Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kara, the "modfied" doird



NAME: Kara; BD-3457
RANK: Luxury Droid, slicer
AGE: 1 year old (in terms of when built and activated)

SEX: Female (though technically has no gender)
HEIGHT: 5’ 5”
WEIGHT: 200 Ilbs (given metal body)
HAIR: None
SKIN: Silver metal covering



Above average speed, strength and stamina compared to organics
Hacking capabilities

Not durable as other droids so easily damaged
Altered emotional programming makes her easily confused or fooled

Metal body made to look similar to a female human’s. A modified luxury droid with an altered appearance compared to others, making her stand out a little. In some cases she may or may not actually ware clothing as a means of “fitting” among organics.

Grellet Choven was a highly gifted Rodian technology wizard who, at a young age, misused his gifts for slicing. He’d become unsettled with the outside world and the idea of needing to get a job when it was easier to route money by staling it from separate accounts. He had made a living as both his own professional hacker as well as selling out his skills to some of the local gangs around his town.

But, luck anyone else, Grellet began to feel lonely and wanted to be with someone. The problem was that Grellet had terrible experience with women in the past which perceived his idea that “real women” weren’t his type. This opted him to buy a luxury droid which he easily secured. However Grellet felt she was too “common”, looking like the others, and began work on altering her. After months of modification eventually the new droid was created, which he named Kara.

Time went on and Kara acted as any luxury droid would for Grellet while he continued his slicing abilities. At one point he’d programmed those same abilities into her to use in helping with some of his jobs; no one suspecting a luxury droid if he was ever caught. However as time went on Grellet became more and more attached to Kara, seeing her as more than just a droid. Often he would ask her more personal questions about her true feelings and the like, which she always brought back to her programming. With this Grellet had begun to download programs into Kara in order to make her more “real”.

He put emotions like curiosity and an understanding of humor into her in order to make her feel more real. But with as much emotions he put into her the more it alerted Kara into a more robotic state. In reality her basic programming was trying to reject the emotions while they were still being downloaded into her, making her more-or-less an unfished slate with emotions she had locked within her memory banks. This had saddened Grellet as he’d made her less real than he wanted; not to mention he began ignoring his agreements to the gang members in order to focus on Kara.

It soon dawned on Grellet to try and unlock those emotions through experience with her, starting with love. He tried to make her fall in love with him but all she knew was that she was loyal to him because he had programmed her.

On the same day he tried to make her understand love one of the gangs had arrived to collect on “unsettled debts.” Grellet had fought, using a hidden pistol he had, while ordering for Kara to save herself. Only understand the need to protect her owner she attacked the members. One however managed to shot her and critically wound her without destroying her. Grellet had managed to kill him before being shot himself.

As he bleed to death Kara had come to him and watched as he died, he asking if she loved him. She did not answer, not fully understanding it, but one emotion had been unlocked at that point: loss. She felt the loss of her owner and did not know what to do. From there Kara wondered out into the streets with a critically damage wound in her artificial chest without any idea of what to do.

She is still wandering about without any sense of who she truly is other than a droid without a purpose.



The Great and Powerful

Hi there... FRAME's a semi-omniscient AI with no purpose. Want to attempt to teach him emotions...

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