Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kheera Reach (W.I.P)

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NAME: Kheera Reach

AGE: 20
HEIGHT: 1,53m (5'0ft)
WEIGHT: 65k (141lbs)
EYES: Piercing green with blue details.
HAIR: Dark blond (Pink dyed)

SKIN: Covered in dark blond fur.

FACTION: Silver Jedi


As the Cathar that she is, she's quick tempered and reflexes this sharply towards others. This was often shown through gazes with her piercing green eyes and clicks with her tongue. However, besides how quickly tempered she is, Kheera is known as a very joyful and warm hearted Jedi that likes to joke around. She barely curses, she barely allows a dark thought to cross her mind and tries to tackle each negative scenario with something positive. She enjoys every single moment alive, trying to value it all with a warm smile on her lips. Besides that, she cares a lot about her friends and Jedi, perhaps even a bit too much based on the Jedi code. She is very loyal towards them and trusts them, hoping that they'll do the same in return. She has also shown throughout many missions that she was good at using her words as a weapon and learned how to use these words. Her words are smooth and promising but she likes to think that a broad smile can carry more words than a single sentence. Besides that, she's a respectful Jedi that values other opinions, morals, traditions and all life. Kheera has learned the hard way how to stay calm when she's facing a Sith in the way of torture, due to her life experience.

Kheera has quite a few weak points that she's trying to beat. One of the points that she just can't seem to fix is her poor memory when it comes to names. This reflexes on names from Jedi, but also Form names, Force names and so on. It took her quite a few weeks just to remember her own Master's name. As described before, Kheera has a quick temper and while she has never truly shown true aggression because of this temper, she has lost herself a few times in it. These quick and sharps actions happen the most when she's in an unorthodox situation. She tries her best to stay calm in serious situations to become a better Jedi, yet struggles often with it as she loves messing around. However, throughout her years as a Jedi within the order, she became better at this, allowing her to face serious situations with a calm mind. Kheera gained a fear of fire after her father-like figure burned her within the forgery, this also leads to her mind becoming filled with depression-like thoughts which
caused her mental barriers to be very weak.

+ Joyful and cheerful
+ Good with words
+ Respectful
+ Values life and morals
+ Cares about friends and Jedi
+ Can handle torture

- Bad at remembering names
- Quick temper
- Bad at handling unorthodox situations
- Find it hard to stay serious
- Has a heavy fear of fire.

- Suffers from a depression/anxiety.


Kheera's beauty can be described as pure yet adorable, with a curvy yet trained body. This curviness is shown around her hips and thighs as they are the more larger parts around her body, while her stomach is covered in visible muscles. Her body is covered in a thick beige fur, with darker patches of fur that match her thick hair. This fur is very soft and rather thick like a real winter coat, hiding her skin beneath it. The Jedi is blessed with long curly thick hair that ends above her tail, which makes her piercing green eyes pop out even more. She often has her hair tied back or decorated in little flowers, which are braided in her firm and twirly curls. Currently, her hair is dyed a soft pink and holds a crimson red rose beneath her ear. Around her thin shaped pupil, a few of light blue rings can be found, making her green eyes pop even more. Framing her eyes, she has long eyelashes which make her seem more innocent than she actually is. She has soft pink yet plump lips, which are covering a pair of sharp fangs. Her fluffed up ears are decorated with blue crystals that she was gifted by her parents. Behind her body hangs a thick and fluffy tail, that swings joyfully as she walks around the temple. Kheera's walk is light, elegant and cat-like, always walking on the tip of her toes.

Kheera shines the most when it comes down to her speed. Due to her body being petite and her cat-like movements, she slides over the battle field with the quickest steps. Often she combines this with a Force Speed, to surprise her enemy. Due to her training as a medic, she's often very precise within her movements. She's also very well at taking hits, due to the tortures she took as a Jedi Padawan. However, her body lacks in power and stamina. She can't last for longer than fifteen minutes within a fight before her body is completely drained out. Kheera is also easily distracted by the smallest things, such as laser points.

+ Quick on her feet
+ Elegant and agile
+ Precise within her movements
+ Can take hits very well

- Lacks power in arms
- Has a very poor stamina
- Easily distracted


ll ll ll ll ll

Regular Force
  • Force Core [[ll ll ll ll]]
  • Animal Friendships [[ll ll ll]]
  • Plant Surge [[ll ll ll ll]]
  • Force Orb [[ll ll]]
  • Force Boon [[ll ll ll]]
  • Alter Environment [[ll ll]]
  • Force Flash [[ll ll]]
  • Mind Link [[ll ll ll]]
  • Force Illusion [[ll]]
  • Force Body [[ll]

Healing related
  • Force Heal [[ll ll ll ll]]
  • Force Cure [[ll ll ll]]
  • Force Accelerate Healing [[ll ll ll ll]]
  • Control Pain [[ll ll ll]]
  • Detoxify Poison [[ll ll]]
  • Force Harmony [[ll ll]]
_Saber Forms_

  • Shii-Cho - Form I [[ll ll]]
  • Makashi - Form II [[ll ll ll ll]]
  • Soresu - Form III [[ll]]
  • Ataru - Form IV [[ll]]


Single yellow bladed curved lightsaber
Needle filled with Anesthetic (5x)

