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M71A Disruptor Carbine


Disney's Princess
Name: M71A Disruptor Carbine

Intent: Personal Firearm

Development Thread: None
Manufacturer: Corellia MGM Limited
Model: M71A

Affiliation: None
Modularity: Yes, Rail System Incorporated
Production: Unique (x1)
Material: Thermal Resistant Composites, Synthetic Plastics, Magnetic Lensing Material


The M71A is a second generation Disruptor Carbine prototype. The weapon is designed to magnify all known traits of current disruptor technology and performance.

The weapon's offensive anti-material beam, (or bolt in this case), is created by snap-release capacitor and directed through a magnetic lensing system, or mirror barrel. This creates a zero recoil solution while compensating for light-based projectile accuracy. It is an extremely accurate weapon, cannot jam, can fire while submerged, and is sized for CQC urban exercise. This weapon can be blocked or dissipated by a lightsaber beam but not deflected. The weapon's beam can technically exist, but loses all it's potency, beyond it's effective range.

Weapon damage of modern Disruptors is slightly different than older versions throughout history. A single anti-material beam can vary wildly in power and potential largely based upon the type and phase of matter it must travel through. A single bolt can retain much more activated energy if it fires through the vacuum of space rather than a large solid object like duracrete. Likewise, a single bolt is always less damaging if it is fired underwater. However. Holding the trigger down and charging the capacitor for six seconds, the energy beam can now reach to it's full damage potential regardless. Charged, the weapon is true to it's name and can disintegrate most phases of matter into dust.

Some disadvantages of this weapon system are that you are creating a directed thermal eruption which creates wonderful sound and generous amounts of heat with each shot. As such, this weapon cannot be silenced, cannot fire a sustained beam, can theoretically cause eye damage, and has been speculated to only be able to fire a maximum 2000 times before the mirror barrel lensing system must be replaced. And those ain't exactly cheap. This is not a 10+ year service rifle.

The top of the weapon also features a very generic rail mount system that is capable of mounting any number of modular attachments. Such as scopes, sights, lasers, flashlights, etc. Ammo and replacement parts must be custom ordered from the factory.


Classification: Disruptor Carbine

Size: Hand-held
Status: Illegal

Length: 36 cm, 14 inch
Weight: 4 kg, 9 lbs

Ammunition Type: Power Cell Custom
Ammunition Capacity: 20 bolts /cell

Effective Range: 3000 m vacuum, 1000 m atmospherics, 300 m submerged
Firing Modes: Semi-auto

Image: None
[member="Jerry Mars"]
Alright, I want to thank you, personally, for coming up with an idea to increase the range of a disruptor rifle, however, there's a few issues with the amplification that you're asking for. Canonically, the maximum range of a disruptor rifle was roughly 20-25 m in atmosphere, which is about 1/50th of what you're asking for. I understand the concept of the magnification system, and I appreciate it, but here are your current options:

Approval Without Development Thread
  • Reduce range to 300 meters (in atmosphere) and modify the other two to be within a reasonable +/- range.
Approval With Development Thread
  • Include a (15 post) prototype creation thread that involves tweaking the magnification lense to reach the 300 meter range in a trial and error fashion.
  • Decrease range to 800 optimal meters in atmosphere (1000 maximum), and adjust the others accordingly.
  • Consider consulting the canonical disruptor rifle for the aforementioned development thread, if you wish to create the development thread.
  • Check your ideal range with the canon range of a weapon when in development pre-factory (if such a weapon type exists) in order to get a good idea of what a realistic increase of range would be. While some weapons are intended for long range, a disruptor rifle is intended for close to mid-range combat and as such has a much smaller range than most others.


Disney's Princess
Negative. Disruptor Rifles power, range, fire modes, ammunition types, beam manifestations, and even basic composition are transitory through-out canon, source book, games, and vary by individual writer. This technology has been applied successfully to sniper rifles, service rifles, and sidearms throughout the genre. Books, movies, games, etc. Regrettably, there is no base comparison. You're going to have to do this one blind.

Please reassess and readvise.

EDIT: On second thought, that's a lot to ask for so quickly. Let's archive this for now and maybe I'll come back to it in a month or two. That's much easier. :D
My mistake, I meant to type 300 meters, rather than 100, for a no-development thread. This was done rather early in the morning, I apologize.

The request still stands to submit a development thread for the 800 optimal range and 1000 maximum range, though I will have this archived if you wish.
[member="Jerry Mars"]


Disney's Princess
Oh you're amazing. But I think I need to do more research and probably a development thread or two. Yes, let's archive this and maybe I'll pull it out during the holidays.

Thanks :D

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