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Approved Tech L4R4 "Lara"

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  • Manufacturer: Onadax Droid Technologies
  • Model: ODT-L4R4
  • Production: Unique
  • Affiliation: L4R4 "Lara"
  • Modularity: No
  • Material:
  • Synthskin
  • Biofiber
  • Human Replica Droid Components

  • Classification: Fourth Degree, Human Replica Droid
  • Weight: 74 kg
  • Height: 1.75m
  • Movement: Bipedal
  • Armaments:
    None Built-In (Bare-Hands)

[*]Misc. Equipment:
  • Advanced Vocabulator
  • Night Vision - Infrared Optical Sensors
  • Advanced Internal Heads Up Display (HUD)
  • Internal Commlink
  • Concealed, Internal, Holorecorder
  • Advanced Heuristic Processor
  • Advanced Personality Matrix
  • Specialized Positronic Subprocessor
  • Scomp Link (Index Fingertips)

  • Special Optical Sensors - Infrared and Nigh vision.
  • Advanced Heuristic Processor - A processor which allows L4R4 to learn through experience rather than solely through pre-programming or instruction. She will learn from her mistakes.
  • Advanced Personality Matrix - Combined with sentience programming, L4R4 is capable thinking for herself, feeling the full spectrum of emotions available to humans, and valuing her own life - as well as granting her individuality, especially in regards to her personality.
  • Specialized Positronic Subprocessor - A specialized, dedicated, processing unit which allows L4R4 to hack or slice into computers and other electronic systems with the sort of efficiency and skill that R2 units would be envious of.
  • Laminanium Bone Structure - Although she is not as durable, nor as light, as her sister-droid, B14-NC4, L4R4 was built with recovery and survivability in mind. The laminanium bone structure is capable of reforming slowly, over time, as any droid made of the material would - melting together and reforming to recover from otherwise devastating injuries.
  • Laminanium Bone Structure - A bit heavier than even bulky humans, L4R4's laminanium bone structure makes up for this issue by being able to melt and reform at nearly any temperature over the course of time proportionate to the damage she has received. (For example, recovering from a slight fracture could take an hour, recovering from a severed limb could take days or more depending on how severe the extent of the damage is). This design feature was taken with high inspiration from the Yuuzhan Vong Hunter droids of old. Repair work will need to be performed, regardless, after the scenario has passed to ensure the laminanium is capable of holding up to similar forms of stress after being damaged.
  • Hack and Slash - L4R4, like many of the original ASN line of droids that were selected for the upgrade into new experimental units unique to each droid, specialized in a particular set of skills while in the field. While some of the ASN line were more capable in hand to hand combat, and others more capable as marksmen, L4R4 was incredibly successful in compromising network security, building her own, and pretty much anything to do with hacking, slicing, or programming. It could take an organic slicer several minutes or even an hour to slice into an especially difficult network firewall with heavy encryptions, while it could take L4R4 half the time and potentially less depending on how complex the network security might be - all of this thanks to a special positronic subprocessor that enhances the unit's ability to act as a network saboteur.
  • Magic Touch - One of the few droids upgraded from the ASN line to retain physiological features that differ from humans, L4R4's index fingers double as Scomp-links. By pulling back the nail on either finger a retractable Scomp-link will extend telescopically from a hidden compartment made to appear like the skin under the nail.
  • Cold Migration - Much like B14, L4R4 is a persona that was migrated from an older droid model to a far more advanced variation. Because of this she has some preexisting tendencies that conflict with the full sentience and autonomy that she has gained from this new droid brain's hardware and software. Originally a far more rational-minded unit, approaching situations from the standpoint of data and logic, L4R4 has trouble accepting these new feelings that come with complete sentience and simulation of the human condition. At extremes, due to the sensitivity at which the droid brain processes emotions, where the emotional stress might run too high, L4R4 is prone to locking up, freezing, or reduced processing speeds. This may cause lasting damage to her personality and the data stored in her data banks, which can only be solved through a full system wipe.
  • Electric Boogaloo - Much like any other droid, L4R4 is vulnerable to ion weaponry and EMP bursts, the latter of which is not mitigated in order to cut down on the materials that would add to her weight.
There are few records of any successful units from the ASN line of human replica droids, with any information kept on individual terminals as equally unique as the units that were upgraded. While B14-NC4 was brought to Nar Shaddaa to live out several years working her way up from common criminal to an assassin of sorts, L4R4 was instead brought to a similar world - Vorzyd V. Beneath the veneer of entertainment and gambling lay a world filled to the brim with criminal activity, a criminal underworld that L4R4 infiltrated to learn the art of slicing. It was her excellence in her craft, and her general superiority with most things involving data or programming, that convinced her shadowy creators to consider her a success and give her an upgrade not unlike those of the ASN that were not deemed failures.

While, prior, she had been more or less programmed to act solely as an espionage unit, L4R4 has had her hardware custom built from the ground up - no longer one droid among many, identical in every way except appearance, L4R4 is an entirely unique individual that not only retains her own personality and intelligence, but also is completely unique in regards to her schematics and materials used to create her. Unlike B14-NC4, who was built with confrontation in mind, L4R4 was designed with combat as a secondary concern - constructed with a laminanium skeleton and an Scomp-link built into both of her index fingers just beneath each nail. Taking her experience in her past unit with considerable focus during the unit's construction, L4R4's focus as an espionage specialist is extremely clear in her design plans. Aside from being a human replica droid, L4R4 is entirely unique from the other former-ASN units to receive an upgrade, both in appearance and function.

Unfortunately, as with B14-NC4, L4R4 suffers from the same issues regarding being migrated data in hardware with software containing features that would have been far more suitable for a unit that had its intelligence and data formed within it rather than migrated from another unit. Much like the other units who received this upgrade, because of a lack of data available to adjust a sensitivity to emotions, L4R4 can suffer from slowed processing capabilities (imagine a really slow computer at 99% processor usage - now imagine a person functioning at that speed) and even complete freezes that require time-consuming automated system reboots. Consequences of these issues take the form of damaged data and altered personality, similar to those suffering from PTSD but even more intense.

Much like B14-NC4, L4R4 has had her primary directive programming completely removed during the migration process and is completely free to live her own life, capable of thinking for herself, experiencing the full spectrum of emotions, and placing value in her own life. For all intents and purposes, L4R4 is just as much a human, mentally, as any organic. All that sets her aside from the real deal are the mechanical parts hidden beneath the body that has been constructed just like any Human Replica Droid - so similar to the human body that even some medical sensors have trouble discerning her from an organic.
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