Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Light Reading



It had been a couple weeks since Sesu was left out in the wastes to die. Her classmates learned very quickly that not making sure she'd die was their biggest mistake. The three responsible had found themselves in rather terrible accidents. Perfect for her. Less competition. The Pureblood rested inside one of the libraries, reading over some obscure rumors of a type of force stealth. It'd be incredibly useful, if it was true.

But it seemed it wasn't. She huffed as she came across the last page that only proved it was a hoax. A sith tomb on Naboo? Unheard of. With a lazy wave of her hand she sends the book back to it's shelf and collapses on the table with a huff.

Serixibis Serixibis

The girl lived, that much was certain. The Acolyte currently busying herself with some reading was observed from the fringes of the empty library, Serixibis's small form partially obscured by the shadows that seemed to condense in the Sith Temple and cling to whoever moved through them as if they never wanted to leave...or for you to depart.

With slow, careful steps the Acolyte creeps up on her kin, gloved hands raised as she leans toward the seated figure and moves to whisper in her ear. Serixibis was disturbingly silent in her approach, and if Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt was not paying careful attention she might be caught completely unaware of her presence until...

"Hnolku died screaming, of the three. But he alone knew it was you who engineered his death. You did good work, and I enjoyed watching it."

Her fingers splay and her hands press against either shoulder of the seated woman as she leans in behind her, Serixibis's breath hot across the back of her neck as she leans in to whisper in her ear. They were kin, after all. And while Serixibis did not entirely trust the girl she had made sure not to give them a reason to turn against her, quite the opposite, in truth. At the Academy they remained nominal...allies. If such a thing can exist amidst the Sith.

She didn't notice. Not at first. Sesu hadn't been expecting someone who could sneak up to her just as well as she could. And yet, even as Serixibis Serixibis set their hands on her shoulders she kept calm. She kept still. They were in the academy. Striking down a fellow student so publicly would only result in their death. She cocked her head to the side at the mention of Hnolku. Died screaming? Good. That's what they deserved.

"Ah.. Delightful." The pureblood got up slowly, standing to her full height. Despite not being that much taller then Seri, she knew how to hold herself to look even more imposing. "You don't strike me as a fool. So, why approach me with this information? Better to send a letter then let me see your face." A grin slowly formed as she leaned over, looking the woman over.

"Perhaps you'd just like a.. Friend."

Well it was a start, perhaps. The handsy Acolyte slithers away from the (slightly!) larger woman as she stands and turns, her hands now wandering to the assorted volumes Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt had been studying. With an air of practiced nonchalance she flips through them and...Stealth? Pfah.

"I admire your abilities, insofar as they have been presented. You're one to watch as-is and your higher breeding has earned you... a mark of esteem, in my eyes. We are not friends, Sesu. But I know competence when I see it and feel it would be best if we got acquainted. If only to avoid getting in each others way."
Her intonation suggests sincerity, but they likely both knew how easy that was to fake. All the same there was the nagging suggestion hanging between them that Serixibis didn't ~actually~ have any plans for this meeting. Something of an impulse, maybe. Or perhaps a way of congratulating Sesu on dealing with her rivals? It's hard to tell.

"Higher breeding, mm?" Sesu hopped onto the table to sit and relax, chuckling. She, a higher breed? She was born a slave who happened to be able to use the Force. Not that she was keen on sharing this information to Serixibis Serixibis . The Pureblood looks around the room, tilting her head. "It would be a shame if we got in each others ways. I'd hate to see such a pretty face have an accident." Despite the obvious threat behind it Sesu was actually teasing. She doubted the other pureblood would be an enemy.

Not yet at least.

"You know my name. Do I get to know the name of my secret admirer?"

"...I'd hate to see such a pretty face have an accident."

On any other day Serixibis would consider that a threat and act accordingly, maybe even react with one of her own but given the attitude of the promising Acolyte it is waived off with a light flick of her wrist and the ghost of a smile from the smaller woman. Leaning a slim hip against the table her arms cross, the thin tendrils draped along her chin curling slightly.​

"Serixibis, i've seen you often enough around the Academy to know who you are. Good to see you've retained your penchant for self-flattery too. Any plans for the evening besides wasting time with...whatever all of this is?"

Her free hand lofts briefly, waiving about to indicate the assorted clutter of Holorcrons, books and pamphlets from the library on Korriban. At least half of the things on the table were designed to trap Acolytes and lead them down false paths. You can't even trust the books to be on your side when the Sith are concerned.​
So she's made a name for herself already? Sesu would inflate with pride if she wasn't face to face with the enigma that is Serixibis Serixibis . The last thing the pureblood wanted was to give an advantage to her new companion. Though, wasting time here? Sesu glances around the room with a frown. Was it truly so bad to seek knowledge in a library?

"Well, Serixibis, no I suppose I don't. Now that you've made it clear there's something wrong with being here. You have any plans?"

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