Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Katelyn Thanewulf

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
Birth Name: Katelyn Thanewulf
Preferred Name: Kat
Alias: Fanus
Role: Dark Jedi Apprentice
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Race: Human
Eye Color: Hazel Brown
Complexion: Pale White
Physical Build: 5'11,
Hair Color: Dark Chocolate Black with occasional Brown Stripes
Style of Dress: Dark Colors
Physical Features:
. Scar across right side of mid-section
. Long scar reaching from left shoulder-blade to the bottom right of the back
. Long Scar running from above the right ankle to below the right thigh
. Left Arm is Mechanical
. Black Dragon tattoo on right shoulder-blade
. Black Bats tattoo on right side of chest
Most Striking/Memorable Physical Features:
. Left Arm is Mechanical
Vocabulary Use: Intellectual

+ Immunity to the Cold - Being practically immune to one of the elements is a great strength but it takes a long course of time to fully develop, to which the cold no longer effects you entirely, though it will always take a toll on your state of fatigue.

- Ambition - Ambition can blind people of the true goal in life, it can stop them from realizing their true potential and can halt their progress to even more power than they already possibly have.

- Internally Conflicted - Conflict is dangerous in it's self, but being conflicted with one's own emotions and mental state is like a volcano, just warming up to the final snap before everything breaks.

- Rage - Fear is the pathway to Anger, Anger is the pathway to Rage, Rage is the pathway to the utter destruction of one's self.

- Darkside - The darkside is a pathway to many separate destinations which can grow a person in power, or slowly break them down from the inside out, even make them lose who they once were, becoming a new identity entirely.

- Young - Being young is both a blessing and curse, a blessing in which your body is fully capable of physical
prowess over time. A curse in which you are blind to the galaxy and don't know what is going to happen within the future.

- Alcohol/Beer Problem - Once you get addicted to something, it hard to get away from that addiction..especially if it makes you feel as if you are in heaven!
. Ambition
. Ignorant
Critical Flaws:
. Ambition

Katelyn's hair is near the color of a thick dark chocolate color, making her hair appear to be a dark color in-between black and brown. The overhanging part of Kat's hair is the same color as the rest of her hair save for lines of varying size of light brown running through the overhanging hair, making this part of her hair stand out the most. The overhanging part of Kat's hair is by far the longest and thickest part of her hair along with it hanging over her left eye most, if not practically all of the time. The rest of Kat's hair is rather thin against her skin but still thick enough in which the skin under her hair is not visible.

Katelyn's ears are angular in shape and small in size, appearing rather small against her head while in reality they are the 'perfect' size. Piercings run along the outer curve of both of her ears, ending in a total of two. Both are upon the lower outer curve of the ear.

Katelyn's eyebrows are a sharp angular shape, following the form of a feline. Sharp, dangerous and greatly predatory. Her eyebrows are pointed at the edges aiming away from her eyes and towards the hair. In short, the outer part of the eyebrows and not the part facing inward towards the bridge of the nose and other eyebrows.

Katelyn's eyes are a thick hickory with hints of mahogany in the outer iris which results in a pinkish tint to her hazel eyes. The inner eyes are the thick hickory color with small splotches of dark and light brown through them. The part closest to the pupil is a dark coco color, gradually getting darker as it nears the pupil. The outer pupil is a mahogany color with thin wisps of hickory and hazel splotches spread out along them.

Katelyn's body is tall and thin, but it doesn't lack muscle. The highest concentration of muscle is in Katelyn's arms and abdomen area along with other concentration's of muscle mass throughout the rest of the body, but these other parts are rather minor in the amount of muscle they have.

Mental Disorder's:
. Multiple Personality Disorder
. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


"There are two sides to every coin, just like having two masks to hide behind"

At first glance, Katelyn is often considered cold, heartless, and without feeling. Sometimes even an Angel of Death to bring down chaos upon everything they see. Given the way she appears in uniform, it is easy to see how one could think this, especially by the metal mask she wears. Though, it is all a mask...few know who she really is on the inside. Instead, all people focus on is the appearance. Which mostly consists of a mask of metal along with a cloak of shadow and armor warped of metal and shadow. What truly is under the mask, is a dominating broken young woman, seeking purpose and the goal to bring justice to the galaxy.

Most wouldn't assume Katelyn as a person with any type of Mental Illness, seeing as how she appears to be a care-free young woman with ambition. They were wrong. Katelyn suffers from a Multiple Personality Disorder, or MPD for short. This causes her to have two different personalities. The first, and most common, is the Katelyn people see every single day. While the second one, which is mostly rare but common on certain occasions, is usually violet and cold, as if all emotion had left her body. When this happens, Katelyn has little to no memory of what happened. Of the parts she does remember, they are usually in fragments and come when sleeping or even when awake.

Katelyn also suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD for short. This can cause her to to most notably, isolate herself from others and even hostility at times. It also causes Insomnia. When sleeping is possible, she will face nightmares of the event and even of the worst case scenario she images could happen to her and her friends. Luckily, this doesn't happen to her frequently. It only happens when she survives something terrible or has to do something terrible.

Those people who actually know Katelyn, will know that she is actually a person who is willing to help those in need and one who tries her best to be humorous along with kind. Though, she doesn't typically socialize with people as she is kind of a 'un-social butterfly' if that even is a thing. It's not that she doesn't enjoy others company, it's that she get's shy easily save for when on duty. Other than those in the First Order, she knows close to no people outside in the deep galaxy. At times, Katelyn can come off as 'nuts' or 'crazy' due to both of her mental disorders. This is one reason that makes her rather uncomfortable around people.

Adopted Family-Members:
. Adopted Parents - Known
. Amanda Girdel - Security Enforcer - Deceased
. Jacob Girdel - Doctor - Deceased
Home Planet: Un-Identified Settlement, Hoth
Secret Hide-out: Jakku
Current Residence: Unknown
[Revamp in Progress]

Inner Journey:
. To help those in Need
. Power
. Pride
. Fearful that She is Weak
. Fearful that She is doesn't have the strength to do what is necessary
. Fearful of herself
Wants to be Remembered For:
[Revamp in Progress]

[][][] - Voice in Mask - Regular

[][][] - Voice outside of Mask - Regular

[][][] - Voice outside of Mask - Split-Personality

Appearance Links:
. One
. Two
. Three
. Four
. Five

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
(Hatred - Disrespect - Disinterest - Acquaintance - Interest - Respect - Friends - Crush - Love - Family)
[member="Josiah Denko"] >>> Sure, he cut off my arm which pissed me off and caused me to mentally breakdown temporarily, but eventually I forgave him plus...he's my father.​
[member="Gray Raxis"] >>> He's nice and all, and I do respect him but...ohh never mind it's too embarrassing.​

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