  • Crafted by: Kheera Reach.
  • Classification: Medical object.
  • Liquid inside: Tranqarest
  • Material: Glass, regular metal.
  • Force Imbued: No.
  • Effect: Makes a grown Force-sensitive man fall asleep for five minutes.
  • Jedi Robes
  • Leather Bag
    Basic medical supplies
  • Food (such as sandwiches)
  • Natural Energy drink
  • Water

[*]A silver necklace with a rose pendant
[*]A metal ring with a yellow meditation crystal
[*]Bacta Grenade (2x)


_Chapter one: Dawn falls_
It was a usual morning on Ilum. Snow flakes decorated the hutts of the Cathar clan named the Reach. The Reach were a clan of long furred Cathars to resist the cold. They were known for their love and care of their others, as family meant everything for them. Young Kheera was the same. She would run through the snow, following her friends with a joyful giggle, catch salmon with her brother, braid her sister's hair. She would do it all, just to keep her loved ones happy. Yet, the Reach's history was unlike others. Two Cathar's left the planet Cathar many many years ago, as they felt discomfort with the warmth of Cathar. Their fur was too thick and too soft for the heat, their movements too elegant on a planet where they had to fight to survive. They found their way to Ilum, where they met another group of Cathar who fleed from the tropical temperatures of Cathar. All of these Cathar's were strangers for each other, but they all had one thing in common; their fur wasn't made for the warm climate, their bodies weren't made for the dangers. And thus, they started up the clan and called it Reach.

"Stop!" Kheera's voice rang like little bells. The Cathar stopped with running through the ice-cold snow as she panted, gasping for air. Her shoulder blades were burning from the shallow breathing. One of her more dearest friends Yaz'lia was sprinting through the snow in front of her. Yaz'lia was a young Cathar with brown fur and burning blue eyes. These gifts made her stick out from the rest, who had lighter fur to match the snow. She was always better at talking, as where Kheera was better with catching fish and collecting herbs. Kheera darted her eyes up, the brown Cathar was miles ahead of her. They were playing tag and it was Kheera's turn.
Two other Cathar were playing with two young ladies; a young boy named Trivian who had an extremely fluffy neck and an older girl named Kalia. Kalia reminded Kheera of her sister due to her soft facial features.

Kheera took a deep breath, allowing her lungs to fill up with Ilum's cold and fresh air. She then pushed her feet in the snow and continued her sprint towards Yaz'lia. Kheera's pupils became larger as she was focused on her target, time almost standing still as she leaped over towards the brown Cathar. The sky above her head flashed by as she saw Yaz'lia slow down in her speed. Automatically, Kheera followed her along and dropped her speed until they both stopped, leaving behind a trail in the snow. Beast-like growls escaped their mouths as they spoke up in Catharese."Yaz'lia, why did you stop? What's wrong?" Kheera stepped over towards Yaz'lia, her head tilted towards the right. With her piercing green eyes, she would watch her friend. "There's a cliff here. A dead end, mind you" Yaz'lia's voice was polite, yet very high pitched.

Kheera darted her eyes away from Yaz'lia to look at the cliff that was ahead of them. She gave Yaz'lia a thankful pat on her shoulder with her soft paw as she approached the edge, looking down at the long drop. From what the young Cathar could judge the drop was bad enough to kill anyone that fell down, no exceptions. "... We should return to our huts. It's not safe out here." Yaz'lia turned around on her heels within the thick layers of snow, watching Kheera and late-comers Kalia and Trivian. Trivian approached the brown Cathar with a smirk drawn on his lips, the white fangs appearing beneath it.

"Are you scared, Yaz'lia?" His voice, darker and heavy while his yellow eyes thinned. "Are you ... a chicken?!" "I'm not scared, Trivian," Yaz'lia spoke with a collected voice while taking a few steps backward as Trivian stepped closer towards her, her heels touching the edge of the cliff. "Chicken, chicken!" Trivian shouted out, followed by a sharp laugh. Kheera watched the two, her fluffy ears dropped upon her head. Something in her body warned her that this story wouldn't get a happy ending, a warning that screamed within her mind. Yaz'lia took another step backward, her heel almost slipping over the edge. Her eyes opened in fear, realizing she was running out of ground to cover. The Cathar opened her lips, trying to tell Trivian to back off. But before the words escaped her mouth the rocks underneath her feet broke off from the edge.

"Is this truly fate?"

Kheera let out a scream as she pushed her hands forwards, her eyes widening as she saw Yaz'lia fall down towards her death. And that's when fate changed, the will of the Force playing with the strings of destiny, aiding the people who played a role within this destiny. And with a blink of the eye, Yaz'lia stopped within her fall. She was floating mid-air, whimpering in fear. Kheera looked down at her hand, she felt something different. Something warm around her hand that was connected with Yaz'lia. Frozen, she watched Yaz'li as Kalia and Trivian worked together to get her back onto her feet. The brown Cathar dropped her knees in the white snow, breathing out sharply.

Nobody spoke a single word, but their eyes slowly crept up towards Kheera. Their pupils largened, watching the young Cathar with distrust. The sharp howling of the wind broke their silence, followed by Kalia speaking up."You are a Witch..."Her voice, Kheera would never forget the way she spoke, the growls within her words. Filled with fear and shivers."Come on. I'm not a Witch! I ... Please!" She cried out, moving her hands against her own chest, holding the cloth around her collarbones. The Cathars turned around on the balls of their feet, retreating away from Kheera. Yaz'lia looked over her shoulder towards Kheera, giving her a small smile. A small smile that said 'it'll be fine'.

