Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Long Live The Emperor! [One Sith Only]

[member="Sage Bane"]

She struggled to a stand. Broken-wrist was wrapped tightly against her side. She swatted the hands of the medics away as she limped over to Sage. Pain killers were a wonderful thing. Scraped-up fingers softly caressed his cheek.

"So, I guess that means you're a king, huh? If if you're a king, that means we can get a lot more speeder bikes, right?" Brunette-blond brows rose. "Why don't you tell me how I can make up this little...."oops" situation to you? And then maybe you can tell your men to back off a bit?" She leaned in for a deep kiss, hoping it would distract him enough to give her a positive response.
He closed his eyes as she brushed his cheek. Somehow all was always forgiven when he felt her fingertips caress his skin. When she leaned in to kiss him, it was all over. He completely forgot about how he wanted to Force choke the life out of her and put her in solitary for two weeks. The two of them spent a good couple of minutes making out among the eye rolls of his soldiers. Finally he snarled at them to get back and took her hand, squeezing it in his.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, pateesa." he chuckled. "I will soon be the Emperor of Fresia, but not quite yet." He gingerly wrapped a thin arm around Kinsey's shoulder and began to lead her away from the crash site. A shuttle waited for the two of them.

"Given my place at the very top of the hierarchy of the One Sith, there will be no opposition to my rule over the planet. You can have all the speeder bikes you desire."

There was so much he wanted to show her. Like his plans for all of the prisons, detention centers, torture dungeons, and his giant mutant sarlaac pit. Of course she would love the palace, too. She would be ecstatic about all of it. Even the sarlaac pit. Especially the sarlaac pit.

The only problem was that Kinsey still didn't look the part of Sith Queen. Nor act it. All of that would change soon enough. He would step up her training, and break her down. She would rise from the ashes, stronger, more skilled in the Force, and just as cruel and bloodthirsty as he. Then, she would be fit to rule alongside of him.

[member="Kinsey Starchaser"]

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