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Approved Tech MACAU (Mobile Armed Combat Attack Unit)

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Falon Azrakel

Intent: To provide a battle tank for the Sith Empire forces capable of providing a balance between speed and movement.
Development Thread: No
Hero Unit: No
Manufacturer: Sienar Army Systems
Model: HA-AU-1
Affiliation: Sith Empire(formerly, now open market)
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-produced
Material: Duraplast general covering, with Durasteel plates on critical hitspots such as doors, turret and view-windows.
Description: The MACAU is one of the faster tanks in the Sith Empire's armoury, and it uses this speed and its laser cannon to wreak havoc on the battlefield, capable of running rings round most tanks due to the low weight of its primarily duraplast armour. This armour does make it weaker than most tanks, and it is susceptible to heat weapons which will melt its plating.

It also lacks an anti-infantry weapon, and is therefore more suited to destroy tanks of a similar size or fixed gun positions, which often have difficulty aiming at its small frame. The repulsorlifts that keep the tank afloat allow it to navigate hostile terrain, and it is suited for jungles and urban battlefields due to its small width and high speed.

Role: Assault Tank
Height: 2.57m
Length: 6.68m
Width: 2.87m
Weight: 8146kg
Propulsion: Repulsorlift
Top Speed: 400km/h
Armaments: 1x Mounted Laser Cannon, 4x Anti-tank side-mounted missile launchers carrying 7 rockets each.
Passenger Capacity: 2
Cargo Capacity: 100kg in rear compartment- this reduces speed, however, to 390km/h.
Misc. Equipment: Locking clamps at the front and rear of the vehicle allow the MACAU to maintain fixed in place in vacuums and to convert it to a fixed artillery position, if it is necessary.
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