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Approved Species Konoe

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  • Intent: To expand on one fo the more dangerous predators on Atrisia
  • Image Credit: John Carter
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Name: Konoe
  • Designation: Semi-Sentient
  • Origins: Atrisia codex Atrisia wookiee
  • Average Lifespan: 200
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: Tall and heavily muscled, their skin is a tough leathery hide with overlapping folds of hardened scale like skin that works like natural armor. Their tufts of hair on their heads and chests is incredibly fine and highly sought after. Their fore limbs have incredible reach compared to their lower limbs which can double as either hands or legs. Their legs themselves have thumb like phlengils that can grab things and function as a third set of arms but are largely used as feet. Narrow slitted eyes that are more based on vision and conical ears, large nostrils for scenting the air. They are developing an intelligence and reasoning skills on par with a gorax sometimes using rudimentary tools or developing a social structure. Their massive jaws and teeth are made for tearing some of the larger Atrisian creatures to bits.
  • Breathes: Type I & II
  • Average Height of Adults: 6m
  • Average Length of Adults: 4m
  • Skin color: White to silver
  • Hair color: White
  • Distinctions: Six limbed and large, the near hairless bodies suit them well in the environments near the equartor where they are often found in jungles.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive
  • Adapted: Adapted to the moderate regions of the world, their bodies store energy during the day often while they sleep and await the sun to set.
    Base Intelligence: Smarter then some creatures on Atrisia but just developing the basics. They have started to use tools, create more complex social structures and even communicate.
    Keystone: They are not the apex predators of the world but a vital part of the ecosystem. Keeping populations of the more abundant species in check so not to overpopulate and overrun the cities.
  • Zerker Rage: A naturally nocturnal Predator that stalks the forests and ruins. They will attack what they perceive as weak prey rather then just blindly normally. When awakened during the day with their poor and sensitive eyesight they go into a blind fury attacking anything they can hear or smell.
    Based on movement: Their eyesight is terrible, not being able to discern shapes unless they are moving.
    Temperature: Their bodies have become suited to moderate temperatures, neither excessive heat or cold is healthy for them causing their blood to slow (cold) to the point they want to hibernate and will starve. Or their bodies will pump blood to fast as they overheat and begin to pant since their bodies cannot dissipate the heat through sweat glands.
  • Diet: Omnivore: They are able to survive on plants and fruits but prefer meats of lesser animals... most are not man-eaters despite being massive and dangerous.
  • Communication: Grunts and chest beating. Their communications is in the earliest stages of developing.
  • Technology level: Below Primitive as they are just starting to understand and use tools.
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/S
  • General behavior: Found in the forests and caves around the equator of the planet where it is more moderate weather. Their bodies have adapted to the regions and excessive heat or cold is more dangerous then other predators of which they do not have to worry about many. they are a vital keystone species to Atrisia keeping the other species from over populating and serving in stories to be monsters. In truth they avoid contact with humans instead being able to hear them from far off and avoid them in the forests unless they directly see them as a threat. They are starting to become more social creatures developing the beginnings of a social structure of groups for mutual protection instead of just bonded pairs. They have begun to use the very basic tools and caves or shelters showing a small increase to their intelligence.
Ancient on Atrisia and originally from the jungles of Ukiyo, they were imported and spread hundreds of thousands of years ago when there were land bridges that disappeared as the polar caps melted. The first ones were consinderably larger and early archeological studies misidentified them as the Sadakaya. Giants who were half breeds of the Sadomakie servants of the divine god. He sent them to earth to amuse himself and see if a child born of his creations and humans could swim. Later on they were discovered to be Konoe ancestors through fossils and genetics. The species continued to thrive in the more moderate temperatures and expanded following the weather across the planet itself. Their status as a population control measure regarded in many ways by the ancient Atrisians as they kept local animals from consuming many resources.

Their populatio has seen ups and downs at times usually during times of strife and danger... with the gulag plague and netherworld it say a drastic decrease but has slowly been building back up carefully managed by the people at Atrisia as they keep the populations of wild kappa and tigers down. More so since they have begun to show intelligence developing on par with a gorax as they are starting to use rudimentary tools from objects. This has largely facinated the Atrisian academies of science and zoology as getting to watch a species develop the sentience to become something more isn't always possible. For that they are respected and accepted with some measures in place to prevent the random killing of them. Unless they are the rare man-eaters that surfaced more when the sith overtook the planet.

The slave rings that had been created to export people would leave bodies in the forests and several of the Konoe developed a taste for it along the routes they took. It is not a natural problem but two of them proved to be very dangerous as the bulls got a lot more dangerous and the Atrisian hunter who was sent after them reported that they seemed to be killing for the pleasure more then for the food. The other things he noted and it was what got them to look more closely was how smart he reported the Konoe to be often attacking in places far from where they had the previous day and creating diversions or simply out thinking his hired hands. When they were finally killed the two were taken toa field research museum to be studied and it was determined together they had eaten over one hundred and forty different people.

The Konoe are considered fascinating to the recent scientists and observation of them is key while still respecting that they can be dangerous to the lone researcher or someone who provokes them. They are sometimes used like a boogeyman for mothers to tell their children. A creature in the forests who will snatch them away if they do bad things or go alone into the woods at night.
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Junko Ike Junko Ike Overall this is a really good sub! There is just one thing I'd like to go over with you before I approve this

: Often regarded in religious circles like a boogeyman... a nightmarish creature that will chase down and kill Atrisians who wonder alone in the forests at night.
This reads to me like it would possibly fit more in the history section, as it's more how Atrisians feel about it, than the Konoe having their own religion. If the Konoe don't have a religion or belief system, you could move what you have here to your history section, and replace it with "N/A"

Let me know what you think of this, however.
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