Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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//: Y O U R _ G I R L //:

The hotel seemed like so long ago. So much chaos happened that night, and the green-haired girl didn't know what to make of it. Lucky for her, she had avoided having to go to the medical facility that the woman was commanding that she went to. She had heard horror stories from others after she had slipped from the grasp of the woman. Shuddering, the cold air crept up her slender frame, announcing the chill that was starting to settle in. There was only so much she could do to keep warm; it was apparent her biology wasn't created to sustain warmth in this type of environment.

What was she created for? The thoughts continued to cycle in her mind as she remembered the woman Amea Virou Amea Virou . Her voice was rough, but the words she said made the tips of her ears blush and warmth blossom in her chest. At least she had that brief moment where the cold wasn't bothering her too much. Leather boots crunched the riddled snow sidewalks, her viridescent hair bobbed against her neck as she shivered slightly once more, feeling the cold air caress her pale skin. Finding shelter was going to be her first task now that she was on a new planet.

It was fortunate for her that whoever she was, she had money. Spending it was easy as she just handed whoever asked for the money the black card that she had found in her pocket. There was no id attached to it, and her name wasn't on the card. Yet, when people saw it, they swiped it and treated her very special. Who was she to punch a gift bantha in the mouth?

A noise echoed along the sidewalk as she drew closer to the more congested part of the city. She didn't know what the noise was, but the sound was pleasant on her ears; it brought a smile across her face. Her feet moved, crunching the snow faster and faster as she made her way to the doors of one of the local cantinas that doubled as a club. She peered inside, seeing bodies moving to the rhythm of the noise. She could feel it as well, and as a large group moved in, she slipped in as well.

Finding the source of the noise made the beat's thud resonate in her chest; it was also pretty warm in the building. Finding shelter for the evening could wait till later. The dance room was dark, lights strobed different colors, and she smiled, finding herself to start to move like the others. Hips swayed, arms raised, and she began to dance; she moved gracefully along with the others. Eyes closed, and she started to lose herself to the beat.

Because Unknown is unaware of the galaxy at large, the name of the planet she's on is oblivious. Joining - you're more than welcome to name what planet we're on; all I ask is that we're not on Coruscant since she just left there. :) thank you for RPing with me.
Unknown Unknown

"Hey! Stop right there!" The gangster yelled out.

Of course, Slip didn't stop. He continued running down the streets, trying to avoid the angry gangsters chasing him.

Strangely enough, this wasn't the first time he had been chased by angry gangsters that wanted to kill him, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

How had he ended up here, on this cold planet, being chased by murderous gangsters?

Slip had been sent by Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red , to the snowy planet Vandor, in search of a lead for a criminal that they had been hunting for a while. Red was preoccupied, so Slip had to go and follow the lead.

He had been undercover for 2 weeks, living on the straights, and followed lead after lead. When he followed one lead, it seemed to branch off into 5 different directions, making life incredibly difficult for Slip, but he was trained for this. He was made for this. So, he followed every lead, trying to find which one would lead him to his objective. Then, he stumbled upon an illegal smuggling ring, and after some investigation, he found out that this was it. This was what he had been searching for. This group was the lead he had been looking for. So, he stole a data chip of their operations, but he had gotten caught mid-heist. So, here he was, running for his life.

He ran through the city, dipping through the streets, with the group of 8 gangsters right behind him. He continued sprinting, his genetically-enhanced stamina allowing him to stay ahead of the gangsters, but they still managed to stay on his tail, shoving through the crowds to catch him. Slip dove down another street, rushing away from his pursuers, his green hair standing out from the whit contrast of the snow.

Slip needed to end this chase, and quickly. He looked around. He spotted a cantina with a fairly large crowd. Perfect, he could lose them in there. He ran into the crowd, then, he dove into the cantina. He could hear the gangsters behind, trying to find him in the crowd of people outside.

Slip stood up, and walked further into the cantina. Apparently, this place also doubled as a club. It was pretty common for these parts, but he still had never been to one. And seeing as how that was the most crowded part of the cantina, he moved there, giving him more cover. While in the crowd, he spotted a girl dancing. Strangely, she had a very similar hair color to Slip, which intrigued him. As far as he knew, he was the only person he knew that had this color of hair, but here was someone to prove him wrong. Slip slowly moved through the crowd, trying to blend in with the crowd, and avoid getting spotted.

If only things could go his way for once.

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