Half an hour later, Kheera approached the clan with her tail between her legs. The three main leaders were waiting on her right outside of the walls, Kalia and Trivian must've told about what happened. She lowered her head once she approached the three Cathars. Only up close she noticed that the second leader, a tall woman with thick curls held a leather bag within her hands. With distrust, all of them looked down at Kheera, as if to crush her down into the snow. That's when the oldest Cathar spoke up. He was the smallest leader, his fur turned gray. "Kheera... We've been told that you used Magic?" The man's voice was soft, pained, time has taken it's toll on him. "Father!" Kheera spoke up towards the man. Everyone in the clan called the gray Cathar their Father. He was the oldest, the wisest; everyone followed his words, his orders, his knowledge. "I have no idea what happened! Yaz'lia fell down and I ... It won't happen again, I promise!"

"So you confirm that it happened? You used Magic?" The woman spoke up, her head tilted to the right. Kheera lowered her head, even more, her teeth crawling over her lower lip. "Kheera. You can't stay here if you truly have Magic. You've seen the destruction of the men with black robes, they all had Magic that corrupted their soul. We can't take a risk! You are a Witch." The last man finally shared his voice. He was the youngest of the three leaders, still learning. His fur was white as snow, eyes pure as ice. "But I don't want to leave! I'm a Reach! Just like everyone else!" She began to sob as the tears collected upon her eyelids, watching the three leaders. The woman of the group approached Kheera, kneeling down in front of her to dry her tears with her own fur.

Another painful silence followed, the woman stared in Kheera's eyes. Her eyes were piercing green, focussing upon the Cathar in front of her. Slowly, she slid a leather strap over Kheera's shoulder. Kheera looked down at the strap, following the leather with her eyes to discover the - at that time oversized - leather bag that was attached to it. The leather bag was decorated with two small blue crystals from Ilum. She snapped her eyes away from the leather bag to look up at the woman with a deep frown. It was a beautiful Cathar, the curls framing her cheeks, long eyelashes, plump limps, her body smooth and her movements elegant. "Kheera, it's for the best. I want you to find people who can help you. You've always told me that not every Witch is bad, so prove me. Prove me that you are a good Witch." Her voice was so warm and comfortable. A voice that could sing countless of lullabies, a voice that made people smile upon the darkest days.

"But mo-" Kheera tried to speak back towards her, but was stopped by the woman placing her furred finger against her lips, followed by a hussing 'ssh'. "There's no other way. Go and make us proud, it's your only chance. Go now before the night trails upon you." She kneeled closer towards Kheera and moved her arms around the Cathar's back while adjusting her hands around her shoulders, pulling her into a big embrace. It felt as if the embrace lasted forever, as if time stood still around the two Cathars, allowing them to say their goodbyes without talking. Snowflakes began to collect in Kheera's eyelashes as she watched the gate slowly close, snapping them out of the moment. Slowly but sure, the woman rose up from the snow, letting go of Kheera's back. "You can't fly, if you never try." She spoke towards the small Cathar, before turning upon her heels to leave Kheera behind, entering the wooden walls of the clan.

"You can't fly, if you never try."

_Chapter two: A new Home_
Whimpering, cold, lonely and filled with fear, Kheera pushed through the snow fields of Ilum. "I can't believe that I'm exiled..." She thought to herself, her eyes lowered to watch the crisp underneath her boots. Loneliness crept over her mind as she finally dared to look upwards. There was nothing there, nothing besides more and more layers of white, framed by the dark blue sky. No other living soul, not even an animal. Hours went by as more and more snow flakes collected on her body. Her feet were sore, her muscles heavy. Yet she kept walking forwards, walking in a straight line towards the east. Something within her core was guiding her. A spark of hope and warmth; a spark that she never felt before and the only reason that the Cathar kept pushing on.

The night sky fell over Ilum, the stars blinking gently as the galaxy showed it's pure beauty. The air became harsh, cold and sharp, lifting her fur around in a gentle dance. Kheera pushed the clothes tightly over her own body, the furred coat mangling with the soft fur on her body. Her eyes were heavy and tired, her movement slow and stiff. Despite her cat-like pupils, the night was still very dark; too dark to make sense of anything. And that's when something in the far off distance changed. A dot of green light, followed by a blue dot, another green light, and more bright red ones. The entire horizon line in front of Kheera's eyes lit up into small and colorful dots, flying around towards each other.

Curiosity overtook Kheera as she leaped off the hill she was standing on, sliding down towards a more stable height. Once her feet connected with the snow, she readjusted herself up from the crisp and stepped forwards, following the lights. The lights became brighter the closer she approached the group; taking the shape of stripes. Her ears twitched around, hearing some type of spark whenever two light stripes collide. The wielders of these light stripes screamed upset at each other, sprinting over towards the fighting partner they were facing. Despite her young mental state, she understood that she shouldn't mess with these people. But her muscles kept moving forwards, her body lowering towards the snow. She wanted to meet these people, these people who had Magic like her.

