Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kenna Raine

Name: Kenna Raine
Age: 26

- tough as nails
- Loyal
- Street Smarts

- Anger management issues
- Closed off about self. Does job and that's it


Kenna was born to a 'woman of the night' and as such never knew her father. She never really cared to know whom he was either. A man whom used woman the way he did was no good to her and she cared not to know him. The young woman wasn't particularly fond of what her mother did but Kenna wouldn't dare say anything. They were poor and mother was just doing what she had to.

As she grew up Kenna did what she had to in order to help her mother. She skipped out of the school thing in order to wait tables to make a bit of money. Learning from those whom darkened the clubs doors. In her opinion it had been the best way to learn. She needed street smarts if she was going to make it and not be like her dear mother.

Kenna learned to fight from one of the nicer patrons of the club which helped her on many occasions with the rough crowd. It wasn't long before she was the one called upon to break up fights acting more like a bouncer than an actual waitress or bartender.

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