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Maureen Code - More Than the Common Bounty Hunter

NAME: Maureen Code.​
ALIAS: Second Sister.​
RANK: Apprentice level.​
SPECIES: Twi-lek​
AGE: Eighteen.​
GENDER: Female.​
HEIGHT: 5’5.​
WEIGHT: 145​
EYES: Blue.​
SKIN: Green.​

A bit of a science and technology nerd, Maureen is usually calm, collected, and (scientifically) calculating. She almost never loses her cool, and when not bounty hunting is either tinkering or studying. She is very independent, and is an obvious tomboy who is personally grossed out by this “love life” thing… Beauty? Romance? Pfft! If someone tried to make moves on her they would be flying across the room! Maureen does have a moral compass, and has a soft spot for the kiddo’s. However, having been brought up and aiming for dark side based goals, Maureen is still a bit dark. At least she hasn’t experimented with humans yet…

She is a green twi-lek with blue eyes. She wears the common jacket and (black) clothes. She is a bit muscular, but mostly appears small and agile. She has a scar on her right eye. She carries all her equipment with her. She wears glasses.

The One Sith were clever, setting up children in the Safe Harbor Orphanage. Of course, the orphanage was where Maureen spent her life as long as she could remember. She was a study nerd who aced her school courses, even making it ahead of pace by two years when she was in her early teens. Her diet of meat meat meat gave her enhanced physical capabilities, and she was trained well in unarmed combat.

In her studies though, the twi’lek discovered many things though. She learned about the Galactic History, of the Republic and the Empire… she fell in love with a little known cult of long ago – the Empire’s Inquisitors. They were solely tasked with slaying Jedi (propaganda school courses made sure she hated them) who survived Order 66. The One Sith took interest in their rather sturdy little twi’lek nerd, and they even had mentors teach her the basics of force sense and telekinesis. They were hoping to bait her in, but Maureen discovered she had other plans…

When she was fourteen, she was considered an adult. She zoomed out of that orphanage at what appeared to be light speed and bought herself a crummy ship to get off Courasaunt. She had one vision, one dream, based off a fantasy she had as a little girl. She wanted to recreate an underrated group she felt was far more capable than allowed.

She would travel around the galaxy as a bounty hunter. At day, she was earning credits; at night, she was training her heart out. She found all the public documents she could of force abilities, and she even taught herself the basics of niman. She would develop more knowledge of her ancient role models, and she soon had constructed her own lightsaber… in the model of the Inquisitors of the Empire.

She would continue, slowly but surely, in this lifestyle up until she was eighteen.

- In the Name of Science!: Maureen is extremely smart. She’s a skilled gadget gawl and tinkerer. She is often times looking at things scientifically, and she may even experiment here and there. She spends most of her credits on new equipment.
- Salvager: Maureen can dig for surprisingly useful stuff for her new toys.
- Kombat Kid: Maureen, despite being a scientist, is not afraid to get her hands dirty and punch a few skulls. Or blast a few folks. Or even skewer someone with her lightsaber.
- Pilot: Maureen is also a capable pilot. Wow, she’s good at everything…

- Night Owl: Maureen hardly ever gets any sleep whatsoever… so yeah.
- Obsessed: Maureen is obsessed in both her inventions and her desire to revive the Inquisitors. This has often led to unhealthy habits.
- Coffee Addict: She gets all her fuel somewhere! If she goes without her daily cup(s) she can even get lightheaded and shaky.


- Sense: Basic.​
- Telekinesis: Basic.​
- Jump: Basic.​
- A double bladed spinning lightsaber with a smaller, simpler hilt design than most of the Inquisitor’s Order (it’s most like the Grand Inquisitor’s, nothing fancy like the Seventh Sister or Fifth Brother’s.)​
- *more to be added after Marketplace visits.*
- Unarmed Combat: Exceptional.​
- Blaster Pistols: Exceptional.​
- Starfighter/ Flying Skills: Exceptional.​
- Blaster Rifles: Basic.​
- Niman: Basic.​

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