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Lost Remnant on the New Frontier

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
Exiting Hyperspace in unknown space.
Herald of Retribution
Flag Detachment, Battle Group Retribution of the Imperial Remnant (Galactic Empire)

Klaxons waxed and waned through out the Herald of Retribution. Storm Troopers, Engineers, Technicians, Pilots, Security personnel, and just about everyone else on board the Star Destroyer moved with a sense of urgency. Duty flowed through their veins as every Imperial prepared for combat. A monotone male voice echoed through every corridor, passageway, compartment, all the way from the top from the super structure of the vessel to the depths of the keel. This voice was a recording and along with the Klaxons it repeated itself over the 1MC "All hands General Quarters, All hands General Quarters, man your battle stations, man your battle stations"
Another voice, a female's, with a little dose of pep cut through all the noise right after latest repeat of GQ "All hands prepare for deceleration from hyperspace"

On the bridge of the Retribution the crew made last minute preparations.

Captain Zia sat crossed legged in the hoverchair enjoying the emotional rhythm of the ship as its crew moved into action. Here and there a disgruntled person or two would flutter by in her thoughts but overall the sense of order felt intoxicating in a way.

After following the Typhoon's into Hyperspace several weeks ago to fruitless ventures the Commodore had decided to begin searching for the rest of the Imperial's wherever they maybe. The problem now was whether or not the current government could be found. Without proper intelligence only holonews and the holonet could they determine where the Empire now lay. At first it seemed as though the faction for which they had served had fallen completely. Then rumors of another resurgence emerging from the far outer rim gave hope only to be dashed by the rise of another faction of Imperialists. The return of the First Order from centuries past. The galaxy was shifting quickly and it seemed as though the Imperial Remnant and the Empress they swore an oath too was either dead or in hiding.
Zia was a near human. Under the Empire of Kista Fel there was a hope of order and peace through an Empire that welcomed all species. An order of force users who did not adhere to the dark nor light only force and the Empire. While ruled by the military elite there was a growing sense of equality and the quality of life was improving. Yet that was all gone now. The Empire's early beginnings had been fairly oppressive to those of non-human kind. While near humans like herself under Palpatine's rule were considered second class. In all those centuries since the Empire had taken many forms, fractured and reformed under new leaders both great and horrible. Zia's hands were clasped together with her index fingers pointed upwards. She held them gently to her lips as the klaxons red glow faintly illuminated her neon pink skin. The facts were clear in her troubled mind. Right now her only allegiance was the to the Commodore and that fact alone was absolute.

Managing this small fragment of the former Imperial Star Fleet was tedious. Increasingly the difficulty in keeping morale up among the civilian populace was perhaps the top irritation in the Zeltron's mind. She sighed as the matters of the "state", as the commodore referred to it as, was something she never wished to ever be involved in. Her thoughts faded away at the sound of the navigator's voice. "Exiting Hyperspace in five, four, three, two, one..."

Zia's gazed was focused on the holoprojectors and the myriad of screens in the CIC, for a split second nothing as the sensor arrays resynced with the rest of the fleet's. "Report!" She commanded
"Ma'am no hostile forces or neutral forces in our battle space, only one IFF signature and its-"
"Recon One" She interrupted
"Yes Ma'am"

She gave another sigh at the usual almost daily routine they all were begining to become accostumed too. However the mission was simple. Find our way back to the Empire, failing that find a suitable planet to take over. Every time the Fleet jumped out of hyperspace every sensor and bit of data was used in gathering information of the secondary. Most importantly was the information flowing back from Recon One who had arrived ahead of the fleet. She barely shifted her fingers to just onto her chin before speaking "I want a status report from Recon One," her command voice was a stark and cold voice,"Fleet report?" She asked as though it were a routine question.
"Ma'am all ships are accounted for"
"Good" she quietly said to more to herself than to anyone in particular.

