few people could compare to [member="Ilanthria"].

When she asked him, Verrin closed his eyes thinking it over. He had always followed his heart and inner conscious when it came to such things because he was the one who had to live with his decision. If he believed doing something was right, or that the Council was making the wrong decision, would he disobey them? Yes, yes he would. Was it right for them to do so? He wasn't sure. Maybe the Council could have figured out some means to save the Republic, or maybe the Republic would have fallen before they could have done anything, but the longer they waited the more people were dying, but then the Mandalorians were nearly extinct, and it took thouands of years for them to repopulate their belief.

"I don't know if what they did was right or wrong," Verrin said, his eyes still closed, "Maybe it would have been better if they had followed the councils wishes, maybe it would have been worse, but I do know... that I would have done what Revan and Malak did."

Opening his eyes, he found her eyes with his bright blue ones, "I could not have stood by as the Republic burned and people died. I don't like fighting. I never have, but I know sitting and watching suffering going on without doing anything is wrong."

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