Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Krux, Once Proud (Mirror Mullarus)


LEGAL NAME: Krux Mullarus


RANK: Dark Jedi

SPECIES: Human/Cyborg

AGE: Twenty-Five

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6'1"

WEIGHT: 150 lbs

EYES: Dark Blue

HAIR: Grey



+Survivalist: Krux could survive on a slice of bread and a pint of water for days. Social interaction means nothing to him anymore. If it will fill his belly and keep him from dying, he will eat it. If it means his own survival, he will do it.
+Reserved: Krux's life is over. He only wishes to stay out of the galaxy's sight until he dies of old age, even if that means to suffer in silence for the rest of eternity.
+-No Will to Live: While a coward, Krux is not afraid of death. In fact, he welcomes it. He only wishes to not be taken captive by the Empire and live through years of torture and suffering.
-Decietful: Living in a world where everyone wants him dead and nobody wants to see him alive has made Krux into a man who will do anything to survive, even if that means being an honorless son of a bantha herder.
-Lethargic: Nothing matters anymore. Krux's world has fallen apart, and he lies among the pieces. Nobody else's lives matter, no event that happens outside of his abode matters anymore, and the power he once held will dissapear in time. But who cares? Krux does not.
-Fearful: Krux is afraid of a lot, and it has only strengthened his bond with the Dark Side. Of many things lost, his attunement to the Dark Side is one thing that has not faltered, but it comes at the price of living in constant fear.
-On the Frayed End of Sanity: Years of running and hiding in fear of the Empire has left Krux's sanity in pieces. Everyone is an enemy now because they all want to turn him in to the Empire. Everything that moves and breathes on the surface of a planet is covered with microscopic cameras hunting their prey: Him. The galaxy is just a playground, and every child there is seeking Krux so they can take him home to the Empire he once lived within in harmony.
-Hates the Force and all Force-Sensitives: The Force is a curse that has burdened Krux and torn his life to shreds. He is a warrior of the dead religion known as the Sith, and he hates it. He never wanted to become this. He hates what he has become. It ruined his entire life that was supposed to be one of promise.

APPEARANCE: Mullarus is young, but his body is thin and broken. His once beautiful black hair has morphed to a deathly shade of silver from years of hiding in agonizing stress.

BIOGRAPHY: Krux Mullarus is the descendant of Imperial War Heros, and as such, his family was one of royalty. Born amongst Lords and Kings on the aristocratic world of Alderaan, he was blessed from birth with the promise of inheriting his mother and father's land and wealth, which they received in their service to the Great Emperor. Krux led a relaxed childhood, where his biggest fears in life were how well he had to perform in school. Though he struggled in some fields, like war tactics, literature, and sparring, young Krux Mullarus was a top-notch student with a promising future.

However, the boy's life changed drastically, as many do. One day, during school, he recieved a holocall from his mother, who sounded stressed and afraid. She told young Krux only one thing.

"Go with the soldiers..."

Yet, later that day, when he returned to his manor, the only soldiers he met were slain at the door. There was an old man standing over them all, clutching a sight he thought he would never see. A red lightsaber. "My son" the old man said, "You must come with me."

Obviously, the boy refused. The old man had to threaten the boy's life to get him to comply. Through secret passages built into the manor, the old man led the boy away from the enormous cities of Alderaan and escaped in a ship. In the following period, the boy learned the old man was his grandfather, a Sith Lord on the run from the Empire. He told Krux, his grandson, that he was passed down from a legacy of Sith that was almost destroyed. His appearance here for Krux was because this was recently discovered by the Empire, and they had taken his parents away somewhere. He did not know where, only that he would never see them again.

Krux's grandfather taught him the old ways of the Sith, though through it all, Krux never acted the same again. He was always full of stress and sorrow growing through his teenage years, despite his grandfather treating him like his own son. However, he learned. Even against his own will, Krux became a promising Sith by his early-twenties, after years of wandering from abandoned space station to various hijacked freighters. He never set foot on another planet since the day he was taken from Alderaan.

In a fit of fear and anger, Krux and his grandfather found themselves in an emotional, hotheaded argument one day aboard a stolen freighter. In the middle of it all, Krux's fear and need to survive led him to stab his own grandfather through the heart with his own, crudely-built lightsaber built of scavenged parts from all over the galaxy. With his grandfather dead at his feet, he began to sob and wonder what he would ever do with his life now. He would not go home in fear of the Empire, but he did not want to wander the galaxy for the rest of his life, but he also could not stay in one place for too long either.

He went against his own wishes and continued to live aboard old wreckages with barely any oxygen and food. To this day, he lives, wandering and hiding from any and all life. He is the only person he can trust.

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