Once Kheera came closer, she began to notice the difference between the two groups. The light stripes illuminated their clothes to the point that she could recognize the colors and shapes. The group on her left hand wore brown-themed robes with a belt around their waist. Some with thick and long robes above their usual uniform, some without. Their light stripes mostly being blue, green or yellow. The group on her right hand wore black-themed robes which looked less like a uniform. Some full in leather, some women half undressed and almost all of these group members had red-like light stripes. "The men with the black robes... Does that mean that the men with brown robes are their enemy?" she thought to herself, kneeling down into the patches of snow. Her green eyes darted towards the men in brown robes, her head tilted to the right while watching the fight grow in front of her eyes.

That's when she felt a hand placed upon her shoulder. The Cathar let out the smallest scream as her head turned harshly over her shoulder, watching the figure behind her. It was an unknown species to her yet the boy wore brown-robes, just like the other fighters. He looked almost like some type of reptile that was just watching her. "H&@&@#3 m&, &*n# on%&#?" He spoke to her in an unknown language, words that made so much sense yet meant so little to her. The Cathar titled her head, her eyes widening in confusion as she tried to understand him. She blinked once as he turned her around on her heels, guiding her over towards a metal-looking machine. She figured that it was the device that the Reach leaders spoke about; they called them ships. Machines that could fly up into the sky and soar above the clouds.

"Yo kid, can you fly?"
In the ship, Kheera directly decided that she disliked being aboard on of these strange devices. The reptile-like boy had her located in front of a machine that allowed her to shoot these odd type of light arrows; she missed all of her shots. The Cathar groaned after the metal device made another twirl, placing her forehead against her own knees. "How did I get into this mess..." she thought to herself as her eyes closed. Minutes within the nightmare device went by in beautiful silence, silence that allowed her to catch her breath back. That's when the boy began to shout from the chamber he was located in. "O&@ga# *&@#% ^@*#" He shouted at someone, a voice crack indicating the panic within him. "... Mister? Are yo-" Before Kheera could finish her sentence the ship took off towards the atmosphere of Ilum. The small Cathar looked out of the window, noticing that many alike devices were following them. She gasped as she leaned back in the chair, her claws squeezing into the leather underneath her palms. They were leaving Ilum.

After they traveled in something that Kheera could only describe as "sparkly stripes and twirls" the ship pierced through yet another atmosphere layer. The planet they were entering looked very green and alive; it was something that made her blink quite a few times. No snow or ice like on Ilum, only plants and trees. After another couple of minutes of flying over the beautiful landscape the ship approached a small outpost, hidden underground. Behind them the other devices trailed along, each of them finding their own landing spot as they entered the hangar-bay. Kheera froze up in her chair once the ramp of the device opened; a wave of new scent overwhelmed her senses. The reptile boy rose up from the more royal-looking seat and headed over towards the metal ramp. He looked over his own shoulder, waving with his hand towards Kheera to gesture her over. With a fearful whimper of the unknown, she slowly removed the strap that secured her on the seat and rose up. And as her feet touched the metal flooring she quietly approached the ramp.

Her eyes fell at all the pillars that were placed in the stone walls as she slowly left the device. They were made of a type of white stone, something she has never seen before. The pillars were leading towards the main gate, where many brown-robed men were located. Some entering the space behind the gates, some leaving the gate to enter the hangar-bay they were in. "This must be the entrance of their house..." The Cathar was confused, she had never seen such things before. Were the brown-robed men truly the people who could help her? The reptile boy looked over towards Kheera before tugging her sleeve, dragging her off the ramp and deeper into the hangar-bay. Her tail puffed up as he approached the gate, opening it for the two. "Mister! I'd rather not... let me- I don't want to-!" The Cathar hissed towards him and in response, he blinked sheepish at her as if she spoke a bewitched language. He rose his shoulders up into a shrug and continued tugging her along through the underground outpost. Doors and hallways flashed through her eyes as he guided her along to the unknown.

They ended up in some type of chamber with many seats as Rehan approached an older looking man. The two directly began to talk which caused the man to look towards Kheera, his hand ran over his own beard. Their words so flued and clear, she wished that she could understand it. Kheera lowered her eyes to watch her own paws, she felt her heartbeat race within her chest. Was it nervousity? Or perhaps fear of the unknown people? She couldn't think for too long about what these emotions truly meant as the tall man had some other plans. He approached Kheera cautiously and kneeled down to get on eyeheight with her. For a moment he watched her without speaking a single word and then placed his index finger on his own chest. "Master Zarran," he spoke carefully towards her, before pointing at the reptile-boy with the same index finger. "Rehan." He explained to her and then pointed towards her own chest. She gave the two a sheepish blink before understanding that these were names. Their names. "Kheera... Reach."

"I'm a Jedi knight"

_Chapter three: Doctor who?_
Many Jedi began to teach Kheera Basic Galactic and once she was ready, Master Zarran took Kheera as his Padawan. He taught her the basics of being a Jedi, the ethics, how to fight with a lightsaber, how to defend and how to speak like a Jedi. Throughout these lessons, it became clear that Kheera's strongest points were her athletic and elegant movements, combined with her speed. However, she also seemed to shine with her diplomatic skills. Especially her Form Zero was deemed to be strong. But there was something more, hiding in the darkness in her mind, trying to break free. It was her passion to help the civilians, the fallen Jedi. She wanted to be a healer.

