Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Order of the Silver Jedi

An alliance of Jedi and their beneficiaries seeking to restore peace and stability to the galaxy.

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Master/Padawan Apprenticeships

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Silver Jedi Apprenticeships:

For most students and mentors (Jedi Knights/Masters), the undertaking of an apprenticeship is one of the greatest privileges within the Order of the Silver Jedi and is arguably the surest route to true character development and the attaining of rank and responsibility as a fellow member of the Order seeking to best serve the Galaxy and the Force.

Within these Apprenticeships, those of Knight or Master rank are able to choose a student that has taken their interest or has otherwise been called attention to by the Silver assembly and the Circle of Masters.

Upon confirmation, the mentor in question will then offer the Padawan the opportunity to shadow them throughout their day to day activities as they fulfil their duty to the Order and by extension the people of the Galaxy.

Mentor privileges:
  • Jedi Knights are eligible to take one Padawan for their Apprentice at a time.
  • Jedi Masters are eligible to take two or more Padawan as their Apprentices at a time.
The Circle of Masters may recommend exceptions to the above.

In order to keep track of Students in need of a Mentor, Mentors looking for a Padawan to take on, or those who have already been Apprenticed under a Jedi Knight or Master, the following code may be filled out by members of the Silver Jedi Concord stating your character name, rank and desired outcome.

Character Name: Your character's known or preferred name.
Jedi Rank: Jedi Padawan, Knight or Master.
Seeking: Silver/New Jedi Order Master/Padawan (Choose preferred answer)
Additional Information: You may wish to include preferred styles of roleplay such as whether your character is combat orientated or a healer type. Whether you wish for a long-term or short-term partnership etc.

I'll be deleting comments once they've been added to this list to prevent the thread from getting too cluttered so don't worry if your comment disappears after a bit.

Silver Jedi Order
Master Matsu Ike Matsu Ike

Mixed Jedi Order
New Jedi Order & Silver Jedi Order
Master Jairdain

Please comment with any existing apprenticeships that are up to date.​


Character Name: Zak Dymo
Jedi Rank: Padawan
Seeking: Master
Additional Information: I'm not in a rush to "rank up" so in a perfect world, his master would be a writing partner for an ongoing "Master-and-Apprentice" schtick.
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Renodar Wolfblood

Character Name: Renodar Wolfblood

Jedi Rank: Jedi Padawan

Seeking: Silver/New Jedi Order Master

Additional Information: Blend of combat and healing, combat style Archery (long bow for now while eventually having change over to energy bow) Focus on nature-themed force abilities

Renodar Wolfheart

Character Name:
Jedi Rank: Jedi Knight
Seeking: Silver/New Jedi Order Master
Additional Information: Scout/ archer/ ranger playstyle, nature, and archery-themed force abilities. Basically a dnd Wood elf Ranger, tweaked to fit in Satr Wars

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