Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lee Astaar

Lee Astaar



Name: Lee Astaar
Faction: The Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS)
Rank: Pilot
Species: Esselian Human
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 6'3''
Weight: 179 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark Brown
Skin: Fair
Force Sensitive: Aye, a bit


+ Pilot: He spent his whole life simulating starfighter battles and studied the ways of the pilot on one of the best academies in the galaxy,
+ Good Shot: Mmm yesh. Thish man ish very good with a blaster and has superb aim, if I do shay sho myshelf!
- I'm a Fleeter, not a warrior: Being a person who focuses on strategic things, you'd probably not train in melee combat a lot, right?
- Human: He's a squishy little human thingy, what else is there to say?
- Droids: Has a great dislike for Droids


Lee grew up like many people do, with a mother, a father and a younger brother, though he didn't hear from them a lot after he moved to a larger city on Esseles. He moved there after he had finished school, during which he had met many friends and had been an above average student in some subjects, but worse than average in others. He had a pretty average and uneventful life, though there was a situation with a Rodian Jedi who wanted to take away him and his brother to come train with the other Jedi, but the parents refused and the two stayed at home with their parents, so they wouldn't become like the Jedi. Emotionless, cold and without any connection to anyone, not even their parents. They also didn't tell their children about their Force Sensitivity and vowed never to do so.

After school was finished, Lee moved out of his home in pursuit of his dreams. He had always enjoyed doing starship simulations and has played many holo-games that simulated starfighter battles, like Starbattles Galaxy, he was kind of obsessed with them. Ever since he was a child his dream was to become the best Starfighter pilot the Galaxy had ever seen and when he moved to a bigger city, this dream seemed to be nearly graspable. The city had a school that offered a good program for aspiring Pilots and Navy Tacticians, though the entry-fee was quite high. Lee had to work for a year to collect enough money to get into the school. Though once he got accepted into the school, he became one of the best students there pretty quickly. His prior experience in all of the simulations he had done proved quite useful when combined with the real knowledge needed to fly a real ship. Being one of the Aces the academy had, he was quickly found by agents from multiple companies, factions etc. who wanted him to be part of their Navy, though he declined most of the offers until someone from the Confederacy of Independent Systems came and offered him a pretty simple, but good offer. He accepted and became part of the Confederate Navy.


(Current Ship)
Ships Owned:
- Serpent-Class Interceptor
- CSX-001 Jackal Interceptor
- Rassilon-Class Elite Starfighter, a gift from Zrs'fes who obtained it from Selka Ventus
- Venom-Class Elite Starfighter



- WESTAR-34 Blaster Pistol
- Simple T-Shirt
- Simple Coat
- Simple pair of Pants
- Pilot Uniform
- Vibro-Knife
- Wallet with some credits and licenses in it
- Found an old and rusty 74-Z Speeder Bike, still needs to get some upgrades and repairs done, though it can still fly


None yet

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