Kheera turned around on her heels, looking over towards her master within the training chambers, sweat running over her handpalms after a tough Makashi lesson. She took this moment of resting to share her idea; it was now or never. "Master Zarran, Master Zarran!" Her ears perked up as her tail moved around excitedly while she spoke up. "Yes, Kheera?" His eyes peeked down towards Kheera with a calm and collected expression."I want to become a Doctor!" Jonym Kresh, who was watching the two from the shadows, couldn't help but snort followed by a chuckle. Master Kresh and Master Zarran were close friends and Kheera was dragged into their friendship. Master Kresh was therefor almost her second master, he was a big brother to her. "A doctor? Don't you mean a Jedi Healer, Kheera?" Kheera lowered her eyes with a blink, before answering. "Yes, you know, I want to help people! Fix them!" Jonym stepped forwards and gave Master Zarran a pat on his shoulder. "Your padawan is a Consular huh, good luck." His eyes sparked amused towards his old friend.

Master Zarran introduced Kheera to four Consulars before he left the Jedi order. Lucas Dryant, Luna Caedus the at that point current Sagemaster, Taeguk Fellius and Baro Esumi. Throughout her years of a Padawan, they became important factors for Kheera within her training as Consular;
  • Lucas Dryant became a shoulder she could cry on; her father figure.
  • Luna Caedus was the head of the healers and taught Kheera day in and out about the beauty of the humanoid-body and how to fix their wounds.
  • Taeguk Fellius guided Kheera through her general Consular training.
  • Baro Esumi taught Kheera everything she had to know about Diplomats.
Kheera also found a new master named Vantas Shien. A young Jedi knight who wore glasses and gave Kheera a warm smile. These five Jedi and Jonym Kresh became important factors for Kheera's childhood, preparing her for the hard world.

Luna, a beautiful Diathim decided that Kheera became a healer within the medical bay of the Jedi Order. Every day she learned more and more about how to be a good Jedi Healer. At the age of fourteen, she knew how to safe a life, making her one of the youngest healers within the Order. An exception, a rare case as some claimed. After each lesson, Luna gave Kheera one of her more rare smiles. "Good job, Kheera. You are doing well. One day, you'll take over my role as Chief Healer." Luna quietly spoke to her, her face not showing any emotions. Kheera's ears perked up as she jumped up and down happily within the medical bay. "That's thanks to you, Master Caedus! You are such a great teacher!" "No Kheera, it's because you are willing to learn."

"Your padawan is a Consular huh, good luck."
She encountered her first Sith up close after they captured her. A lady with black hair spoke to Kheera with a calm voice; she wanted to know information about the hidden Jedi Order. Kheera lowered her eyes, her lips were sealed. She'd rather die than tell the Sith where the outpost was located. And that's when a wounded red Twi'lek was sent in; Yuz'satuy. Judging the black haired Sith the two were lovers as she fell down in front of Yuz'satuy, holding her hand. "You are a healer, right? Heal her and in return, I'll let you go!" Her voice sounded so desperate. Kheera sighed out, her head tilted to the right. "Give me my leather bag and a lightsaber, I'll patch her up." Not every Sith was a monster, every Sith deserved a second chance. Yuz'satuy wasn't any different, right? Oh, how Kheera regrets this choice to the point it haunts her core, looking back at the past.

"Kheera, come here!" Seyal called out to Kheera. Seyal Primera, a special boy and a Jedi like Kheera. They trained together, allowing them to become close with each other. Nothing truly happened; not even a single kiss. But Kheera was in love with the boy despite their love being forbidden in their order. Kheera laughed and headed over towards Seyal, her ears perking to the side. Yet Seyal had this upset look in his eyes, an upset look he gave Kheera countless of times. "Why did you get captured Kheera? You are so reckless! You always do this to me, making me all worried about you!" He snarked towards her. "Seyal, I didn't mean to-" Seyal turned his back to her, sniffing upset. He was so always so enraged around her. So reckless to the point that he attacked another Padawan who teased the two. His eyes had a golden ring in them, it was the dark side no doubt.

A painful silence fell in the meditation garden as Kheera moved over towards Seyal. She was going to end this, this madness with Seyal. He would turn dark-sided if he kept walking this path of hatred and she couldn't let that happen. Perhaps Jonym was right, after all, love does truly blind you. He has warned her so many times. She closed her eyes for a moment, breathing out. There were a couple of other Jedi within the garden, including Seyal's brother-like figure. It was the perfect moment, she wasn't alone and there were Jedi to support him. "Seyal... we have to talk." The Cathar quietly spoke to him with her ears lowered. "This, this isn't healthy for you. You are so upset! Perhaps we have to stop it Seyal, I don't want you to become corrupted!"

Enraged and heartbroken, Seyal turned away from Kheera and headed over towards the cells; the cells where Yuz'satuy was located. The Jedi captured her closely after Kheera healed her and kept her within the cells to question her. The Twi'lek took her chance and attacked; she shared lies with Seyal, lies about Baro and Kheera, lies that blinded his vision. Furious, he stepped back towards the garden, his hand on his lightsaber. "Kheera!" he shouted in the meditation garden. Kheera's eyes fell on Seyal and her stomach dropped, his eyes were glowing up from the hate within. She took a few steps back, tears collecting on her eyelids. And that's when Seyal leaped over towards her, the hilt activating in his hand. Seyal was quickly defeated, five Jedi fought besides Kheera against Seyal. It went so well that no one besides Seyal got hurt. The boy was directly exiled from the Jedi order, left on his own. Rumors said that he joined a Sith order, yet no one has seen him after the exile. However, peace wasn't there. A new arc with hate and despair followed. Yuz'satuy had her eyes on Kheera, she called the Cathar her playing 'friend' and claiming that she loved her screams. She launched a cat and mice game with the Cathar that destroyed many minds.

