Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Letting off steam

Bestine IV

Cassia and her older brother Callum had just returned to the large island they called home. Their family owned an expanse of land that was well known for growing produce. It wasn’t easy to farm on Bestine, what soil there was to be found was often too rocky or lacked nutrients. The Edric family had worked their land for many years, amending the soil, and making it more suitable to farm. These days Cassia didn’t often escape the farm long enough to venture about, but a delivery of fruit and vegetables had allowed her and her brother to visit a smaller island off their coast.

It had not turned out to be a very fun trip, much to Cassia’s dismay. Callum was a few years older than she was, and he was disappointed that she had dropped out of school to farm full time. It’s true that they were not blood related, but had grown up as siblings in the Edric household for most of their years and his opinion did matter to her. She was upset that he disapproved, but she would never admit it, it was far easier to be angry with him.

“You comin’ home?” Callum asked, as he mounted their speeder that was outfitted with a small hover trailer.

“Not with you.” Cass answered flatly, rolling her blue eyes as she turned her back on him. Callum knew better than to argue with her, it was always a fast-track to nowhere.

Cass crossed her arms as she watched Callum take off towards home; instead she turned on a heel and started walking. For the most part she respected her older brother, but right now she was so angry she didn’t even want to see his face. She kicked at the ground as she walked along, silently cursing the rocky terrain. She soon found herself at an old abandoned ship yard and took a seat on a large rock. Her gaze cast out upon the vast ocean that stretched out as far as she could see.

Suddenly she heard a noise behind her and sprang to her feet. It was probably just Callum, so she didn’t bother turning around. “Leave me alone, will ya!?” She hollered.

When there was no answer she spun around to see that it was not her brother…
Onyx gave off a chuckle as the young girl assumed he was someone else. He didn't travel about to the Inner Rim very often. When he did it was always on business, or sometimes vacation. Usually business. Bestine IV wasn't a popular planet in his book. A planet with little no value, being covered in oceans and all, wasn't something he was interested in visiting. It didn't help that the only resource it provided was its farmers, which were scarce due to low amount of usable soil on the islands that dotted the planet.

He was, in fact, here sightseeing. It was so low on his list of planets he wanted to visit, but knowing the way his life was going, he figured it would be worth visiting at least once in life. It was as bad as he thought it was before. It was a annoyance to travel about the islands. The inhabitants were usually bitter, trying to get by with what they had in all. He couldn't blame them. He understood the struggle they went through, to a degree. He wasn't a farmer. He didn't know how to work the land.

But still, he related to them. He had struggled a large amount of his life too and he could at least relate on that personal level. Though it still cause him to spit at their feet as he left the island. A hard life didn't mean you had to be bitter to all who come across you. Especially one who wasn't doing anything wrong, or who could kill you in several seconds.

He now found himself on another island. It was one of the larger ones, though it had the same appearance. It was large, rugged with mountains and rocks. It wasn't something he was to big a fan off, as he struggled to walk along the annoying landscape. His small, single man, fighter was in the mountains hidden. He just walked. He read signs of life and figured he'd go and greet them, hoping they weren't like the others he encountered on this blasted planet.

This girl was young. Though that isn't what drew Onyx to find her. He could feel the force in her, surrounding her. He couldn't help but investigate why a force user would stay on this planet, instead of leave and train their senses. "My name is Onyx, I'm visiting the planet."

[member="Cassia Edric"]
Cassia stood silently, eyeing the mysterious stranger with a bit of suspicion. She listened as he introduced himself as Onyx and then narrowed her eyes when he said he was visiting the planet.

“Really… You’re visiting Bestine.” She said doubtfully. “Why?” Cass prompted as she crossed her arms.

She’d seen a lot of people around Bestine, but no matter how she searched her mind, she couldn’t remember ever seeing anyone like Onyx before. One would probably describe his presence as a bit intimidating, but there were few things that intimidated Cass… on the outside at least. Cass climbed back atop her rock again and took a seat.

Even though she was still feeling angry, she could feel it slowly starting to ebb away. She turned again towards Onyx, watching him carefully.

“Name’s Cassia, but call me Cass.” Was all that she offered in the way of an introduction.

[member="The Onyx"]
Onyx chuckled again as she questioned him visiting. He understood it as, again, he knew the world only had so much value. He could feel her trying to search her self, trying to see if Onyx was a presence before on the planet. He was drawn to her through the force, he didn't know why. He wanted to question her but stopped himself from doing so, he wouldn't just jump right into training.

He started to slowly walk towards her, his hands behind his back. His black robes were tucked neatly beneath his red Mandolorian armor. He was in his usual garments, save for his mask, which allowed her to see his scarred and cybernetically enhanced face. The most notable feature was his eyes; he only had one organic eye, which was bright blue, while the other was a dark and sinister red, it was a cybernetic enhancement. Also notable was the his chin and some of his neck, which were fully metal. Onyx was almost a full body of implants, save for several spots along his arms and his legs, which are unscathed.

"Nice to meet someone who isn't a barve1."

[member="Cassia Edric"]
Cass stayed put as Onyx moved closer, her eyes honed in on the visible implants, especially on his face. She wasn’t staring to be rude; she was just trying to study him a bit. Any other 16 year old girl probably would have run the other way at the sight of Onyx, but she couldn’t help being curious. There was also something about him that seemed so strange, but she just couldn’t pinpoint what it was. A smirk pulled at the side of her mouth when he spoke.

“Well, my siblings might disagree with you.” Cass said with a chuckle.

As she continued to look at Onyx, her curiosity was starting to get the best of her. Cassia wasn’t the type to beat around the bush or tip-toe around topics others would consider a bit touchy. In her opinion, if you wanted an answer, you asked a direct question. It was the shortest path to getting what you wanted.

“Are you a bounty hunter?” She asked, tilting her head. “Or were you in a terrible accident?” Cass gestured to her face, as a way of indicating that she was curious about the origins of his implants.

Cass leaned forward, with eyes wide in anticipation, eager to hear his response.

[member="The Onyx"]

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