Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just a quick question.

For this character i need a world that is prejudiced against force users, to a degree where it would not be unheard of for people to be disowned by their families for being force sensitive, is there a world where this is possible?


Disney's Princess
[member="Tyris Hayes"] - Nothing comes especially to mind. However? This kind of scenario can work on just about any world in the galaxy. I mean. Force Users get blamed for just about everything that goes wrong in the universe. Always have. Always will. And... It's not too far from the truth either. Especially by the locals. So much so, that you wouldn't really need a whole planet of stigmatized people to get the outcome you want. Just about any planet in the galaxy will do.

Who invaded up Coruscant? FUs
Who causes all the problems in the galaxy? FUs
Who blew up Corellia? idk. FUs probably.

See. Works like a charm. :D :p
[member="Tyris Hayes"], [member="Jorus Merrill"], [member="Lorelei Darke"]

I can confirm what Jorus and Lorelei said.

In Chaos canon, Atrisia has been heavily prejudiced against Force-users. Basically the average Atrisian saw them as dangerous witches and at best distrusted them. At worst, unpleasant stuff such as lynchings happened.

This was at the time when it was still the Atrisian Empire and claimed to be the successor to the Galactic Empire. Force-users had to register with the government and were monitored, though still allowed to pursue professions. Groups such as Jedi and Sith were banned and considered dangerous cults given the destruction both cause.

At the same time, there was an organisation called the Inquisition. It was an extremely secret group comprised of Force-users, most of whom were forcibly recruited, charged with keeping Atrisia's local Force-using population in check and protecting the Empire against foreign ones. Discipline was extremely tight, training unforgiving. It also acted as the Emperor's personal hit squad. Since its existence was a closely guarded secret, Inquisitors had cover identities in Imperial agencies such as Imperial Intelligence. 'Disruptive' Forcers tended to vanish without a trace and were not heard of again. At the same time, the Inquisition also protected Forcers from mob violence.

Due to IC events, the Atrisian Empire eventually merged with the Fringe Confederation, but maintained internal autonomy. This is quite ironic since Fringe was dominated by Forcers and the exact antithesis of the Atrisian system, but that's another matter. Anyhow, AE's Emperor (Akio Kahoshi) was blown up by a terrorist and his cousin Madeline took over the throne since she'd been named his heir.

However, she launched an Anti-Forcer Purge, which also resulted in the Inquisition being disbanded and most of its members murdered. Think Medieval witch hunts and concentration camps. AE was Space North Korea for a while, then Madeline was assassinated by the former Grand Inquisitor Mirien and her former minion Naamah. Chaos broke out.

Some time after that the One Sith did a dominion and took over Atrisia. I'm not involved there, so I can't say how things are now. I suppose cultural prejudices remained, but the commoners obviously couldn't act on their feelings! However, if you want your char to be from a society that was traditionally heavily prejudiced against Forcers, Atrisia is a good homeworld. I have two Forcer chars from the planet, and my evil HRD helped with the Purge.

Sorry for the info dump. Hope the info is helpful. :)

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