Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Image Source:
  • - Prosthetic Arm
  • To provide a basic means of replacement for the disabled, or those looking to enhance their physical body.
Development Thread:
  • N/A
  • Autrio Technologies
  • MA-0
  • Private market - must be bought IC
  • None
  • Mass Production
  • Cybernetic components
  • Exonium
  • Titanium
  • The MechArms are covered by three components. The cybernetic components that wire the arms, sending information from the organic brain to the MechArms. Exonium act as a basis for self-reliant energy. Exonium is capable of producing energy, and harnessing this energy source the MechArms are capable of operating on their own accord without requiring rest periods. A titanium frame protect the MechArms from damage.
  • Due to the mechanical servomotors within the hands and arms itself, it multiplies the users strength, making the user capable of lifting heavier objects that ordinarily allowed. Pistons located within the forearm allow for increased speed.
[member="JX-XS Visser"]

I'd like some more clarification on the exonium power source and the potential physical enhancement. Does the exonium generate enough power for someone to put weapons on this? What sort of strength increase is there with the arm?

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