Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Justice Munitions

Corporation Name: Justice

Headquarters: Soceras

Locations: Dal'Bor, Soceras
Operations: Design and build armor, weaponry, and tactical gear for Justice Shipping

Rationale: Dal'Bor has long been a hotbed for crime and vice. Part of these things James had no problem taking over, such as the massive gambling rings, as well as a majority of the major drug smuggling mafias based out of the city. However, James was not satisfied. He continued to hear rumors of an underground arm's maker ring within the city. After a protracted hunt and gang war, this elusive ring of weapon smiths were still uncaught.

James decided to change tactics, instead he offered to let the leader of this weapon-making work for James at a much higher rate. Blinded by greed, this leader agreed. When they met at last, James tried to have his forces arrest the man, the ensuing gunfight resulted in the weapon maker's death. With a shrug of his shoulders, James sent his own goons to begin a search and seizure of what remained of this man's assets. Along the way, they hired on a few more of the more skilled weapon makers, incarcerating others, and killing those who resisted.

Tier: 2

Justice Munitions, located within the glorious capital city of Dal'Bor, are focused on one thing only; the creation of small arms and armor. The majority of their employees are either the destitute of the galaxy or freed slaves. This was all for the purpose of James' socialistic experiment of employing, training, making people better through providing opportunities for employment and education. They operate currently out of the sprawling city's Warehouse district. Here they assemble and store the designs that James Justice issues to them from the Angel's Den, which is the city's unofficial capital.

While many of those who work for Justice Munitions have menial low-skill work, many have been educated to become welders or the like. Those who are both industrious and dedicated are allowed to become "master smiths" who build limited to unique grade weaponry by themselves that is later to be auctioned off.

Most of their raw materials such as durasteel, plasteel, rare metals, and the like come from SocMin Fed, Justice Shipping's mining subsidiary. Upon request or better field management, some of the employees who work for SocMin Fed and those who work for Justice Munitions do trade between the two businesses.

Subsidiaries: N/A

Parent Corporation: Justice Shipping

Primary Source: None

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