Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Mazik Stazi

Mazik Stazi

NAME: Mazik Stazi
FACTION: The Republic
RANK: Admiral
AGE: 52
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.8 meters
WEIGHT: 110 kg
HAIR: None
SKIN: Light Blue

  • Tactician
  • Career Military
  • War Hero
  • Unstable
  • Past His Prime

Haggard, has not aged well. Looks more like he could be a bounty hunter or ex-pirate from his general look, demeanor, and a stocky frame in military shape despite the seeming ravages of time in his features.


A Bburru Station native, it did not take Mazik Stazi very long to experience the wanderlust so common to his people. From a long line of military pilots of some modest renown, Mazik intended to follow in their footsteps and attend a local academy. Although he was a good pilot, it did not take his instructors long to recognize his real skillset belonged on the command track. Mazik took to bridge duty more naturally than he had ever taken to the cockpit, and although he maintained his love of flying he knew he'd make a much better Captain than pilot.

Serving on several larger Republic craft before being given his first frigate command, Stazi worked his way up the ladder through competence and dogged determination more than any political savvy or genial personality. Eventually he realized his dream of commanding a Star Defender, Mazik was on deep space patrol when his vessel fell into a carefully laid trap. The true foe never confirmed, but suspected rogue One Sith elements crippled his ship before they could even make an emergency hyperspace jump.

Giving the order to evacuate, Mazik saved many of his crew's lives but elected to remain behind to prevent his ship's seizure, ignorant that he had left himself alone to defend the true objective of the assault. Having acquired the deactivation codes for the vessel's self destruct mechanism, stormtroopers swarmed the bridge only to find Captain Stazi had crawled through the guts of the vessel to trigger an overload in the defender's main reactor.

With no way to prevent the scuttling of the ship, both the Sith Imperials and Mazik made their way to the same hangar bay, and after a fierce firefight Mazik was grievously wounded attempting to escape and taken prisoner. He would spend the next decade mostly in solitary confinement, occasionally shipped from one prison barge to the next, on the verge of completely losing his mind. Assumed dead by the only people he could have expected to rescue him.

One day, five years ago, the prison compound he was in was liberated by none other than the Galactic Alliance, under the command of a young wookiee lieutenant Vryyr. As it turned out, he was being held on Nar Shaddaa by the Black Sun, having been sold to them several years ago as a potential future bargaining piece. When they were finally able to confirm his identity, they were shocked to discover that he wanted to resume his commission.

Still highly functional but having displayed some borderline disturbing results in the battery of psych evaluations he was put under, Stazi was accepted as an officer but at reduced rank and not allowed his own command. The years in captivity having done nothing to improve his mood, Mazik though perhaps unpleasant to work with seems to have channeled his inner rage into becoming a more effective officer than ever before. As if every day is a challenge to prove he isn't broken, that he still has the edge needed for command.

Expecting to finally regain captaincy of a smaller vessel, Mazik was nonetheless passed over for command and instead transferred to serve under Captain Zark, a former privateer and Merchant Fleet captain that had accepted a commission in the Galactic Alliance to command the Rebel's Hope, the mobile home base of Rogue Squadron. Despite his initial resentment and frustration with the human's unorthodox command style, slowly the man he had once seen as an usurper began to earn his begrudging respect. Seeing action together both at Castameer and Bomis Koori IV as well has a handful of minor skirmishes, the two were just becoming, if not friends, then comrades, when Zark's notoriety earned him a fast track promotion to Commodore and Mazik suddenly found himself in possession at last of what he had worked so hard to earn back. His own command.

As Captain of the Rebel's Hope, Stazi would continue to see action often as a part of his old COs task force. On the frontlines at practically every major Alliance battle between Atrisia and the Ison Corridor, the wily old Duros has by now proved to his superiors in the Defense Fleet that he still has what it takes to effectively command. After the losses suffered during the Great Galactic War, Mazik was promoted to Commodore Stazi, placed in command of the ANS Hereafter, and assigned a task force of his own.
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