Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Learning To Grow Without Plant Surge [Naga]

Kida had come along leaps and bounds during her time with Animus and his Apprentice Naga. Her Father was patient, calm, and very encouraging, and these traits were mostly visible in the one he had chosen to train his child. At least, they were where the young Shapeshifter was concerned. Able to stand upright and talk moderately well, the Princess of Atrisia was beginning to suit her role nicely. There was still a lot of work to be done, however. She didn't really know much practical application of the Force, and her shapeshifting capabilities remained limited to the Daux. With that said, however, she was understanding a lot more about both of these categories. The Force seemed endless with possibilities, and Kida hungered for more.

So it was that she had been called into one of the Atrisian Palace's training halls; it was as large as the Throne Room, with high vaulted ceilings, however instead of windows it was open to the elements, the ceiling held by pillars the likes of which Kida had never before seen. It provided safety and shelter while also allowing Kida to feel more at ease, with the chill wind blowing her hair into her eyes the way it would back on Endor. There was marble beneath her feet, and this was a compromise which had to be made, but she could smell the grass and the leaves in the very near distance, and could hear the rush of water. It satisfied the child enough that she would be able to properly engage and learn.

Waiting for Naga to appear, Kida was sat patiently in the middle of the hall. She did not know what he was to her, a simple tutor, teacher, or her fully fledged Master, she had never really understood enough to ask, but she had been doing a little bit of solo research and now more than ever she was curious about the answer. Perhaps she would ask him... Who knew?

[member='Darth Rapax']


Rapax kept his form as a Tuk'ata as that was the form he was in when he taught her initially and decided why confuse the little one he leaped from pillar to pillar across the hall until he landed quietly infront of her his skin was still pitch black as it was when he first met her he now had to teach her how to embrace the darkside in order to become what he was he had in mind for her. [member="Kida Malgus"]
If Kida had been any other child she would've jumped to the sudden sight of the tuk'ata landing before her. As it was, she was primed to pick up on the subtleties of her surroundings, a true feral child, so she simply blinked at Naga as he appeared. Then she smiled and reached out to loop her arms around his neck and hug him the way she did with Groom whenever the Hound was around. In her mind Kida did not really see Naga as a man, like her Father, but another beast, like the Daux who had raised her. Like her beloved Groom.

"Naga!" she squealed, with the smile beaming. Immediately breaking the embrace, not wanting to push her luck, the little girl rose up and straightened down her tunic; she wasn't wearing a dress today, she never did when training, she didn't want to tear away at the things her Papa so lovingly bought her. Instead she had a shirt and some loose fitting trousers.

Kida was excited to see what she would be learning today.

[member="Darth Rapax"]


Keeping to his Tuk'ata form he prowled around her for a moment and his voice echoed into her mind again as before "I can sense the anxiety in you little[member="Kida Malgus"] thats good for today i will show you how to embrace a side of the force that makes changing into what you see before you possible...hop onto my back little one and i shall take you to a place where we can start...." He knew of a place strong in the dark side to take this little child some would frown upon exposing a child to such a place but this was needed to make her stronger. He arched down for her to climb on and waited for her
His voice rang throughout her mind as it always did, their natural more base form of communication. Yes, he was definitely an animal to her, but not a lesser being because of it; if anything, Kida viewed animals on a higher ranking to humanity and sapient life in general. People were barbaric and cruel, and while yes there were animals who acted in similar ways for the most part they stuck to their own habitats, they did their own things.

People infected everywhere they went. People destroyed, they cultivated - not in a good way - they tore down swathes of land and built giant metal towers and beasts that were not only unsightly, they were wrong.


Kida clambered onto his back, still a girl for the time being, her hands curling into his fur for support the way a momma would grasp her pups to carry them. It wasn't painful, directed as the spots dedicated to such a purpose. Kida knew what she was doing after all. Her face she buried down into his fur. She should've found him terrifying, this Sith who sought to train her. Instead she found him a kindred spirit, reminding her of Groom.

Speaking of which, as the pair set off Groom lolled his head back to the ground and basked in the sun. He had no worries this day, Kida was in good hands.

[member="Darth Rapax"]


He jumped from the roofs around the silver moonlit covered terrain before he took her into the forest. It was beautiful landscape and everything was filled with life as they leaped across the trees. Naga had no problem in training [member="Kida Malgus"] he saw her like one of his own kind he was comfortable around a fellow shifter, When Mythos approached him earlier about training this girl he was hesitant at first until he saw what she was capable of doing....then his hesitation turned to anxiety today would be a special day for her.

He stopped at a spot of the forest where he stopped was the end of the forests beautiful landscape on the other side with fog on the ground acting as a border it was twisted and dead it held an eerie appearance ahead of them as the now dead forest let out the occasional cry as if something was alive in there crying in sadness over the loss of the beauty of this place he spoke to her again "the place i spoke of is within this dead can see the affect it has on the forest around it...i give you one last chance ...if you wish to not continue further ...i will not judge if thats your choice however once we complete what i brought you here for this will be a monumental change in your growth." He waited for her answere curios as to how shed react to his question.

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