_Chapter four: Small girl_
_Chapter five: Lucas Dryant_
OOC: This is one of the longer chapters and contains a torture scene. It isn't very detailed, but it's only fair to warn the readers.
Lucas Dryant; he was Kheera's father-like figure and once the Sagemaster of the Jedi order. A tall man with dark brown hair, a broad and muscular body, a half Dantari and half Human. Kheera looked up at him and enjoyed being around him. From the start of her Jedi training, he was there with her and guided her along. He saw her grow up to the Jedi she is today. She trusted the Jedi Knight with her entire heart and followed him through fire blindly. To support her growth as a Jedi he began to train the young Cathar. Push her boundaries, make her use weights to strengthen her body. Everything she needed to become stronger on her feet.

"Kheera, join me to the hangar bay. Bring along enough food and water, you'll need it." It was morning on the Jedi outpost. Most of the Jedi were still asleep and Kheera was waking up with a cup of mocha drink in her hands. She yawned loudly before her eyes fell upon Lucas Dryant. "Oh, Master Dryant! Good morning! I'll meet you in the hangar bay!" She tilted her head with her usual warm smile before taking another sip off her mocha. Lucas looked away before he entered the hangar bay, preparing the shuttle for them to leave. Kheera rose up onto her feet to collected some more water and sandwiches within her leather bag and then left for the shuttle.

"Master Dryant, where are we going?" Kheera kicked her feet from her left to the right. The Cathar turned sixteen not too long ago yet was still very excited whenever she traveled to a new destination. "You'll see." He spoke back from the cockpit with a calm and collected voice. Within minutes the burning planet Mustafar appeared on Kheera's view and their ship approached the atmosphere. Kheera peeked out of the window and let out a nervous sigh. Due to her thick body fur, she never liked the heat, especially not Mustafar but she understood why they departed to the planet. To train her resistance against the heat.

The ship landed upon Mustafar's hot rocks and the ramp slowly opened, the heat rushing into the once cooled seating. Lucas cursed within the cockpit while pulling some of the levers from the control panel. Kheera tilted her head as she looked over towards Lucas, approaching him. "Master, what's wrong?" She spoke softly towards him. "Oh... Nothing. Making sure that the ship can leave once we are done." His eyes remained frozen upon the control panel that was flashing its bright colors. The two stayed quiet until Lucas rose up from his seat and gave Kheera a grin. "Let's continue your training Kheera. This'll be an important one for you!"

"Master, what's wrong?"

Once they left the ship Lucas made Kheera do a couple of press-ups while he carefully sat down in the middle of her spine. Without complaining she followed along with his training orders, pearls of sweat rolled over her hand palms. After around twenty press-ups with him located on her back, he smiled towards Kheera and sat down in front of her instead. "Okay Kheera, I want you to meditate. Close your eyes." He carefully spoke towards Kheera, his green eyes frozen upon hers. The Cathar didn't even think twice about it; she rose up from her press-up position and sat down with her legs crossed, her hand palms resting upon her knees. Her mind began to empty itself out, her emotions flowing away through the rivers of the Force.

"I want you to lift up those rocks within your meditation," Lucas spoke towards her once again, laying four rocks in front of Kheera. The Cathar reached out for the rocks with her Force and began to slowly levitate them upwards. Her mind shut off as her focus remained on the Force and the rocks they were grasping and holding. She didn't notice how another ship entered the training field, close to the two. Footsteps traveled through Kheera's hearing and she slowly opened her eyes, the rocks lowering upon the ground. A familiar red Twi'lek stood behind Lucas Dryant. It was Yuz'satuy. Kheera's eyes widened as her pupils darted over towards Lucas. Lucas had his hands on the keys off his ship; the ship locked itself down.

"Lucas... What are you doing?!" Kheera spoke up with a shivering voice. She slowly grabbed her comlink as she rose up with trembling knees. Why wasn't he fighting the Sith? Why was she standing behind him like that? She lowered her fingers towards the screen of the comlink. She was so close, but before she could activate the distress beacon Lucas grabbed it away from her through the Force and tossed it into the lava beside them. Kheera gasped out and slowly trailed back on her feet. That's when both Lucas and Yuz'satuy launched their attack on the girl. With a cat-like jump, she tried to get away, but the Force of Lucas grasped her mid-air. "Lucas!" Kheera screamed out as her body was smacked back onto the ground, dangerously close to the lava. She tried to stand up, but the Force enveloped around her mind and her eyes shut closed.

When her eyes opened after many hours she was located in front of a Sith Temple. Kheera squeezed her eyes together, trying to regain her vision back as the temple had a painful beaming blue glow. Lucas Dryant was dragging along Kheera over the floor, towards the forgery within the thick yet ice cold walls. "I like the smell of burned fur" the Twi'lek spoke towards Lucas. He remained quiet while placing Kheera in front of the forge. Kheera reopened her eyes and looked up at Lucas's face. The face who she once saw as her father. "Lucas, pl-" But before she could finish her sentence, he overruled her voice with his own. "Give me a dagger."

