Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Knights in need of Masters


Triaan sat in her office with a distant look on her face, thinking. The Council of the Nine had already convened and voted on which of the great powers to seek to align themselves with further and ultimately her suggestions of the Confederacy won out. Yet now when she actually sat in front of the terminal it all seemed so impossible. How does one randomly message a nation stretching dozens of planets to try to convince them to hire you and then start making demands of them? It all seemed very pompous and certainly not what she was good at, she was a soldier not a diplomat.

Yet eventually she'd put her hands to the keyboard and begin to type, having to rehash a few things here and there but the message would ultimately come out as:

"To Whom it may concern within the diplomatic offices of the Confederacy of Independent Systems,

I write to you on the behalf of the Valiant Order, an ancient order of mercenary knights who are seeking work. Our military prowess in ground combat or boarding ships is unparalleled and I believe we would be a fine addition to your arsenal. We can deal with any threat as small as a pirate gang or as large as any conflict you may find yourselves in with any of the larger nations within the galaxy. We of course would ask for certain payments. A sum of credits, which we can negotiate the exact amount, for every encounter you dispatch us on. An uninhabited planet or large moon which we would like to settle down on, we have been nomads in this great expanse for far too long and seek to finally establish a central hub for our Order and a colony for the civilians under our care. We also ask that should you hire us that we be allowed to dispense our own justice to those under our command. Our knights take strict vows and to break them would be to disrespect everything we stand for. Traitors and those who attempt to steal from us must be met with a trial held by the Council of the Nine and we will not accept outside intervention in our courts. I understand if these demands may seem lofty, but I believe we are worth it and I believe you will agree. I look forward to your response.

High Marshal of the Valiant Order, Triaan Makt"
Attached to the message would be several videos of the Golden Echelon in combat, showing the efficiency of their shield wall tactic against a variety of pirates and raider groups.
After having this message approved by other members of the Council of the Nine she would send it out through several diplomatic channels to the confederacy and slowly sit back into her chair.

@Genesis Rostu

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