She rose from the chair and made her way to the battle space holoprojector to insert her personal data pad.
A swipe over her code cylinders and a quick thumb and eye scan unlocked it.
The classified report downloaded in a flash and was soon displaying its contents on the projector.
After a few moments of reading of another useless system of gas and dust a single object appeared to be of interest...
"Wake the Commodore, tell him I request his presence in fleet ops"
"Yes ma'am!"

Zia strode over to the turbolift "And end general quarters!" she ordered as loudly as she could while the klaxons continued to wax and wane...

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
I gave a sizable yawn as I meandered down the passage way from my quarters. "Oye I hope we found something worthwhile..." I said aloud to no one in particular.
My protection detail of storm troopers marched in quiet. Well disciplined and honed they had been hand picked by Zia as my Imperial Guard from a pool of recommendees made by Colonel Sanaka. Allowing her to choose my personal detail showed the level of trust I had in her. She could have easily had me assassinated and made off as another warlord with a star destroyer. 'I guess there isn't much stopping her from still doing that...' I shook that thought awake and began to ponder on what the news could be.

The road home so to speak had been difficult. Hell we haven't even determined where home was yet. After soaking in the holonews for the last few weeks the galaxy had changed, and also stayed the same in many respects, now as we jumped further and further away from known space it was getting difficult to remain abreast of the galactic situation.

It seemed as though the power vacuum left by the Fringe, Protectorate and Crusade had allowed a number of new factions to crop up. Up until three jumps ago the last news story was the new faction of the First Order and Galactic Alliance. The First Order was a long time ago one of the many Imperial splinter factions that rose ot prominence after the galactic concordant between the Empire and the New Republic. At some point it had fallen just like the many iterations since of the Imperials. The Galactic Alliance was an oddity, they in many ways mirrored the original Rebel Alliance and the Old Republic. Both of these faction had sprung up along with several others, The Techno Union and the Hutt Cartels had returned in force. It seemed the galaxy was just full of surprises.

My list of priorities had grown considerably. I had two primary goals in mind, the first was to find safe passage to wherever the Imperial Remnant's government was now residing and report back to high command. Second was finding a secret base from which to grow and rebuild. I wanted to find a world from where I could set roots and use as a place of sanctuary.

Right now we working on both simultaneously. I had brought up the compressed files from the Valc databanks on the Galactic Empire's hyperspace routes from nearly eight centuries ago. After travelling an old hyperspace route to a dwarf star system that was likely used as a staging point for old fleets we had discovered a probe droid with files on a a string of potentially habitable planets. Since then we've been jumping to each of these systems only to find that a super nova had ruined several of the systems we explored. Recon One had been sent ahead each time and each time we were met with disappointment.

We had made it the Fleet Combat Direction Center, more commonly referred to as fleet ops, and was not surprised to see most of my command staff at their stations. I had made it policy to treat every transition from hyperspace as a call to general quarters as we never truly know what lay beyond the veil of hyperspace until we are there. Thus it is better to have your guns drawn than to be caught having to reach for them. It also kept discipline high among the crew.

"Attention on deck!" A Chief Petty Officer bellowed
"At ease, carry on ladies and gentlemen, Captain Zia what do you have for me?"
"Commodore, we've found what may be what we've ideally been looking for"
She waved over to a technician who turned the holo projector on.
The system came into full view. "Sir I present to you GX-1Y"
"Well now this is certainly impressive" A smile crept over my lips as I gazed on the system...
Imperial Military Intelligence Report
Classification: Vermilion
Type: Reconnaissance

Paragraph 1. The Star GX-1Y was determined upon sensory data recognition as a medium star type of possibly one billion or more years of exceeding protostar. It is a youthful star in comparison to present astrogation data. Although its temperature is slightly above that of a typical new star it is currently rated 5980k. It has a small number of planetary
bodies that surround it. With two within its habitable zone. Planet GX-Alpha (Fore) and GX-Beta (Background)