"You are my favorite playmate"

Lucas began to cut off Kheera's fur while she whimpered quietly. She tried to get away from his powerful grip around her arms. The blade traveled it's way up towards her hair and the pink dyed hair strands fell down upon her own lap. Out of response, Kheera pushed her body away from the dagger once again. Unhappy with the struggle Lucas pushed the dragger down into her left knee and turned the blade around, enlarging the wound he created. As Kheera screamed out in pain he grabbed her right arm and tilted it over the flames. There was no time for a breather as the hot red began to lick her skin and left over fur, burning it. Kheera tried her best to fight her way out as more and more screams escaped her lips, but fell too weak against Lucas's strength. He locked his fingers around the skin of her neck in a firm grip and dragged her entire body within the forge.

Hours of torture went by and Kheera ended up in front of the throne where Yuz'satuy was located. Her body was weak, her mind torn down. Lucas was standing towards the side, his eyes darted towards his own feet. His eyes... He didn't look guilty at all. He looked cold and stiff, it was completely unlike him. Their gaze met for a moment before he cowardly shifted away. "Lucas? I want you to eat her face." Yuz'satuy spook calmly towards Lucas. Kheera's eyes widened as she watched Lucas's response. Lucas flinched before carefully speaking back towards the Sith. "I'd rather not, Master." A shout filled the throne room; "It wasn't a question!" He flinched once again before his vision rested upon Kheera.

Unarmed he approached Kheera and crept down over her body, reaching for her face. A shiver of fear ran over Kheera's spine as she watched him crawl closer towards her. Before Lucas could place his teeth in Kheera's cheek she punched her right knee upwards onto his stomach. Her knee connected and he flew backward, towards the side. Each movement was a moment within hell, but thanks to Lucas's earlier training she pushed through her pain limit; stopping him. A small hand to hand fight occurred between the two while Kheera remained on her back. The Sith in the throne room laughed amused at Lucas, amused at the fact he couldn't manage to bite her skin. "She's a fighter, for sure." "No, he's just weak." Kheera gave Lucas's body yet another punch with her unharmed knee before Yuz'satuy sent a Force Crush towards her right leg, destroying the entire bone. The pain became the Cathar too much and her eyes rolled away once again.

When she finally woke up she was getting dragged towards the temple entrance. She blinked a few times to adjust to the sharp blue lights of the sky beneath her. Lucas and Yuz'satuy were standing infront of her, he holding her arm. "Kheera, tell anyone about this and I'll kill both you and Baro Esumi. I know that you have an eye on him." Yuz'satuy's gaze was crushing, her yellow eyes almost burning beneath her shades. Kheera flinched before her eyes darted over towards Lucas. He remained quiet and looked back into Kheera's eyes, any emotions lacking once again. He then continued dragging her into his shuttle and left the Sith temple, to drop her in front of the Jedi outpost. There a few of the best healers recovered her body and cured her skin to allow for her fur to return. Lucas was soon captured by the Jedi. He showed regret for his actions and felt sorry for the harm he caused Kheera. In return, the Jedi and Republic sent him towards Kiffex; to serve his time of guilt.
_Chapter six: The Knight stands up_
_Chapter seven: A new Dark Doctor_
"Kheera... Meditate. Close your eyes", a familiar voice spoke to her. "I want you to lift up those rocks within your meditation." The two unforgettable green eyes peeked at her with a smile that hid the truth. Kheera closed her eyes and began to focus on her meditation, doing what she was told to do. Moments went by in silence as the heat of Mustafar bit her fur but was broken with a sudden firm grip on her neck. The feeling of loneliness and betrayal flushed over her body as she opened her eyes, noticing the fire in front of her that was closing in. The red flower reached up, licking her fur with its warm touch as she could do nothing besides scream.

Kheera's eyes shot open and the air escaped her lugs. While gasping for air, the Cathar pushed herself up, sitting now stiffly in her bed. Her eyes darted around in her dorm room as her heartbeat began to slow down. Xena, her soon to be Padawan, was asleep on the couch with a book on her chest snoring ever so slightly. After a moment of silence, she cupped her hands in front of her eyes, lowering her body into the pillow. Once again the same nightmare; it was always the same. The same green eyes, the same firm grip. The same anxiety and loneliness after she woke up. Maybe that was why she allowed Xena to share the dorm with her, so there was always somebody around. To not let the sadness overtake her mind.

The Cathar's green eyes looked up at the sky on Onderon.
Memories from Ilum and Mustafar echoing through her mind, memories of betrayal, pain. Kheera lowered her gaze to look at the Jedi in the hallway: Their laughs were gone, there was nothing besides painful and burning quietness. Nothing besides the helpless look on their faces. A sigh escaped her lips as she walked over towards a group of Jedi, beaming a warm smile towards them. "Hey now! How about we go and continue our training?" She spoke towards the younger Jedi with a tilted head and a joyfully swinging tail, still smiling as warm as possible. The Jedi order needed hope in these dark days. A source of warmth, a light in the abyss to guide the path. After all, hope is stronger than fear.
After Kheera completed the training, she left the young Jedi and headed over towards the gardens. The gardens were quiet and fulled with Light-sided Force; her favorite place in these days. She used the Lightside to collect her mind and try to find peace within. Within the meditation, she thought to herself; 'How can I help. How can I be more useful?'. And the answer was as clear as day. Through the darkness of the night, Kheera snuck back into the medical bay to unlock the cabinets, the cabinets that held her plan. "Liquid Anaesthetic" read the glass bottle she took off the shelf. For a moment, her eyes remained fixed upon the bottle. Was this the way she wanted to go? Was this her destiny?

