Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Laman Damodred The Minor

NAME: Laman Damodred.
RANK: Noble.
AGE: Sixteen.
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 166.7 cm
WEIGHT: 65 kgs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Blond
SKIN: Pale white.



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

"I'm quite familiar with Daes Dae'mar, the game of houses". Growing up in the aristocrat tier of society the knowledge of manipulation and negotiation was imparted from parent figures to the occasional guest.

"Now fencing is the sport of the Nobles, not the common rabble". Versed in fencing from a young age Laman Damodred, has learnt the swift and acute movement of fencing, tho the use and practicality in a real fight is limited.

"Common blood". The arrogance for nobility and their subsequent rapture is well documented, Laman Damodred does not differ from his social classes hubris, and expects very little from ordinary folk.

"Lift that, but I'm no common man". From age and degradation of muscle and the lack of use the young nobleling has significant fault when it comes to strength.

"Everyones wearing it, it's the new fashion". A young man in his teens, he wears a garish period like piece, it was made of velvet, satin and cotton with flannel tassels bridging the shoulders. His facial hair bridges the gab between fine and none existing looking more like fluff the actual hair, long hair usually with a greasy coating.

Born on Serenno into minor nobility under Damodred household, a line of degeneration and of little note barely even fitting the description 'noble' lacking both wealth and the social admiration of their peers, they cheated and swindled and it was common knowledge "Never trust a Damodred".

Laman Damodred, shared the qualities of his kin, looking down upon the common man while only being one ledge above and a quickly crumbling ledge at that. Manifesting minor force abilities the Damodred household were quick to take advantage, using their limited contacts they'd use the young man in their schemes, making attempts to contact the One Sith and having the young man trained and become one of their fold so one day he could come back as a man and elevate their position of power.

Unfortunately for the young Damodred, circumstance had other plans and his future master vanished leaving him to chance, rather than face the mockery and loss of face among his peer's he put an application into the Imperial academy.​

“Till swollen with cunning, of a self-conceit,
His waxen wings did mount above his reach,
And, melting, Heavens conspir'd his overthrow."
― Christopher Marlowe, The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus

SHIP: Null





Skylar Ichor

[member="Laman Damodred"]

If Sky could see Lamon, she'd beat him into shape, then steal his wallet, and then ask him if he was alright before running off. "Not all of us street rats are useless your highness"

Jan VonFowl

Part-Time Party Crasher
[member="Skylar Ichor"]

And if that doesn't work, I can run him over and see what the brain damage does. :p

[member="Laman Damodred"]

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