Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Liora Starwind



NAME: Liora Starwind
SPECIES: Thyferran(Human)
AGE: 27
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'7"
WEIGHT: 120 lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
SKIN: White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

[+] Marksman - Liora is an expert at long range combat.
[+] Pilot - Liora is an expert at Ship and Vehicle piloting.
[+] Slicer - Liora is very skilled in slicing into anything that is considered locked.
[+] Tactician - Liora is an expert at tactics, being able to make good tactics off the bat.
[+] Fit - Liora is both Physically and Mentally fit.
[+] Tracker - Liora is an expert at tracking.
[+] Gunslinger - Liora is skilled in many kind of guns.
[+] Medical Training - Liora has skill in Medical Treatment.

[-] Credit Greed - Liora will do almost anything for enough Credits.
[-] Liar - Liora will tell lies on almost any occasion.
[-] Cruel - Liora will carelessly do almost anything that would be considered mean to someone.
[-] Egotistical - Liora is convinced she is one of the best people in the galaxy.
[-] Hard - Liora is just about impossible to control.
[-] Vain - Liora thinks she is one of the most beautiful people in the galaxy, which is why she wears a helmet. She doesn't think other people are worth enough to see her beauty.

Look above for Pictures and Information for Appearance.

Liora was born to a small family on the planet of Thyferra. Both her parents were Doctors, and during her childhood, they were teaching her in the way of Medical, but she never really liked it. Instead, she wanted to have skill in Fighting. It seemed like they all got their way, because when Liora was a teenager, she started training in fighting, piloting, and a few other skills, as well as Medical, which she only continued because her parents were forcing her to. By the time she was 18, she moved away from her family, getting a shuttle to Nar Shadaa, where she continued learning her choice of skill.

During the time she was 27, she heard about a Mercenary from the past known as Nova. This Mercenary started out as a Male Bounty Hunter, but due to a lack of skill, the Hunter got killed by a young female Chiss, who took the name of Nova, as well as the Hunters equipment and YT-2400 Ship, the 'Nova-Star'. She heard stories of the Chiss, of her battles and glory, but in the end, she was tricked by one of her Contractors, who had her executed. The Nova-Star went through several owners, before it came to a small-time Crime Lord on Nar Shadaa, who was the current owner of the ship at that time.

Liora decided she would infiltrate the facility that the Ship was being kept in, then she would take the name of Nova, as others had tried doing before her, but they all ended up dead. Liora had no intention of dying.
(This Paragraph will be expanded after I get some Character Development in with another Character that will start Liora's career of being Nova)

Nightstinger Sniper Rifle; DD6 Blaster Pistol; Jetpack; Custom-Made Armor;

None Yet

None Yet

None Yet


None Yet
After I go through a Private RP thread with my other character, [member="Kaz Su"], I will be looking for some people to have an adventure with! (I just hope it wont be too frowned upon when I do a RP thread with only my characters.

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
[member="Liora Starwind"]

So much Mass Effect... Also, the pose in the top picture reminds me of Metropolis.

Hang out with me and that crazy woman who got to you first... :p


Crazy Never Looked this Good
[member="Liora Starwind"]

Always loved Tali in the series. Never really rmanced her though, always thought of her as like "little sister" of group. Still nice to see someone put her in here. And I'm up for any sort of trouble you'll want to get into. :D
Alright guys, when I am ready, I will keep these offers in mind, and I will most likely take you up on them. I should be ready to get into trouble sometime tomorrow, if that's not too much to wait for. :D

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