"Master Shien! I would like to discus my new fighting style with you!" Kheera's voice was joyful as she looked at her former Master with a smile. "Go on." His voice was collected, as always. Vantas Shien peeked through his signature glasses towards Kheera. "You see, I've created these needles..." The Cathar unwrapped a part of her belt revealing the needle that stored a strange green fluid. "They contain a liquid anesthetic. One needle contains enough to make a grown Sith fall asleep for around five minutes." Kheera continued; "You see, I want to become a "surgeon" on the battlefield." and a smile appeared on Vantas's lips.
Day after day, Kheera practiced with her new weapon. She successfully tested her new technique on two Sith, both who didn't know Detoxify. Within a minute their eyes rolled back and their bodies hit the floor. The Cathar began to show her face more often on the battlefields, as a support but also a fighter. A fighter who knew every single weak point of a humanoid body. But even with this success, a little voice kept whispering in her head once she reached the quietness of her dorm.

Kheera took a handful of Jedi Padawans and Jedi Initiates to Naboo for a fighting lesson. It was supposed to be easy; make them enter one of Naboo's beautiful rivers and learn how to fight underwater. To strengthen their muscles, to prepare them for future fights. And for the longest while, everything went fine. Not a single soul dared to harm the young Jedi as they were floating about, learning how to fight.
And then, without a warning, Xena was pushed away from Kheera with the use of the Force. Kheera managed to retrieve Xena with using the Force herself but was forced to face a familiar figure, Teserax. After moving the young Jedi towards the edge of the lake the Jedi-turned-Sith spoke to her. "Kheera, follow me and I'll leave the young ones alone." His voice was clear as day. "You see, Teserax, I am not leaving behind these young Jedi, all alone on Naboo." While she spoke, she activated the distress signal. She knew that she could fight Teserax, it would be a five versus one after all. But she couldn't risk it. "Then so be it."

"She died because of you."

The fight against Teserax went exactly as she expected. The Jedi were on the winning hand, he couldn't even harm her once. She had the environment to aid her speed. That was when Master Shien, Master Fellius, and Master Fedelta joined the fight, followed by two Sith. One who was unknown to her, the other Sith was apparently named Nokhuam. He carried a sword in his hands and was ready to strike. His light blue eyes fell upon her and overwhelmed her, leaving her confused. Seeing the gap in her defense, Nokhuam used the Force to draw Kheera in and stab her in the chest with his sword. The blade made it's way into her chest but was stopped by the Cathar who stopped it before it could pierce her heart.

Stumbling backward as blood began to drip from her chest, he attacked her once again, this time aiming for her throat. The blade pierced through the layers of skin but was this time stopped by Teserax. "I need her alive!" He shouted towards Nokhuam. That's when Kheera lost her eye on the Jedi around her and used her last energy to leap towards the other side of the river, bringing her to safety. Or so she thought. Teserax joined Kheera and the young Jedi and launched many attacks upon them. With one of these attacks, he managed to chop off one of Xena's legs. But before the Sith could finish his job, the Voice called the Sith back and as quickly as they came, they disappeared. But something felt off as if she lost a part of herself.

In the Medical bay, Kheera stared upwards. The droids were closing off her wounds, her arm was connected to an IV. Xena was beside her in the other bed, recovering from her own wounds. The feeling of losing something kept whispering within her core, it kept haunting her. And that was when her eyes shot open. "Areos!" Kheera screamed out. It was Master Fedelta's lifeforce that was lacking. The powerful Force bond they had; it was slowly disappearing, leaving behind nothing but burning grief. With the wounds poorly closed and driven on adrenaline Kheera and Master Esumi headed to Naboo once again. It was there, where they located Areos's corpse.

Master Esumi carried Areos's body to the ship while Kheera began to hug her decapitated head. Tears fell on the Twi'leks blue yet limp lekku as she held her tightly. Her mother figure, dead because she looked away for all but one second. She shared so many memories with Areos; She was there when Seyal attacked her, Lucas's betrayal, her knighting. In every chapter Areos's face was shown, she wasn't always visible but she was there. And now she was gone, out of Kheera's life."It's my fault..." Kheera softly whispered towards Master Esumi when he returned. The voices slowly began to return as the tears blurred her vision, hissing sharply in her ears.

"Rest in peace and may the Force guide you, mother."
_Chapter eight: The best combo_

_Chapter nine: Leaving for the future_



[Ongoing] Raining cats and dogs
The World is hollow, and yet I have touched the sky [Inactive/Unfished]
Naboo's Beauty [Inactive/Unfinished]
Jetii delenda est [Inactive/Unfinished]

1011001101 .. End data
Kheera Reach
Jedi Knight (+ Sagemaster?)
- Original community; Star Wars roleplay + client Habbo SW'RP.

The community is split into two parts; A client where we do most of our roleplays and the forum, where we store our information. However, I digged deep into our forum to locate everything about Kheera, including her progress and so on. Due to the forum being closed off for people without an account, I'll show them through screenshots. But, just in case someone feels like checking out if I'm not lying and/or editing I'll link the original links.

- Evidence of ranks:

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