Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Kazdaya
FACTION: Witches of Dathomir
RANK: Initiate
SPECIES: Hybrid (Vahla / Tera Vampyr)
AGE: 120
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.64 m
WEIGHT: 61 kg
EYES: Silver - grey
HAIR: Lighter brown, blonde highlights
SKIN: Tan Caucasian

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum)
Strength: Due to the fact that she hasn’t yet had a lot of physical training, and because her skeletal system is made of cartilage, she’s not very physically strong.
Coagulation: Because of her species, her blood doesn’t have the proper cells for it to coagulate properly.
Charisma: She has a very charismatic personality, so people tend to get along with her well.

Kazdaya was born on Dantooine, to a ‘rich’ family. Before long however, it became apparent to the young woman that she did not view life the way her family did. They wished for her to stay around them at all times, the way they themselves had been taught. But before long she found that she had a calling for the Force, with no training in its practices.

Then she found that a Clan wished to teach her on Dathomir. But of course, in a family where the only thing that mattered was the closeness to ones relatives, she was forbidden to go and learn so far from home. So she left, sneaking into the night with the foreknowledge that she would be disassociated and likely banished from her family home.

However about the time she arrived on Dathomir, the people she was seeking had mysteriously disappeared. Now she is forced to find someone else to teach her.






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