Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Mediha
SPECIES: Human (Nightsister)
AGE: 21
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5' 2"
WEIGHT: 115 lbs.
EYES: Pale gray/gray-blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Yes.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Witch: As all of the witches of Dathomir, Mediha has skill with the Dark Side and illusions and traps in particular. She has the ability to enhance weapons (make unbreakable to lightsabers and the Force, enabling herself and others to defend themselves against Jedi or Sith who try to challenge supposedly unarmed opponents), but prefers exercises of her witch powers over physical fighting.

Invisible: Okay, sometimes that is literal, but mostly it's just Mediha's ability to blend into the background. Among her Sisters, she is a mere acolyte and finds herself often at the backs of gatherings or eavesdropping on the fringes of conversations. Out in the world, dressed as any other off-worlder, she wears nondescript clothing and again blends harmlessly into the background, something that her sweet face helps with.

Self-Confident: Mediha is comfortable in her own skin and knows the extent of her abilities. She rarely tries to overreach herself, except where absolutely necessary, and that knowledge bolsters her own understanding and opinion of herself.

Faith: Mediha truly believes in the Nightsister religion and laws. They are good, they are power, they are life.

Paranoid: Everyone and everything is out to get her. Even those she may come to loosely trust as allies will find themselves suspect every time something goes wrong; the galaxy is a hard place and the only way to survive is to watch your own back from everyone else's duplicity.

Hard: She's a Nightsister. They'll cut you in your face. It also makes it very difficult to for her to get close to others, especially when paired with the weakness above. It takes a long time for anyone to work their way into her life enough for her to care.

Misandrist: For now, she has particular prejudices about the mostly worthless breeder race, but no man has ever given her cause to view him otherwise. Coupled with Faith, this is a difficult one to overcome, though there may be exceptions to the overall prejudice in the future.

Mediha's face is either painted or illusioned to be sheet-white and marked strongly with black tattoos, as many of her fellow witches' faces are. Unlike many of her fellows, though, Mediha is not truly tattooed. Although lesser in height than many people, she possesses wide hips and other proportionately ample attributes.

Mediha grew up in the Nightsister clan of Dathomir, learning and thereby adopting their beliefs from a young age. She always was a loyal and faithful subject, demonstrating some powers from the time she was very young. She was trained, as all other girls in their culture were, to become an acolyte and, eventually, a Nightsister, to rule over the Nightbrothers and take what power she could without wholly unbalancing the clan. Although by no means the most powerful, Mediha possessed strong magick; she spent several years training to become a full Nightsister, indeed a year or more longer than her fellows. This choice was intentional on her part, as she used the cover of being an acolyte to give her the freedom to learn and strengthen the skills she wanted without anyone eyeing her askance as a threat.

No ship.

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.


Blood for Blood [Private] - Murder of Sith Nightsister
Purgatory Awaits [Private] - Mediha and Anderit Introductions
Revelations of the Hunt [Private] - First Hunt
Escape from Witch Mountain [Private] - Meeting Darius
Hunting the Past [Private] - Felran's ancestral quest
The Beautiful Planet [Private] - Meeting Tehra
Lanterns [Private] - Sorting out where they stand (Darius, pre-Zeltros)
Ord Vaug [Dominion] - Monkey people and salvage with the Black Ravens
Spider Folks [Private] - Witch attack
Two Parts Pirates, One Part Zombies, Ninjas Optional [Dominion] - Elrood; Rovasus is not helping himself in Mediha's estimation
Budding Branches [Private] - Recruiting Clara
Pulling Up The Roots [Private] - Recruiting Vega
A Matter of Family [Private] - Meeting Darius's girlfriend
Fleshlings [Private] - Adopting a child (much against her wishes)
I always thought how Nightsisters killing any son that was born with the force was interesting... Unless they didn't want to and smuggled them straight out of the womb... And that's how Darth Maul was made kids...

Felran Natri

Actually, thread sometime? I need to follow my ancestors footsteps and well....I need a Nightsister to help me with that. I can explain more of your interested.


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