Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Master and Apprentice: The training of a new Sith

Zalen was meditating quietly in his chambers; his arms and legs crossed while his mind was in a meditative trance. He waited for his Master, Daxton Bane who would train him to become even stronger in the force. Zalen craved the knowledge of what he could learn, knowledge was everything and Zalen was it's glutton. He could hardly sit still and calm his mind, he was anxious to begin his training.
A droid arrived and summoned him to the practice area, where Daxton was fighting unarmed against several droids wielding various weapons. The Sith Knight dispatched them with fist and foot before the apprentices eyes before turning away from the sandy battlefield.

Taking a towel from a service droid, he wiped the sweat from his face as he said, "I hear you wish for my to take you on as apprentice. Tell me, young Sith. Do you have what it takes?"
Zalen was impressed with Daxton's speed and agility as well as the flow in which he commanded in combat; Daxton had dispatched training droids with ease. Zalen lit his off-hand shoto and his dominant-hand lightsaber, "Of course master. Where shall we start? Perhaps you would like to test my skills in lightsaber combat? I look forward to the challenge, this is what I was born for!" Zalen appeared in a typical Makashi dueling stance, assumingly ready for his master's assault.
Surprisingly Daxton activated a light blue saber, before going into a two handed cross defense stance. "Well what are you waiting for then? An invitation? Come at me and show me what you have."

The defensive posture was a feint, as he channeled more of the dark side into himself to enhance his reflexes and speed. He planned to see what this one was capable of being a worthy cats paw for his plans.
The master had ignited his lightsaber and to Zalen's suprize, it was a lightsaber with a blue adegan crystal. Traditionally Sith had synthetic Red Crystals which had more cutting power than an adegan crystal, but at the cost of some meanuverability. Perhaps the master's crystal was a synthetic blue lightsaber crystal and only the color was different. Zalen was about to find out.

Zalen lunged forward meticulously with a straight jab with his dominant hand lightsaber all the while remembering the basis of the Makashi Lightsaber form: Economy of motion and prescision. This form was made for lightsaber dueling, the footwork was essential. After the straight jab would be parried, Zalen would be prepared to defend with his shoto and move downward right in order to optimise his position.
As his opponent lunged with the straight jab, Daxton's grip tightened around his left hand, sending coils of invisible force at the younger man. The first struck his elbows sending his blade upwards off track, while the second coil slammed him in the kidneys, driving air from his lungs as the pain radiated outward.

Before he could recover, Daxton's blade snaked out, stopping mere centimeters from his exposed throat. "The real world isn't some dueling arena, childe. Force your opponent to play by your rules because if you play by their's you will be dead without even knowing it. Those begins your first lesson. Study the code, and practice your forms. You will be informed when your next lesson is to take place."
"NO! We're not done yet!" Zalen slowly stood up with the blue blad still near his throat. In a rage he quickly parried it with his dominant handed lightsaber while calling upon the force with his left hand to push his opponent back in a Niman style force lightsaber combination. Despite this, Zalen had no plans to combat based on purely one form, this time he would go all out. He had just learned that against certain opponents you cannot feel out. He then tried to force his way through using a Jar'Kai dual strike pressing both his blades up against his opponent's in a strength based attack.
So the student resisted? Good. Allowing himself to be pushed with the parry, Daxton sent the blue light saber spinning in an arc targeting his opponents, upper torso forcing him to deflect the blade or take the hit, at the same time he summoned to his hands his two lightsabers, igniting them in a hiss of orange death, utilizing the cross blade twin strike maneuver.

Bombarding his foe with attacks, he does not give his opponent time to launch a counter attack, forcing him to fight defensively, while inflicting dozens of cuts and stabs on his arms, legs and torso to emphasize his point.
Zalen was getting thrashed by his master, but he was determined. He flipped backwards in order to reposition himself; Knowing that his master would charge in, he quickly used his acrobatics to jump onto a serving droid. This gave him the high ground as well as some maneaverability, Zalen cut the arms off of the droid in one swift motion and then used the force to throw them at his master.
His third blade sliced the flying arms in midair, as the Sith Knight wrapped tentacles of Force around Zalen, yanking him none to gently to the ground. The more he resisted, the tighter the bonds would become. They would not stop with merely holding him though, if he continued to resist, then they would close in a vise like grip capable of bending metal and breaking bones.

The spinning side kick connects an armored boot to his jaw sending him flying through the air before crashing against the side of the practice arena.
Zalen was quickly grabbed by the force that gripped him tightly. He struggled at first but the grip became tighter. This assault was followed by a boot to the chin which sent Zalen back, crashing against the wall. He got up because while beaten, he was not done yet. He stood up tall and began to use the force to levitate all of the droids into the air where he crushed them under tremendous force pressure. After they became balls of scrap metal, Zalen moved them to surround Daxton Bane. In one motion with his arms, Zalen made the three scrap metal heaps collide upon his master's position.
If the apprentice expected to catch Daxton with so primitive attack, then he was sadly mistaken. Telekinesis was Daxton's forte, using the Force to catch the metal balls in midflight, as the two pushed against the other using the force. "Is that all you have to give, my student?" Daxton taunted him as bits and pieces of metal fell from the metal spheres are the immense pressure that they were exerting.
Zalen didn't have much left to give since he had no beasts... "I suppose I dont have much to offer now. My submission has become complete. You are worthy of being my master for now, that much is clear." Zalen stood up and waited for some type of torture.
"Then go and become stronger. Learn to wield the dark side as a warrior should and then come at me with all you have. Never be merely satisfied with what you have attained. Strive to become even more powerful. Then you will be worthy of a reckoning."

And with that he dismissed his disciple from his presence. Between him and Talos, Zalen showed more potential but much was yet to be seen. Perhaps he should allow them to go head to head and see which one was truly the more deserving......

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