Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lost in the Woods!


Ellie recognized the markings right away. Folks she'd run afoul of on Tatooine. Black Sun bounty hunters, and tons of them too. Even the vessel, with her dodging capabilities couldn't outrun such a thing. That left Ellie a problem too. She was a wanted girl and those hunters out there would scoop her up the second she tried to escape.

The Crop Duster was reliable, but falling apart and badly in need of repairs and refit. She'd been scrambling to raise funds, but nothing too big had come up on the job radar for it.

"Bounty Hunters! Kark me!"

She let the profanity slip and then placed a hand over her mouth.

"Whoops, excuse me."

Then she returned her gaze to the pannel.

"Looks like a bunch. Why are they here?"
[member="Eliza Raxis"]

The Wookiee looked down at the alien with a hint of confusion and anger. It was obvious, wasn't it..?

"They want someone on planet. Destroy what they need for it." She pulled the ship back to the planet in a rocketing shudder and started the decent back to the landing platform. "Now where is home? I take you."

Ellie frowned. Home... what a concept. Instead of letting her sullen face show she tightened her jaw.

"Oh uh, I don't really have one. Space is my home. But my ship is back there in another village."

She was poking buttons and working the scanners, trying to get a read on how many lifeforms they were dealing with on the actual Bounty Hunter fleet. Two of the Ships showed abandoned and another seemed to only have two aboard. That meant quite a few must be down on the planet, causing trouble.

A devious idea popped into the girls head.

"We only got two live souls up here. You wanna end these guys for good?" She asked, cocking her head to the side.
[member="Eliza Raxis"]

"I will not take you on adventures to get myself killed. I have a daughter to mourn over. Now where is village that has ship?" Descending the ship back into the depths of the atmosphere and leveling nearly against the trees, she began to fly back to the locally known villages to drop off the alien whom she had saved just what seemed to be minutes before.

"Main village. Teadal Wook I think it was called."

Her eyes cast down at the control panel once more. She was longing to stop them, to keep the hunters way from the villagers. The wookie on the other hand, she was a stubborn one.

"Why don't you want to stop them? I know a way to level that whole fleet. We just gotta capture one of the empty ships."

It was a longshot whether she came around, but Eliza was determined. She was almost as stubborn as the wookie woman, who was more stubborn than a tree in a gale force wind.

"C'mon, we can be heroes!"
[member="Eliza Raxis"]

"We leave the heroes to the warriors. I stay. No fighting." She flew the rocketing ship onto a platform in the village only after a single minute, landing it with a flip and back-end. It was surprisingly an okay landing for the pile of bolts. "Go. I have to go to my village and mourn."

Ellie was a little confused and upset the wookie woman didn't want help. She was more interested to know who she was, but it seemed their time together had come to an end. Anyhow, she pulled a piece of paper and scribbled a series of numbers down on it, handing it to the wookie.

"I’m no stranger to your Culture. I don't know what your name is but I know I owe you a life debt. This here is my number. I'm Eliza Raxis, Captain of the Crop Duster. Anytime you need help you can reach me there, I'll drop everything and come running."

Ellie made her way down the ramp, giving another bow.

"Thank you, for everything."
[member="Eliza Raxis"]

The Wookiee gave the alien another look, furrowing her brows just lightly. "You have to be safe child. No more running away from Cats." Pushing the paper on the co-pilot seat, she raised the door of her B-Wing and went off without another growl, off to find her village once more.


Only to find it was in ruins.

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