Enclosure 1.a

Paragraph 2. The first planet GX-Beta and almost straddles the habitable zone and being to close to GX-1Y. It is just barely a Type 1 atmosphere. Our initially sweeps found that the world has several large bodies of water continously connected forming oceans. The landscape of the equator and most hemispheres are dominated by jungle life and swamps. The planet has four continents and primarily. Evidence suggests this world was at some point inhabited due to several structure identified from orbital imagery. Probe droids dispatched to the surface have had limited success in retrieving samples of flora and life. An image captured by a probe of floating structures in enclosure two is evident of possible pre-contact civilization. The overall biome is that of a paleos. Would require further expertise to determine natural qualities. The planet has a dust ring system mad eup of eight layers of various particles. It appears to have a 299 day solar orbital length. There are no moons. A full analyse is lodged for a later date.

Enclosure 2.a
Paragraph 3. The second planet GX-Alpha is right in the center of the habitable zone and features primarily terran like qualities. It has two large continents with three subcontinents. It appears to have a temperate biome with reasonable weather seasons across its hemispheres. It has five major bodies of water with a northern pole that currently acts as a land bridge between the two large continents. The southern pole's is a subcontinent of land with significant ice shelves that extend the surface land out by approximately 68 kilometers at the greatest length. There are an estimated 25 zones of arable soil. The planet has one moon. It appears to have 367 day orbital length around the sun based on analysis.

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
Perhaps this was a gift from the celestials. Good fortune found out on the fringe of galactic dust. Above the plane of the galaxy amidst the few nebulae that led to possibly a satellite galaxy.
It was a gamble to wander out into the unknown, but I had done so equipped for any sort of trouble.
I stopped at the third paragraph of the report and set my datapad to sleep for a moment as my mind began to whir with the next move.
"Send for Colonel Sanaka," I waved to the deck office,"We'll need him here to be in the loop on how to proceed"
"Sir I would advise that your corporate assets be used to start appraising and assessing GX-Beta first. It is the lesser of the two habitable worlds but the soonest we are aware of its limits the faster we can begin to exploit it"
"Right right, a good step on getting the full grasp of this systems resources. We'll dispatch Prospector and the Duster to initiate a survey. Gem Seeker will set course for GX-Alpha along with us to begin assessing an appropriate place to setup facilities and use the supplies we have at hand to establish our first settlement."

"I'll detach Mauler and Spitfire so that the rest of the Line can remain on station with the fleet."
"Good. So it appears we have a gas planet as well?"

"Yes Sir," Zia waved to a techician manning the holoprojector, a flicker, and then system blurred away and resolved on the gas planet in the system "Designated GX-Constellation, its the only gas planet out here so far with more than fifty moons!"
I woke the datapad again and began to read the findings.
Colonel Ral Sanaka was a man who ruthlessly demanded the best from his troopers. The physical training regime that had been developed by his Command Sergeant Major had certainly lived up to his expectation. Nearly every day his headquarters staff and company would train together from marksmanship to physical training for at least four hours every day. In his post work out state of mind the young storm trooper officer was enjoying the bodily high. Dabbing away at the cool droplets of water still clinging to his skin the storm trooper commander took a breath as he starred at the contents of his locker. The showers were still going as some of the other members of his headquarters staff and company cleansed themselves of the hard work and bodily stress.

A chirrup from his personal commlink prompted the warrior to grasp for the handle-like device.
"This is Colonel Sanaka"
"Sir, the Commodore requests your presence at Fleet Ops"
"Understood" he clicked the commlink off and tossed the device atop his neatly folded black uniform.
So he donned the black trousers, the black under shirt, slid on steel toed jackboots and buttoned the tunic up.
He carefully slid his code cylinders into place and then made sure his ranking plaque was set.

He checked his mustache and clean shaven jaw to ensure he was appropriately in uniform.
After a moment of scrutiny he made to leave.

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